You will have to remind yourself everytime you feel that negative feeling, that it is just the grieving cycle. I tell her in those comments, that SHE is the fictional character, and does not exist in real life for my husband and me. And if he sense that you are not being straightforward with him, he is unlikely to be open and honest with you (see when people lie). I dare say we had the most fascinating discussion of the day, especially when she asked, "What do you say to someone who wants to confront the affair partner?". For #1, your marriage might end up working out. She was one of my best friends, one that often came to my house, one that gave the first bath to my twins when I couldnt move after C section, one that for the final time came into my house to disrespect me and my children, to mix me with mud. At this point she clearly has no respect for you whatsoever. Over the past year, I've begun to hear rumors at the workplace of "Renee" cheating on me with another man, but there are no outright signs at home. It will make me feel like I am not capable of meeting her needs. The only thing I will do is to walk out of the marriage. Know your goal, and have a gameplan in hand to reach your goal before you confront. All rights reserved. (The affair is over.). NEVER. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Incontrovertible proof. I do not want to lie to cover up her misdeeds, and yet at the same time I dont want this to cause even more collateral damage. And again I kept cold blood and didnt even give her a hint to know I ever received that card. Sometimes separtion is whats best for the child. I have four children and volunteer for all their schools and activities and now because contacted her more than ONE time my criminal record check is tainted. There is no way Im going to her workplace HR department about this, and to the extent I can avoid it, I dont want this to screw up her relationships with her family either- I do still care deeply about her and her family members, who Ive grown quite fond of over the years, and it would break my heart to see her alienated from her family. I did exactly that.ignored the AP. When I was on my way to rejoin my husband, she sent me several crazy sounding messages, which I read between flights, telling me that he needed to get out of Tennessee, and that she was "calling the law" on both of us. She is cheating within 1 year and you have no kids. Consider the source. My wife confessed and begged me not to leave, because even though this guy had no other responsibilities and could've spent all his time lavishing my wife with attention, I still treated her better than he did even though I had a FT job, side business, employees, 4 young children, etc etc. I can handle the truth, no matter how hard it is and I know that no one owes it to me, but it doesn't mean I won't try to get it. The PI will further advise you about the possible routes you can take from that point on, possibly: a) legal route leading to separation/divorce. I cannot fight another woman because of a man who is not satisfied with me and decided to keep a lover outside marriage. The thrill of being able to look at potential partners, innocently flirt a little when you meet someone new online/somewhere, make all of your own rules and eat what YOU want to. The lover becomes a problem after my man and I must have settled and she still refuses to go. You know what says "you are beneath contempt"? THAT was my mistake. Shes absolutely terrified of losing her job and the respect of her family. I am vindicated! They might. Until I did. How To Instantly Spot A Sociopath Or Narcissist, 10 Inspirational Quotes About Change To Get You Out Of Your Slump. You do not need that. She found my number on her husband's phone bill and called me. My husband had a long term, intense emotional affair with a woman at work. None of that should affect you however. The conversation brought us both closer to the light. What youre going through, is called the dreaded grief cycle. Our baby is now 8 mo. What happened with you two? There are times it doesnt come easy., the situation is complex, my sister in low is best friends with her, and knew all along, it feels as if I have been betrayed by my husband, best mate, brother and sister in low all at the same time. They don't even like for me to refer to him as their grandfather. When the PI is done with his job, he will have a watertight folder of documentary evidence that nails her infedility. Patience is a virtue, especially under the most trying circumstances. I never responded after that. situation and it may even complicate matters (as mentioned above). *You are continuous and undying. You may want to scare them by threatening to tell their spouse about the affair. Its been so hard not knowing what she was thinking that I never responded to her ( she reached out and I ignored her) I now have a better understanding. She just sort of floated the idea out there. I don't blame her. I tried everything, but one day completely out of the blue, he left me for my best friend. Recovery took a long time, but now we are getting better. You might delude yourself into thinking you need to talk with the affair partner for reconnaissance purposes. Sofor really the first time in 38 years I am very serious in considering getting a divorce. That was certainly true in our situation. When you say something like that, people dont question your reasoning. It was a very positive experience because I did get the truth about key lies I was being told - with the evidence to back it up. This should not be and I will try to avoid So I did wait for a couple of weeks but then I sent him text messages and told him just what I thought of him and just how bad he had hurt me and my wife and that I was being moved by the Lord to let him know that I forgave him and would pray for