They are also notorious for attacking humans who stray into their habitats. [2] The mugger crocodile is also very dangerous to humans, killing several people in India every year and with a fatality rate that is almost as high (slightly less than half of all attacks are fatal). And helped launch a corporation now worth more than $40 billion. Dr. Sam Willis, an award-winning historian, archaeologist, and host of National Geographics Nazi Weird War Two, investigated some of World War IIs most bizarre stories, including Hitlers methheads and Himmlers haunted castle. pp. The British then sent word that the smaller, isolated Japanese group should surrender. The Japanese soldiers on Ramree Island during the nearing end of World War II had a dilemma that resulted in the deadliest crocodile feast ever. [motor launch] crews ever experienced. The most prominent firsthand retelling of what happened comes from naturalist Bruce Stanley Wright, who participated in the Battle of Ramree Island and gave this written account: That night [of February 19, 1945] was the most horrible that any member of the M.L. The short version is that a large number of Japanese soldiers (between 400 to 1000 depending on the "source") were eaten by saltwater crocodiles during the night of Feb 19th 1945 during the battle of Ramree island as part of the Burma campaign. Unfortunately for the fleeing men, the mangrove jungle on Ramree Island is home to an unknown number of the largest reptilian predator in the world the saltwater crocodile. (now Myanmar). I've recently learned about the Battle of Ramree Island and the "death march" through the mangroves that resulted in the battle earning the moniker of "worst crocodile disaster in the world." The largest crocodile alive is Cassius who is about 100 years old. Somewhere between 1,200 and 1,500 soldiers from the Imperial Japanese Armys 54th Division were entrenched on Ramree. He also gathered military records that stated that the majority of Japanese soldiers were shot dead by the Allies or simply drowned in the swamp. Imagine youre part of a military force outflanked by the enemy on a tropical island. In January 1945, two infantry brigades from the Indian Army and a detachment of British commandos were dispatched to Ramree Island, the largest island off the coast of present-day Myanmar (then known as Burma). About 400 Japanese soldiers escaped those mangrove swamps, and 20 of them were eventually recaptured by the British forces who had set up a perimeter around the thick wilderness. In April 2010, a 25-year-old woman from New Jersey was killed by a saltwater crocodile while snorkeling in India's Andaman Islands. The defeated Japanese soldiers ignored all appeals by the British for their surrender, and instead abandoned their base and entered the swamp. 1000 armed soldiers killed by crocodiles in 2 nights During world war 2, some 1000 armed Japanese soldiers were killed by a group of large crocodiles and medium crocodiles on Ramree island close to Bu. Japanese resistance on the island ended on 17 February and the Allied blockade was maintained until 22 February, sinking many of the rescue craft and inflicting many casualties on the Japanese troops hiding in the mangrove swamps; about 500 troops managed to get away. Your email address will not be published. The Type 2 Mutant Giant Crocodile was obviously stronger than many other Type 2 Mutant Beasts, however, its blood essence had only allowed Yue Zhong to gain 8 points in Vitality. Some British soldiers, including the naturalist Bruce Wright, who participated in the battle, claimed that the large population of saltwater crocodiles native to the mangrove swamps on Ramree Island preyed on the trapped Japanese force at night and ate many soldiers. A saltwater crocodile (photograph by Heather Paul). 111114. Mark Felton Productions does not condone written attacks, insults, racism, sexism, extremism, violence or otherwise questionable comments or material in the 'Comments' section, and reserves the right to delete any comment violating this rule or to block any poster from the channel.Thanks: Bernard Dupont It took the lives of hundreds of Japanese soldiers. The unit was trapped and had no way to reach the safety of the larger battalion. [16], In 2006, Robert Duff, a veteran of the 26th Division, recorded an oral history for the BBC, stating, "after a few weeks we managed to push [the Japanese] to the swamp on the other side of the island, which was full of crocodiles. There is a long history of saltwater crocodiles attacking humans who wander into their habitats, and ultimately only 520 out of 1000 Japanese soldiers managed to survive the Ramree swamps. As part of his research, he visited the marshes of Ramree Island and interviewed locals. Two days later Mayin was occupied and the troops reached the Yanbauk Chaung the next day. Their only escape was through the swamp. Crocodiles of Guadalcanal. One by one the crocodiles picked off the soldiers at night, dragging them into the swamp and mauling them to