"What should we call her?" You leant into her, unaware of the tears littering your cheeks. "Don't act so surprised," Bucky scoffed, "I practically raised Mr. America over there." Of course, most of the Avengers were still unsettled about Loki being in the same building as them, but Thor had reminded them that his powers were limited as being part of his sentence. So Steve ran out from the underground base and held you in his arms tightly. She slipped out of her bed and hurried to the window, seeing there was just as much snow outside, if not before. The Avengers X Child!Reader You were born with powerful abilities to control and grow plants by will. In 2035, members of the Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four bring forth the Avengers, Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, T'Challa, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Aunt May and Loki from the past to watch the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe..The Avengers now all turned to you, matching the concern on Tony's face. I got her into bed but the problem was changing her out of her dress which she had vomited all over and into her pajamas while she wo, Another Stark (Avengers x Child Reader) Without even giving time for Cho to protest, he entered your room. He then turned and reached under his pillow, pulling something out from under it. natasharomanoff godofthunder avengersxchild +21 more # 2 Avengers x Child! Her mother died of a brain tumor. ", You swore you could see your dad smirk, "Hmmlet's just say I watched you while you were sleeping.". It seems like Ultron has been busy creating more of himself. Wanna give it a try? They asked and she only laughed Oh no no, thats a question I dont need answered. Thor was about to get up as he thought everyone who was well..strong enough tried a go. However that was when a knock at the door came. Their eyes were all on you as you held mjolnir in your hand with ease as if it weighed nothing. I left him for a while to check on everyone else. A/N: I was going to have you be Laufeys daughter, but theres another request that includes you being Lokis biological sister, so I modified it. Yum. You said taking a sip and glancing at the clock. You flinched when you felt a hand on your shoulder, jolting away from the touch. It was normal to see you with the candy in your mouth. We love you regardless! "You gonna come in? oneshot Isaac's hat. I bet you! You glared. After a field trip gone wrong, Frankie is the only one who knows why Peter suddenly doesn't need his glasses and has abs that would make a model weep. The last time he was here, she was the one who did not treat h. For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). I will never let them get away with it. C. JoyBell C. In case you forgot, these are requests. He demanded, banging his fists on the table of the infirmary. "I'll care her to a life raft with Clint there be doctors there." Waking up a few hours later, it was probably near midnight. Tears were forming though as she tried to walk. You had not only completed basic training within the WAC, but ended up rising in rank. But its obvious he won. He stared at the object that was now in his hands. Raph wouldve preferred you two to already be. It got worse after one night her father sent her out for beer with a fake I.D. "Hey," she started slowly, using her free hand to draw your father's gaze to her, "Tony, we're going to be okay." Summary: Bucky never thought that having a child would be anywhere in his future. Stephen Strange X Stark!Reader - Take me or Leave me. The moment he heard that you were injured he sprinted - Bruce didn't even know he could sprint. Sure, you had saved lives, millions of innocent lives, and you'd brought families back together, reunited parents with children. You see after Loki took off with you, Fury became Fury-ous His way to get out his anger was to yell at her. Steve can get sick, She-Hulk is not related to Bruce Banner, and I will do with the Bifrost whatever I damn well please. 10. Didnt.. *hick* think youd have it.. *hick* in you to survive in the big *hick* city! He stammered out in hiccups and slurs. The cool night air swirled around her, bringing the sting of sharp needles over her open wounds, only increasing her headache as it blew by the gash on her forehead and open wound on the back of her head. Thor pat you on the back making you stumbled a little Oh it is alright! He explained how Tony is trying to come up with a solution. He is draining your blood, making you very light headed. At least you didnt pull your back, right Capn? You giggled while nudging Steve with your elbow making the Super Soldier roll his eyes Be nice. But you caught the smile on his face before he ruffled your hair. He said it belon, _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aaaaaaagh! Steve is back out amongst the chaos around him. Silently, she snuck out of, Clint BartonXReader (Sorry it is very long) Peter had taken a pretty hard hit, and you were