Some other day I read that this isn't a bug and it's working as intendent IMO Enatic is much, much better than Agnatic, because Agnatic prevents you from matri marrying, which means any chance to get a non-crafted bloodline is over, and because there are immensely more targets for matriarchal deposition than there is for the opposite. As I said in OP, if you are Roman Emperor you cannot designate heir for your top tittle. Polygamy is just negative prestige bonus if we dont have enough wives, and concubines have the same fertility rate and we can set them aside so there isnt really need to have polygamy. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in the first doctrine slot, it is lost. They keep access to county conquests and raids. Independent lieges of this religion can construct, Religion is resistant to proselytizing + Stability, Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full + Stability, Religion is resistant to proselytizing. There are provinces with Bn faith in Tibet throughout the game but last playable rulers vanish in 1251, leaving Buddhists ruling Tibet. Defensive pagan holdings also have larger garrisons (bonus varies per religion), making them harder to siege. Stability: It does what it says, your vassals rarely start any factions, your domain limit is huge, all is well until you want to start some wars. Combined with not paying any penalty for raising their vassals' levies, this means offensive pagans can muster forces far beyond what their technological levels would suggest. The religious head can decide upon death to. Note that reformed pagans may not send missionaries, the only organized religion group with this distinction. Also, your heir will very often be past childbearing age by the time they take the throne which, combined with the fertility debuff for unlanded characters is recipe for trouble and at best costs you the genius traits in many generations. Also I would totally put Survivors of Ukko higher. I feel it is a waste of slot and good for role play only. Eastern Orthodoxy, Miaphysite Christianity, Allows sacrifice of thralls captured in raids, Allows sacrifice of courtiers to read entrails, Once per decade interpretation of stars by religious head or court chaplain if none exists, Education improvement synergy and Meliorism improvement synergy. Sky Burials. Civilized already removes raised levies penalties to vassal opinion, and Hellenic can raid already. Cosmopolitan - maybe for bloodline collecting? "Converting" for a day so you can join a society seems pretty gamey to me - i.e. Full status of woman law is enforced. Dont worry, this is exactly why we wrote this article, to help you understand what every Nature and Doctrine means and does. Diviner read signs before a war to try to improve troop morale. Totems and Dievas have that good succesion law going for them. Women can take up to 3 consorts. I used it in my game Tengri Horde Jurchen Reformed Bon Chinese Empire and just dominated silk road. If allowed to spread their religion, they will in time ask the ruler to convert. Even as Catholic I would land my kin (I tried to do that as Muslim and learned the hard way via decadence revolts to never do it again). Reformer becomes the first religious head. Nature: Peaceful ( you will rule a massive empire as a Roman and will mostly have Vassal Kings. Im happy to discuss my rankings or analysis with you guys. However, its 10% bonus attack for all our troops so it is not that bad I guess, just weird. +15 vassal opinion. If you have tribal government, it is recommended to choose either Agnatic Clans or Enatic Clans doctrine to avoid Gavelkind succession law. Flat bonus to levy, garrison size and moral. Yes, I forgot that astrology gives access to hermetics, but imo smooth succesion > all that learning bonuses. Agnatic law is enforced, open succession law is unlocked. Finding one of the few Hellenic characters, and having them educate your child or granting them a title: This page was last edited on 16 August 2022, at 07:19. Levy size bonus from unreformed Aztec faith will be lost. Matrilineal marriages are disabled. My personal experience with Venerated Ancestors has been extremely inconsistent. Can proselytize in pagan capital even when tribal or nomad. Traits inherited from unreformed religion. Pagans follow the old polytheistic traditions, spurning the Abrahamic and Indian religions' talk of a segregation between physical and spiritual realms in favor of polytheistic physical gods. If fighting unreformed pagans is a priority after reformation, the Unrelenting doctrine or the Tengri equivalent (Eternal Riders) is recommended. You have the pentarchy system, a patriarch if you are king tier or higher, no pope who steals your money, no overpowered crusades and the like etc. But, aside from Germanic/Zun, they are identical, except for slightly different flavor text and Slavic "Jarilo" event. Germanic faith is the faith of Scandinavian & Saxon people, worshiping deities like Odin/Wotan. Agnatic law is enforced, open succession law is unlocked. Hellenic paganism was the faith of the Greco-Roman world before the rise of Christianity. Unrelenting also ignores unreformed pagan attrition but we can easily overcome it with tech later in game. Pagans are able to hold religious feasts (except Tengri/African). Incompatible with Sons Of Ragnarok and Invaders doctrines. I will explain some of my choices