him and that I was determined to make our marriage work no matter what . Not addressed to him but the office. Or ask your lawyer to depose them in your divorce (that gets settlement talks moving quite quickly I hear). You could tell by her voice that she was far more intelligent than my lover was. I agree with this article. But I didnt get that vibe from her at all. That's totally permitted, however. I would love to know what software was used? Some people respond by backing down, some people respond by attacking, and some people will try to avoid the confrontation Haven't you suffered enough? much easier to start than they are to stop. Sleep in the #%(^ing middle. You poor pathetic chump, begging for your marriage. Like it has ended. He is committed, I thank God he had awakening from this terrible mistake. I have no way to know though, because I can't even confront the guy. It is my wife I have a business with. Copyright PUNCH. I wish you all strength. He allowed her to remain in control of how this would play out. You NEED to have an intimate support in your life, Im not meaning romantically, but someone to talk with on a deeply personal level. Sadness for the inevitable collateral damage that will result from our divorce, for the family members taking sides, for the joint friends I can no longer talk to. roll out! Until you finally hit acceptance. When you have all your ducks in a row, have gone past the PI phase, moved on with the evidence to an attorney, and the attorney has compiled it all together and made the initial moves and it is time to serve her the papers, you must still be nonchalant and appear ignorant about the giant moves underway. Thanks everyone for your messages. Part of HuffPost News. Build on yourself, learn all you can, and eventually you will love again when you are ready. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. How is it that someone can willingly mess with your life to this extreme and you can't even say boo to them because it makes them uncomfortable? And she wanted details. We had been together for 6 years, and gradually he had grown less interested in romance. The power will get transferred to you, while she thinks she has played you like a fiddle. @Bronco thanks for your very detailed response, I appreciate the time you've taken and advice you've given me. provide your spouse with the opportunity to openly demonstrate how much he/she cares about his/her lover. I know you want to tell them off, but it's futile for a variety of reasons. You might find out what would shock you: Before you agree to meet with the other man/woman you must analyze the possibilities of what you might be told and how it might Everything went down just like the post mentioned. Now the dad is dying of cancer and maybe has a year to live. I just give you my opinion from some real life experiences. I know I should get a grip and confront her, but I know then my world will collapse. She took that opportunity to contact my husband looking for him to get me to leave her alone. He bolted. So confronting an affair partner? I never But I would tell the truth, just the facts. That was in 1993, then, in 2019 I discovered that my H didnt stop at this 1 affair, he continued trying to fill his personal void throughout our entire marriage and this included reigniting his affair with this first woman years after I extended the olive branch Does this make me a chump? It almost always ends in tears, anger, resentment, hostility and unbelievable hurt. The law states that if you contact somone more than one time and they don't want to her from you because it makes them feel uncomfortable or bad about themselves it can be looks at as a " course of conduct" and you can be issued a warning. And again, what do you hope to accomplish by calling your wifes lover? Mine lives on our Street. But I would never answer the call. It totally sucks what she did after only a year of marriage. To this day my ex wife does not know how I found out. Many of them come specialized in the art of 'spousal cheating', and would be more than happy to render their services and time to you, for a fee which is reasonable. You dont even have to think about when and how you should confront her, as you are doing now. You need to calmly explain your feelings and tell her to put herself in your shoes. Last week, while I was at the credit union, I ran into one of our online course Group Leaders; we were discussing one of my recent articles. Even when you come in peace such individuals prefer trouble. with his or her lover? They (she and her guy) will erase the footprints of their love story, while nothing else will change. She told me that my lover had said I was just a "dumb blonde" and that we were only friends. Being in an affair has been likened to addiction, and in confronting the affair partner, you're trying to sober them up. I will probably always love her. But it seems to be working for all parties concernedthe other guy, the wife, and strangely the husband as well, who despite her infidelity is still a very loving and devoted husband. You must stay calm, confident, loving, as always. You can't stop these people if they are determined and have a willing participant. It's so pathetic, I'd rather be angry, not care and end it all but I can't, I still love her. They are weak individuals- who would choose to be anyones leftovers? I learned a language and met some of the coolest friends. Space Is Limited! My username is signalhill84. I need him to know for me. Each day with be different. Dont think twice about it, or nickle and dime over it. To protect her. I managed to find some deleted text messages, I feel bad for doing so, but have now found out that she has been seeing another man from work. At this point, dont focus on rekindling the relationship. If you pretend it isn't happening, she will keep stringing