death. The Burma campaign still lacks the coverage and interest afforded to events in the European theatre during the Second World War. There were 2 experts from the small Japanese village, one was Kyoko, the other was Kaori. [18], In 1974, journalist George Frazier reported having asked the Japanese War Office about the crocodile attack and being told that they could not confirm that it had happened. [1], The two species with the most well-known and documented reputation for preying on humans are the Nile crocodile and saltwater crocodile, and these are the perpetrators of the vast majority of both fatal and non-fatal crocodilian attacks. In April 2007, a 9-year-old Chinese child was killed in a crocodile pool at the Silver Beach holiday resort in southwest Guangxi region. Who Were the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece? With the ebb of the tide, the crocodiles moved in on the dead, wounded, and uninjured men who had become mired in the mud.. In both species, the mean size of crocodiles involved in nonfatal attacks was about 3m (10ft) as opposed to a reported range of 2.55m (816ft) or larger for crocodiles responsible for fatal attacks. How The Stonewall Riots Changed The Course Of The Gay Rights Movement, 9 Abandoned Airports And The Tragic Stories Behind Them, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. The crocodiles, alerted by the din of warfare and the smell of blood, gathered among the mangroves, lying with their eyes above water, watchfully alert for their next meal. The island that holds the world-record for largest human massacre caused by animals. Another additional problem for the Japanese troops was the lack of drinking water and constant threat of starvation. Why Did Ancient Egyptian Men Wear Makeup? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A landing party of Japanese mistook North Australian tide times and heights , landing at low tide and getting stuck waist deep wading in mudflats in the Northern Territory . A SCIENTIST was eaten alive by a 17ft long crocodile after being dragged into its enclosure while she fed it last week. An Australian Army soldier suffered serious head and chest injuries after being mauled by a crocodile that attacked him late on Friday, Australia media . You have to rendezvous with another group of soldiers on the other side of the island but the only way to do so is to traverse a thick swamp filled with deadly crocodiles. For example, the British official history (War against Japan Volume IV: The Reconquest of Burma, 1965 (2004)) serves as the main source in the study of the Fourteenth Armys attempt to drive the overstretched Japanese from Burma beginning in the late summer of 1944. [1][3][13] Four of them, the Siamese crocodile, broad-snouted caiman, spectacled caiman and yacare caiman, each are suspected to have been the perpetrator of a single fatal attack on a child (smaller and therefore a more likely target than an adult), although for each of these cases the identity of the species is not completely certain.[14][15][16][17]. Crocodile attacks are not always reported to local authorities, and some reports are difficult to verify. An estimate put naval gunfire support from 4 January to 13 March for the land operations at Akyab, Ramree and Cheduba at 23,000 shells. The Ramree Island crocodile attack in January 1945, the deadliest attack of its kind recorded thus far, came just as World War II ended. In January 1945, during World War II, the Allies were fighting the Japanese at the Battle of Ramree Island in Myanmar. If 'thousands of crocodiles' were involved in the massacre, as in the urban (jungle) myth, how had these ravening monsters survived before and how were they to survive later? While crocodiles are prolific killers, historians have long doubted that more than 800 Japanese soldiers were killed at Ramree Island in such a short period of time, and those doubts have only been affirmed by evidence uncovered in recent years that indicates that the true story was buried amid a flurry of sensational reporting. the 26th Indian Division attacked Ramree while . So the next time youre going through a swamp, just remember the story of the Ramree Island Massacre and be grateful that you werent one of the 500 Japanese soldiers who lost their lives to these crocodiles. Sgt. The crocodiles have a long history of attacking humans who wander into their habitats, seeing them as little more than taller, more awkward prey. A Japanese air raid on 11 February seriously damaged a destroyer with a near miss and forty small craft were sent by the Japanese from the mainland to rescue the survivors of the garrison. Where did Japanese soldiers get eaten by crocodiles? [22] There, they heard shouting and rifle fire during the night far from the of Allied position. Various British soldiers did indeed witness crocodiles devouring dead Japanese bodies, but Willis ultimately determined that the majority of Japanese soldiers died in combat or drowned. British troops monitored the situation from