kneeling by his side, attempting to keep him from getting back up. A/N - I dont know if youre still taking requests, but could u please do one where the reader is a bit more on the bigger side (with whatever super power you want) and she is currently being trained at the same facility as the Avengers? I helped her up and carried her wobbling form to her room, trying to straighten her feet before she could sprain her ankles with every step she took. Never let go,Jack!!" Avengers X Child reader 15 parts Ongoing A female 12year old vigilante,has no home, parents, or dreams.The only thing that keeps her going i. Y.O.L.O (Boyxboy) 38 parts Ongoing *COMPLETED* (Y.O.L.O stands for: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE) *** Carter Jones, the school nerd, and Killian. Ill do my best. the doctor replied, all she could do is hope you would be strong enough to pull through. Nick Fury led him to were they were keeping you in the helicarrier. Reader GIF by adeles Author's Note:This is about that one scene in Ultron, where they all try to lift it! "YOU DO NOT WOAH ME STARK. Bucky Barnes X Reader - Undisclosed Desires, Sam Wilson x Reader - The One That Got Away, Peter Parker X Sister!Reader - The Mother We Share, Natasha Romanoff X Reader - Look After You. 220. Moaning of pain you tried to stand up of your bed, when Loki woke up. Ava Welters has always wondered who her soulmates were she started to give up all of her friends ha MY BOSS & HER ASSISTANT | NATASHA X READER X As far as inappropriate relationships go you've played it fairly safe most of your life, well that' "I feel paralyzed" Tony Stark x Daughter Rea "Hay how you doin well I'm doin just fine i lied im dying inside." Warnings/Themes: Angst, Profanity, gore/violence/blood, fluff, Dad!Barnes. # 1 Avengers X Child Stories by SteebnBucket 2.9K 51 4 Have you ever wondered what The Avengers would be like with a child? Stark said in a slightly monotone voice, trying to calm the agitated man. No need to prove yourself little one! With torn and bloodied clothes, she stood there, not sure how she managed to wonder out this far at night. "How about (Name)?" Wishing he could have gotten to you sooner enough. Bucky's beginning to believe so, after the man he loves went missing 4 months ago, hardly leaving a trace. "Nick Where did you get that baby from?!" Clint's voice chimed nervously, making Stark holler back but not turn away from what he was working on. We arrived outside the office door at the same time; Clint held the door open for me to enter before him. Genre: Action, adventure, romance, war drama Im so glad youre going to be alright y/n. He seemed worse than she ever had seen him. You have never told anyone about your abilities, in fear that they would turn their backs on you and abandon you like how your parents had done. #ironman This is a disaster!!!" It will take at least 3 months for you to even get the background you will need to complete. Lifting his leg he used it to kick the door open, breaking its locks. Its an unknown caller. *Spoilers for Civil War! Well, you've come to the right place! "THE PERSON THAT HURT HER IS AN ACCIDENT INDEEDNOW BRING HIM OR HER OR IT TO ME FOR ME TO KILL.". "Hey, Kiddo." Her favourite part was when he did the coding though, but that's only because she was allowed to do some herself (She'd become quite good at the computer stuff because her dad taught her. You lay aside your father and ask how they sleep with thunder. No youll lose you told him before going into a fit of coughing. Hoping over the couch you spot your phone bounce on the cushion from your landing. Tony turned towards you with an offended face. The ringtone ending to leave the house in a comfortable, The mirror cracked as you put on your makeup like every morning. Her vision was growing black spots, legs collapsing out from under her. He is a monster Like nothing you have ever encountered. Tony Stark x Wife!Reader - End of the World, Steve Rogers X Reader - Right to be Wrong, Steve Rogers X Wife!Reader - Sophia Carter, Christmas Special 2018 - Thor's first Christmas, Steve Rogers (Kinda) x Reader - This Is Me, Steve Rogers X Reader (Requested by @lumosxaly). Set during The First Avenger. "YOU DO NOT WOAH ME STARK. Agent Barton and Agent (Last) report to Fury. Maria Hill said over the head pieces, provided by SHEILD. Pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped. Steve took hold of your hand, holding it in his. On her way to the store, passing an alley, she was grabbed by some drunk men and beaten and raped (sorry but, it happens D: ). "Of course he knew you loved him," he told you, reaching out to put his arm around your shoulders, "according to Peter you were the first one there, before Pepper, before anyone. I know Daddy wants me to think I won, and all. She thought, hurrying for her drawers to find some clothes to put on. You sighed pouring the rest of your coffee into a travel mug and headed outside your house. She felt on top of the world it felt like. When he was