you along. She also knew I wasn't the first affair and probably wouldn't be the last. If you've been tempted to confront the affair partner, leave it to professionals. It is an opportunity. I'd also add that if she's cheated this early into the relationshipthen honestly your chances of being married to a potential serial cheater are pretty high. She was just trying to "rescue him." She went bonkers, completely Fatal Attraction, and I was so glad that my pets and myself were 2,000 mile away. As a person of faith I dug deep and clung tightly to my identity in Christ. I suppose she didnt give you the respect you deserve in that manner so Ill pick up and if youve got any questions for me nows the time to ask.". I recently discovered my husband of 19 years had been involved in an 8 month long affair with a co worker from an other town 7 hours away. We even went and had drinks with her and the other other woman lol. And only one person would be able to keep the $hit from hitting the fan. Its normal to feel the way you are feeling, and to lose the grip with reality. Like I have won! I atoned for my actions. 2. If cheaters can't have secret cake (the affair and the marriage), they will settle for a public pick me dance. A few days later she came to my doorstep and broke down in tears and apologized to me, I welcomed her in, we spoke for 2 hours (nothing explicit, no blame or excusing and non emotive) I had peace with my decision, it was the right thing for me to do at the time. I would tell her family members the truth. My errand accomplished nothing. I'm hoping that time will heal. The AP learned I was to be in town and called the police. WebPlease advise. I sure didnt track her down again or confront any other APs, she was the only one that Id met prior to DDay and I felt no desire to seek out the others. At some point my FIL will pass away and I'm sure the AP will show up at the funeral. Your son, any pets, and yourself. Why? Do not upset the poor girl. Im like you, hate and revenge are not a part of my vocabulary. If the OM has a girlfriend or is married then you need to immediately expose the OM to them. It gave me even more strength and let me feel better about myself. Her family is quite close knit, such that if any one person knows something, the entire extended family will know it in a day or so. He denies that it became physical but he lied about everything and kept the relationship completely secret for at least three years so Ill never be completely sure. I wouldn't wish this misery on anyone. Maybe there'll be a duel! If you are reading this here, can you let me know? I was issued a " Warning of harassment" and told I was to in no way contact her. Please log in OR register. It's all good. Volunteering if you have any time at all is a good way to meet and interact with a looot of people fairly quickly and give you something to focus on. The suggestions I offer come from a real life situation wherein the husband out thought, outsmarted, and out maneuvered his cheating wife completely turning the tables on her. "Stay away from my wife!" After she did this for a month, I finally had enough, and called her out publicly on Facebook, which only caused her to escalate even more. You'll probably fish more information out of her that way anyhow. Confronting a cheating spouse is an opportunity for making things better. Your wife is either going to fuck him and leave you, or fuck him and continue cheating on you. These symptoms are typically exhibited by wives and GFs who are first time cheaters and reflects the conflicted state of their mind. More often than not, it's better to keep the discussion between you and your spouse rather than involve the other person. Glad I'm already separated and glad I have proof of ALL the MANY lies my husband has been telling and still trying to tell. Each person has to make their own decisions, but I hope you don't cause yourself any more pain. Dont ever contact the ow . Almost a year later, I believe she is giving up. She was sick Do you really need this person harassing you and pressing charges? Go get a big steak, go lift some weights and then think about this. In fact, it's a natural, self-protective response. Your wife had a 20 year affair, and you believe it was none of her fault? My partner lies whenever I have asked for the truth. The grief cycle is absolutely the most healthiest thing a person to go through. It was easy for her to manipulate his schedule in order for them to spend time together. She told me because her AP's wife found out and she had confronted my wife about it at her officethe same office and job she had during her affair. The great part about this is, youre already moving through all the steps. He played my wife for over 2 years and found her when she was most vulnerable in this long game. It made things a lot worse in life. So, what are some factors to consider before talking to the other woman/man? She initially said that she didn't know he was married until then, and played the fellow victim role. Taking this type of approach usually achieves the best results in the long run (see should I confront my spouses lover). Thanks everyone for your advice, this is really helping me - I think this is what I needed - a bit of a slap! So, lesson learned, do not contact the AP. Goldstein recommends saying something along the lines of: "Hey, when you get a moment let me know when we can meet up or hop on a call?" Don't go all vigilante on this alone. Do not fight around him or anything. His jig was officially up. Just yesterday, I met with another woman who's been sleeping with my husband for about as long as we've been married. Obviously there was mutuality, so it doesn't really matter, though I think my wife is more credible. It makes sense to want to hurt the other person for bringing so much misery into your life. Never. It made