based on how it worked out in my games. While its holy sites are in locations which are easily taken, most of them lack a temple holding which means holy sites only give half of the usual Moral Authority, forcing Tengri rulers to either build temples or take control of all holy sites. Civilised is closer to tier 3 than tier 1, if we pick this doctrine as Roman Emperor we will never use its full potential as we are locked in Imperial Elective succession. I hope this tier list/guide was useful for you here reading this, despite its huge length. Raiding unavailable if culture doesn't allow raiding.Hunting focus is unavailable.Holy wars and great holy wars are unavailable, but county conquest CB is available.Dueling comes with a Piety cost.Cannot create warrior lodge if it does not already exist.AI rulers will not convert provinces. Holy sites: Balkh, Gilgit, Lhasa, Purang and Khotan. When reforming your religion, you will get the choice of how your new religion will work: Will it have Great Holy Wars? Heir designation is extremely good, and you don't have to worry about landing your best heir then living too long and having them make dumb decisions as a ruler that screw up educating their kids or start stupid wars that get them killed. I'm still mad how badly Shia got shafted over the development of the game. Two mutually exclusive bloodlines can be created by this process. The Slavic faith is followed, as the name suggests, by the Slavic peoples of Europe. Helps a lot when vs crusades or aztecs trying to meme on you. When I started writing this tier list I wanted to put all natures in one tier, but realised I have never really used dogmatic and proselytizing because they feel lackluster to me. If you want internal stability, pick Hierocratic and enjoy your excommunications. In the north, start in Novgorod, Poland, or Kiev and form your corresponding de jure kingdom first, then work your way to the other two holy sites. Pont Valentr Press J to jump to the feed. However, the longer the faith goes unreformed, the weaker it becomes. +1 piety per month while at peace. Meritocracy is just delayed open succession after we get to Primogeniture law. B. Doctrine 1: Polygamy: To make best use of Imperial Succession, having loads of wives is good as you can pick the best heir one of them pops out. Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full. Similar story with Ancestor Veneration, but with more hassle of sucking up to the old dudes, the one disadvantage of Ancestor Veneration is that we must pick either Hierocratic or Autocephalous leadership (I think). Eternal Raiders will take away bonus for levy and light cavalry and give us 10% bonus attack for all our troops, don't know if its fair exchange, I will do maths later, and as I said polygamy just sucks and is a prestige drain, on top of that now tribals with polygamy mechanic (muslims and reformed pagans with polygamy) will use wife mechanics instead of concubines. "Why would you want infidels to tolerate you? Animistic effects. it isnt meant to be celtic pagan or any pagan religion in particular. Will it have a religious leader, like the Pope? The reason I don't like to pick it is that the bonuses apply to my vassals and makes them much stronger. its the left over generic pagan religion that isnt used anymore since old gods actually separated it into different pagan religions #12 Haruspicy and Astrology effects. For conquests Islam is way too OP if you're not a nomad. Pagans tend to be powerful in early years but weaken as time passes for several reasons: There is hope, however: should the Pagan faiths become reformed, the faith's survival is almost set in stone. Great work!!! Also I really wish we were given an "alert" for when Meliorism from Stability is ready :(. Holding the Blood Games in the Grand Amphitheater grants an additional 200 Prestige. Additionally, Unyielding is a bit of a jack of all trades if you want to blob, Proselyting is better for converting provinces. Stability is nice, but traveling Rivers without upkeep reduction is way more expensive than walking. Zunist mechanics are a hybrid of defensive/offensive pagans and organized religions. It has a synergy with incest doctrine making us high god of our religion. With A Crown Of Thorns, You Became My King Forever. The faith is in a strong position in the 769 start as north Africa is mainly ruled by tiny Muslim realms which can easily be conquered after consolidating your position in the south. I have the piety, holy sites, and MA to reform, but would like advice on the "best" options for reformation. Agnatic, agnatic-cognatic, cognatic laws are restricted. The principal ability of defensive pagans (Romuva, Slavic, Suomenusko & African) is a tremendous boost in combat when fighting on home ground. Only if I could mark "Helpful" multiple times Is making your concubine who was a "raid-captured daughter of enemy duke" your vassal queen, and then murdering her an exploit? Ruler can spend 500 Prestige and 150 Piety to increase courtier or own attribute. By 867, the entire dynasty has converted to Hindu/Sunni, and merely a single courtier of this religion remains in the world, living in exile within the Shanshabani realm (Another exile is also there in 936 start). Proselyting - ??? Out of all the Succession Doctrines, Meritocracy is probably the safest. Now that you have no fast way to expand through pagan lands, you may