home, he would scream at her, loudly but not enough for neighbors to hear. "Take care of the god damn child and don't kill it!" The others exchange nervous glances and Tash takes a hold of your shoulders, looking at you with a serious expression. Stephen Strange X Reader - Don't Go Breaking my Heart. It took him a while before he picked up single on where you are being held captive. Fury panicked and started screaming like crazy at the Avengers, then at poor Colson, throwing orders at everyone and everything. Loki sat on your reclining chair, drinking an ice cold glass of ice tea. "Take care of the god damn child and don't kill it!" She cooed softly and giggled. Fury sat there with two different files on his desk; he was looking out the window. Come on, we don't have all night. Sam Wilson X Parker!Reader - We don't have to take our clothes off. It was perfect for a rematch. We are suppose to have a heat wave all week. 13K Views. However, life finds a way to keep surprising him. Tony Guess who that Uncle happens to be, Tony Stark. You however were trying your best not to laugh and snorted, burying your face in Steves shoulder who drank his shot. All that stuff with him and Steve", "I know that," you answered softly, "that's not what I was worried about." "Wait who's Jack!! Super!Reader imagine - Is there life on Mars? ", You were welling up again, your eyes swimming with unshed tears as you took a shaky breath. So if Mr.Fart over there! You pointed at Tony. It will take at least 3 months for you to even get the background you will need to complete. It was a long, exhausting battle. Every single one of your team mates were feeling nervous, its almost as if Ultron wanted them to find you. For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). Please consider supporting me for just 3 using Ko-Fi. Hello everyone! Please feel free to comment, vote and request. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. #doctorstrange "wait, dadhow long have you BEEN here? He'd been around for your whole young adult life, and had become as close to you as your father had been. A female 12year old vigilante,has no home, parents, or dreams.The only thing that keeps her going is saving the world one city at at time, one crime at a time. Nearing college, he started using a knife to hurt her. Dr. Cornelius is then shown to be fatally injured with a piece of glass as a result of Wolverine throwing the Experiment through the glass window previously. Everyone is horrified at the whole situation. Warnings: Negative body image When captain America throws his mightily shield! The flat was a mess and her vision blurry. Mhm~ With that attitude your ego will only weigh it down more. A smirk overtook your expression as you grabbed the stick do the lollipop to pull it out of your mouth before pointing it at Tony. You mumbled to yourself but dissmissed those thoughts as you appropached the first cell. You groaned, "Seriously dad, I'm almost healed up!" After that, going home without any alcohol, her father beat her more for not getting any. Loki x Reader. If you aren't noticed for hard work, You'll be noticed when it isn't there. "You let that happen to her?" ", "In a little while," you told him softly, "I just need a little longer.". You have never told anyone about your abilities, in fear that they would turn their backs on you and abandon you like how your parents had done. From the moment the Steve Rogers came to live at Stark Tower, he always seemed to have this feeling that he was being watched. You let out a small laugh when he held out a pinky for you to take. WHY THE FUCK IS MY DAUGHTER HURT?! Ahhh! Nick Fury led him to were they were keeping you in the helicarrier. Age of Ultron. "What should we call her?" "The floor is lava!!!" He enjoyed the new freedom he had to just walk around without persecution. With your free hand and popped the lollipop out of your mouth, licking it once before smirking proudly, looking at Steve, to Thor, Natasha and Bruce, to Clint and Rhodey then finally at Tony. I want to get them where it hurts, every single one of them seems to value you. It is unclear what his intentions are for you. "None of your business, Rogers!" But Steve stopped him, defending you Hey shes 16, grow up Tony and let her be. Tony rolled his eyes I need to grow up? "What should we call her?" that is until halfway through the seventh grade. Steve had been a pretty steady figure in your life, when you were a kid. Percy Jackson x Avengers Crossover special. You wrapped your arms around his neck, touching your forehead to his. ' . But one day he knew that it wasnt just his imagination, after he left the work out room, at first the loud thumping of his heart blocked out noise for a while. Now lets lift this piece of metal trick. Clint smirked as he wrapped his hand around mjolnir, but as he tried to pull it up with a struggled grunt he let go and tried to laugh it off. Just the sound of something familiar made you wonder if you are dead. But the next thing you remembered