me feel like a worthless unloveable person . I would not normally spend time offering advise to such a post, but there was something about your words, that caused me to offer some honest words of advise. The Day My Lover's Wife Confronted Me About Sleeping With Her Husband. I need advice on how to handle this with my wife - and if you help me I will post links to videos of her with face blurred Isnt that the sh*t? Get professional support. Ill be stooping low to confront his lover in public Kemi Faleye. She was still in denial even though she knew. His wife went pretty crazy but held my wife wholly responsible for the affair. Which leads me to my current conundrum. I consider doing that an immature action. I figured he was not being truthful with her and so I wanted her to know the truth. I wrote the AP a letter, letting her know that I was fighting for my marriage. And in the other case, narcissistic people don't think the rules apply to them -- and that doesn't stop at poaching your spouse. You have to know who you are and what you can handle. Confronting my wife - need advice. I was trying for medical school, and my grades were pristine. If I confront him and we end up exchanging punches, my wife will marry another man. He may feel obligated to listen to her complain about you. I promise. She asked me questions. I know theyve Things will change, people will tell you you steered to hard, you damaged the mask. However, there IS good news for each confronting a cheater reaction. That's for myself. And that was that. If you really think she will change then I have huge admiration for you, but it'll be a rough journey and you need to be able to be open with each other. If he has a lover aside from me, it is his cup of tea. TL;DR, but he does not need a PI, he has all the proof he needs. Letting the cheater have the affair partner. One more charismatic and sexier than you? WebI Confronted My Cheating Wife's AFFAIR PARTNER AT HIS HOUSE rSpace 70.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 6.2K Share Save 415K views 2 years ago I Confronted My My lover's wife ended the conversation by telling me how much she hated me and couldn't think of another person in the whole world that she despised more than me. WebI confronted my wife's lover the morning after I found out. That we two have serious problems and good luck. Under no circumstance should you lose your temper, or get violent. Nigerians can now play the US Powerball $1,100,000,000 Jackpot, The Draw is tonight! The person I have business with is my husband. If these women didn't respond, then I would have moved on and dealt with what I knew to be true for me. As YellowShark says she denied and denied but I didn't back down and eventually came the trickle truth. Confronting her would only make matters worse and it can tarnish not only my reputation but also harm my marriage. Knowing that my wife has been distracted by a man and I am even aware of the person is hurtful in itself. Love, romance, and other sweet unicorns and It's an ego boost to your cheater. October 23rd (when the final email conversation took place with my husbands ap) was one of the MOST difficult days of my life. In the first case, desperate people can do desperate things. I also wonder if her husband is still taking lovers and spending his days lying to all the women who hold him in their arms. Sometimes I wonder if she ever thinks about me or if she still thinks she hates me. Do you really want to help him as you say you do? She had been deceiving me for 2 years whilst having an affair with my husband, manipulating situations, even sending anon letters to give me hints he is over the side in the hope I will kick him out do they can be together without me ever realisingwhy all of the sudden she would be telling me the truth. Just remove yourself from the equation. I work through things and my coping skills are excellent. There might also be some truth in it -- but how messed up is that? Anger for her betrayal, lies, and coverup. September 9, 2011 6.16am. She is a third party and should not be involved in the matter in any way. As you surmised, life continues, as if it doesnt give a stuff that you are having a bad time as of late. I caught them and confronted her about the affair three months ago. Love is really just chemical responses in the brain. altogether. Hugs all around. Cheater 101 dude. I think we have to clear the air. This may be hard to understand in the cold light of day. You will get through this. If it happens nowwhat happens five years from now when the bills are piling up and she's dealing with a two year old in the house? What a s$%&show. After he reached out to my wife months later (apparently feeling brave after a few months), I told his wife. What if you should meet up with her by chance? Maybe I am a wimp, I'm here for advice and I can't help the way I feel. Believe me, this hot dog addiction, is taking the form of an epidemic in the US. I personally know of a marriage where over the years, the husband and wife no longer discuss her other relationships, and in most respect that marriage has settled back into a regular loving marriage. And your life. The psychotherapist to whom we went early on did not have any of the counsel that is now standard. Your spouse has already betrayed your trust at a very basic level, so confronting the other person may This also backfired. Look, to exist in an affair for any length of time, you have to be a few sandwiches shy of picnic. I thought she was not worth my time! But while confronting the other woman/man may bring about a temporary sense of satisfaction, long term it probably does little to help resolve the Though I run this site, it is not mine. Don't make me explain it to you. If you show her the proof, make it VERY, VERY CLEAR that you're not going to let her spin this into a blame game on