wish to convert to a culture that allows use of the Tribal Invasion CB, so you can quickly expand through infidel lands instead. The unique traits of Autonomous are not that great, and GHWs are a must against large realms like the Ere. If you pick Unyielding with Germanic, Tengri or Aztec, you will lose their innate military bonuses (bug? This faith is exceptionally limited - it has all the disadvantages of unreformed paganism and none of the benefits, nor can it be reformed. Blood sacrifices is super fun, esp. Tengri and Aztec pagans do not have defensive attrition (though Tengri invaders can ignore it). If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost. Cairo is distant and usually controlled by major Muslim powers. actually that "pagan" religion in game is just the generic pagan religion that all pagans had before the "old gods" expansion. Due to the Germanic faith's long and combative relationship with Catholic western Europe, there are a number of unique events between them. Hellenic). Followers 0. Women can take up to 3 consorts. This allows defensive pagans to defeat enemy armies twice their size with ease. Despite similarities between autonomous reformed paganism and Dharmic religions (followers of both has religious branch trait), the former still needs to deal with heresy (old pagan religion), while the latter has no heresies. The faith is widespread in early starting dates, and some of the realms, such as Croatia, are already feudal rather than tribal. However, the Tengri faith does not die out during the entire period of the game and there are always relatively strong rulers for it in the game. Wait. your character tries to convert them personally, like carousing or something). Absolute cognatic succession is enforced. Great Holy War against a single disfigured child. a situation/mechanic that doesn't resemble real life in any meaningful way. By choosing to reform your pagan religion, you will lose all the old advantages such as attrition for enemies and subjugation wars, but gain all the bonuses of a civilized nation. Holy sites: Perm, Ryazan, Novgorod (shared with Slavic), Saaremaa, and Kexholm. Holy wars and great holy wars are unavailable, but County Conquest CB is available. Note that Germanic pagans have as a holy site the county of Braunschweig, and taking that county will trigger the Catholic crusades (as well as the formation of every Catholic Holy Order but the Knights Templar) at the time that you take Braunschweig, so long as the year is 900 and the province is Christian. They also gain access to Great Holy Wars if the Catholics have unlocked Crusades or the Muslims have unlocked Jihads. Playing as a Pagan non-nomad offers a highly offensive, rapidly changing play-style. For feudal pagans, reforming makes it possible to raise crown authority to any level. Access to Hermetic society. Unlocks divine marriage, allowing and encouraging incestuous marriages. First two cancel themselves if they are picked together. It combines mechanics from Dharmic religions and defensive paganism and offers quite a unique gaming experience. Toggle signature. I was new to HF just like everyone else and I had no idea what the end result would be. If the last two holy sites are difficult to reach, the best way to obtain the necessary moral authority is through county conquests and raids. You are using an out of date browser. Members; . re: Equality I rarely take it as African because I already get consorts for free but it is powerful. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in medival Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. No females in the council. You can take Temporal with AV. Male pagan rulers may take up to three concubines in addition to a wife (except for Hellenic pagans who cannot have multiple spouses or concubines unless the polygamy doctrine is chosen when reforming). being able to roleplay as discount Vikings as any pagan religion can be fun, and using rivers is always an interesting mechanic. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. As I try to have everyone with duchy and above titles be of my dynasty I have one save where I have 1000+ opinion just from veneration. Dawnbreakers is underrated as a way to practice eugenics when combined with meritocracy. [1] These are not immediately obvious before reformation, or even immediately upon reformation. West African religion is a blanket term for the diverse pagan beliefs of the tribes of Sub-Saharan West Africa. But it's because I favor Unyielding nature, and those two don't work well together. In game terms, all pagan religions fall into one of two broad groups, with a few exceptions - the offensively-oriented Germanic, Hellenic (Greco-Roman), Tengri and Aztec faiths, and the defensively-oriented Romuva (Baltic), Slavic, Suomenusko (Finnish), African, and Bn (Tibetan) faiths. Ship maintenance reduced to 10%. Generic Tengri paganism allows for more levies. I wish it was more interactive (e.g. Leadership. Reforming the Aztec faith is possible but extremely difficult. And Hellenic can raid already free but it is recommended to choose either agnatic Clans Enatic... Upon reformation get to Primogeniture law the Germanic faith 's long and combative relationship with Catholic western Europe, are! Is powerful levies penalties to vassal opinion, and those two do n't like pick. 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