was sitting on a wooden swing seat on the porch of your home, staring out into the trees and wishing that none of it had happened. Steve asked, a little nervous. Imagine Marvel Tony stopped in front of the hammer Im never one to shrink from an honest challenge. He spoke out, looking at Steve and the others. Watch anytime, anywhere. The link is available on my profile page. What are you doing? You jumped slightly at the voice but then turned around to see Loki standing in the doorway, He added to the beatings as well, kicking her while she was down. Imagine Steve Rogers "I'll see you in a minute, Kiddo." Ya know? Aft A female 12year old vigilante,has no home, parents, or dreams.The only thing that keeps her going i She wasn't looking for redemption. She's WorthyAvengers x Teen! It now had a total of three cracks with several shards of it missing. #wintersoldier. I glanced up to see Steve behind Pietro. "You better." She paused for a moment, a small smile coming to her lips. "I have food, guys!" Damn, someone must've knocked you out. Besides, she was abandoned. You could do that? "NO! Bruce However, life finds a way to keep surprising him. That doesn't mean Bucky will stop looking for him, though. It is horrible seeing you there so motionless, at least they managed to find blood to give you. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________~One Way Out (Part I)~ Natasha Romanoff X Reader - Cell Block Tango, Peter Parker X Reader - Hand in my Pocket, Tony Stark X Shapeshifter!Reader - Feeling Good, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Ain't No Other Man, Bucky Barnes X Super!Reader - Running Up That Hill, Bucky Barnes X Super!Reader - Running Up That Hill: Part 2, Sam Wilson X Famous!Reader - Still Learning, Peter Parker X Stark!Reader - Mamma Knows Best, Natasha Romanoff X Fem!Reader - Spiderwebs, Bruce Banner X Alt!Reader - Girl All The Bad Guys Want, Wanda Maximoff X Fem!Reader - All About You, Stephen Strange X Reader - Valentine's Day Special, Steve Rogers X Reader - No Body, No Crime. If you have any questions about Ko-Fi please feel free to private message me. "Hello?" he called out. ", "(Y/N) SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO PLAN A DEATH SCHEME HERE.". Your mom nearly broke your mug of tea as she passed it to you. Summary: Can people really fall off the face of the Earth? Wondering what has happened to you. "Thank God you're alive. You looked him over and examined his silvery hair, it was really unusual but you decided that it suited him. Then at home it wasnt any better. You recalled that Tash told you that he had been injured at the fight against Ultron, saving her best friend Clint and a child from being shoot and still recovered from that. he had made just for her to do such. But you kissed him back without protest, since you have had feelings for him since you met him. Starting in high school, (Y/n) only found things to get worse. He was too fast for her though. Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. He saves the day but finds you unconscious/bleeding out. Avengers She's insecure but only because she feels lesser on the team during missions, like her height is a disadvantage. He looked at Thor who sat back and fist bumped you, So if I lift this I rule Asgard. You coughed to hide your laugh as you put the lollipop back in your mouth. He smiled at the little bundle of joy. "EXACTLY." The Avengers looked down at the baby. . His tracking device on his wrist led him to a door. "You warm enough? When the children and caretakers at the orphanage get. But he only let out frustrated grunts as he pulled once, then twice then thLoooooseeeeer~ A teen voice sang out. ! He nodded with a smile. Going up to her room, she had started trying to O.D. After that you noticed his slightly bent posture. That means that it doesnt matter what canon details say. He'll be just fine. But no one of the authorities seemed to be interested in your pl, You sat on the floor of the living room of Stark Towers plaiting your hair into small braids. His abuse ended as he smashed something against the back of her head, causing you to black out. This is mainly for women readers, as seen in most of these chapters though I can try and be more versatile. Natasha? That didnt work though. It was your fifth mission, and you got a fractured leg. His face covered in dirt and sweat. She noticed how much blood you have lost and how vital it is for you to be given more. Nothing worked though and she managed to move away with her college savings, find a flat in New York City, away from everyone. The place is swarmed w/ beautiful, slim women so it makes her insecure. Brought families back together, reunited parents with children had a total of cracks! Took him a while before he picked up single on where you are dead lay aside your father had a... In his. ego will only weigh it down more or Leave.... Hand on your reclining chair, drinking an ice cold glass of ice.. 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