you violating her privacy. File for divorce dude. got angry when I discovered you 2 were friends. She does not deserve the recognition. break off all contact with you till I was informed. I wound out about the affair about one month after he died. And it may hurt your son (and your divorce financial arrangement) if she becomes unemployed. From my perspective, after whats happened, theres a 99.9% chance of divorce, and for that 0.1% chance to become reality, there would have to an OVERWHELMING gesture on her part that she wanted to fix the marriage. How i regret this contactseveral times. Once again, i have never been in your position before, so im coming from the outside here. So, I dunno, I think it's a case by case scenario. I will confront my wife not her lover Peter Garuba. So what about those of us whose AP's are still hanging on through other family members? If you've been tempted to confront the affair partner, leave it to professionals. Whatever happens between my spouse and an outsider is something I can address between us at home and not in public. You are still with a woman who cheated on you for 20 years, lied about how long ago it was, and now is playing like she was the victim? I had the same thing happen to me and I was polite and cordial and couldn't get out of Dodge fast enough . My reason is that if a woman loves one she would be there for one and not for any other person. Besides your attorney would retain the documentary evidence of her infidelity while advising her that should the reconciliation derail for whatever reason, at which ever point down the road, your attorney would retain the option to use the existing evidence of her infidelity to buttress a future divorce petition. Confronting the affair partner is the essence of the pick me dance. Over the 7 weeks ( which is today) I tried 4 times to contact her. Edited July 12, 2011 by yawn_interrupted If you have no one and just want to vent, please send me a message and I will listen to all you want to say on skype. Filing for divorce. Probably convinced her to keep working on mine. (A good PI would recommend possible divorce attorneys to hire, else you could find one of your own). Ten years from now when there are three kids that are driving her crazy, and she's trying to balance the needs of five people's lives and not just her own? I was done with the lying, the secrecy, and my lover's cowardice. I told her Gid has a plan for her life and that plan is not my husband. This is bigger than us both. When she does, I just make myself a fake profile using the name of fictional characters, and post all the details of her affair, including photos and videos she sent on her FB page, buried in comments on old posts. 4) If you divorce use infidelity as the reason and DO NOT TELL HER!!! I was 2,000 miles away from her and my UH, and other than admitting to the affair and saying he was sorry, I didn't get much else from him. She was sick to her stomach. At that point, you have 90% of the battle won. But a ship is not built to last, it it built to endure. I would have rather that it had been physical than what it was as my confidence and trust were shattered to bits when I discovered what they were doing. We think they have no idea that when my husband met the AP, she was married to one man, living with another man, and getting on Ashley Madison looking for married men for sex. Normally, when someone comes in asking what I think about talking to the affair partner I tell them, "Don't!" As I pursued healing for myself and our marriage I felt led to write the AP a letter. Maybe that person will tell you things your partner will not. Stop hoping, praying, reasoning, panicking, dreaming. There is a certain freedom there that I havent felt for a very long time. Therefore, I would talk to my husband instead of creating unnecessary drama. There is no room in my heart for hate. I feel so much better hearing you say that it makes them feel insignificant as that is exactly what I wanted to convey to her. It only causes heartbreak for you. "Be there" for someone that wants to be with another person? That's where all of us recovering from adultery need to focus. My H and her had very similar personality. If she INSISTS on evidence, ask her why she needs to see the evidence. I feel like I have been run over by a train. WebYour spouse has already betrayed your trust at a very basic level, so confronting the other person may provide your spouse with the opportunity to openly demonstrate how much Not the mental state to be able to think objectively, and without emotions. Every now and then she reaches out to my husband, every time it really upsets me. 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N'T! recovering from adultery need to calmly explain your feelings and tell to! The truth got angry when I discovered you 2 were friends opportunity to openly demonstrate how much he/she cares his/her... Time cheaters and reflects the conflicted state of their love story, while else. Talk to my husband looking for him to get you out of your.. Not tell her!!!!!!!!!!!!... Might delude yourself into thinking you need to talk with the opportunity to contact my husband of. Not only my reputation but also harm my marriage first case, desperate people can do desperate.. Long game not be involved in the matter in any way you poor pathetic chump begging. Plan is not built to endure to refer to him as their grandfather have. A part of my vocabulary your marriage might end up exchanging punches, my wife months (... Everything, but now we are getting better for over 2 years and found when... Happens between my spouse and an outsider is something I can not fight another woman because a... Almost a year of marriage ill be stooping low to confront the affair partner is the essence of marriage.

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