afar at the edge of the swamp. Unfortunately, the battle was at a standstill until the British Royal Marines and the 36th Indian Bridge flanked the Japanese soldiers. On Feb. 25, 1945, the British newspaper The Guardian reported that Japanese stragglers who are trying to escape from Ramree Island off the west coast of Burma, are being forced by hunger out of mangrove swamps and many have been killed by crocodiles. From there, the story took on a life of its own. Since Ramree was strategically important, the Allies launched an attack in 1945 to retake the island and establish airbases to support the mainland campaign. The 4th Brigade was to keep the defenders at Yanbauk Chaung under pressure and follow up vigorously should they retire. However, first they had to drive off the Japanese invasion force which had already claimed the island. [18][19] One study posited the number of attacks by Nile crocodiles per year as 275 to 745, of which 63% are fatal, as opposed to an estimated 30 attacks per year by saltwater crocodiles, of which 50% are fatal. Its estimated that 20 Japanese soldiers made it out of the other side of the swamp where British troops were waiting for them. Unlike other "man-eating" crocodiles, such as the saltwater crocodile, the Nile crocodile lives in proximity to human populations, so contact is more frequent. In all, some 500 Japanese fled Ramree despite the blockade created to stop them. Animal Weekis November 18 - 22, 2013 on Atlas Obscura. The following day, the 4th Indian Infantry Brigade (Brigadier J. F. R. Forman) landed, took over the beachhead and occupied Kyaukpyu. The Saltwater crocodiles are the most magnificent reptiles in the world. Did crocodiles eat Japanese soldiers? As the boat moved away from the shore and headed out to sea the intense heat and humidity of mid-summer began to fade as we sailed into an ocean climate. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. That night [19 February 1945] was the most horrible that any member of the M. L. [motor launch] crews ever experienced. How to use in-sentence of "trap": + Cilia and mucus along the inside wall of the nasal cavity trap and remove dust and germs from the air as it flows through the nasal cavity. Attacks by saltwater crocodiles often occur in Southeast Asia, Australia, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. Right beside the carcass of the Giant Crocodile, there were 2 skills books, a green treasure box and 200 Survivor Coins. Read another story from us: The Soldier Who Went On A Suicide Mission Against The Japanese & Won. The rest were according to legend, eaten by crocodiles. Crocodiles may seem like theyre slow and sluggish, but they are one of the most feared predators in the world for a reason. All opinions and comments should contribute to the dialogue. Nine vets clinched their first world record of their breakneck skydiving expedition on Saturday, Jan. 14. "Level 3 Skill: Water Flow Manipulation. So instead of following the Japanese into the swamps, they decided to wait them out. To counter this, he tries to provide a rational argument and bring a voice of reason to the debate. [7], On 26 January in Operation Sankey, a Royal Marine force landed on Cheduba island, about 6.2mi (10km) offshore of the south-west coast of Ramree Island and found it unoccupied. [7], The assault troops were slightly delayed when a motor launch and a landing craft struck mines but landed unopposed on the beaches west of Kyaukpyu at 9:42 a.m., securing the beachhead by the afternoon. [2] Contents Dont Call It A Tank': The M2 Bradley Hunted Russian Tanks in Iraq Now Itll Be In Ukraine, US Marine Corps Sergeant Decorated for Saving Lives, Mystery Marine Corps General Commandeers Plane for Funeral, Jumping For Gold Star Families, Triple 7 Jumpers Nail Down World Records, Iran Silent as US Senators Visit Bahrain, Neon Defender Kicks Off, No Sleep Til Abu Dhabi: Triple 7 Skydivers Clinch First World Record, In Hawaii, Americas Battalion Folds its Colors and Fades Away, Maybe, Just Maybe, We Were Flying With Our Fallen Friends: Triple 7 Over the Pyramids, Kyivs Yurt of Invincibility Highlights KazakhstanRussia Rift. . On 23 January, the 71st Infantry Brigade advanced southwards, down the west coast. It is difficult to counter any of the reasonable arguments put forward by McLynn as there is simply no evidence to the contrary. Since a majority of fatal attacks are believed to be predatory in nature, the Nile crocodile can be considered the most prolific predator of humans among wild animals. And in an incident not unlike the infamous U.S.S Indianapolis shark attack that befell American troops later that year, many of these troops didnt survive. "[21], Additionally, Platt published a historiographical analysis of the allegations of the crocodile attack. As the Indian and British troops closed in, the Japanese soldiers were faced with two options: They could stay and fight or attempt to flee through the marshes and escape by sea. "[15] In his memoir, An Odyssey in War and Peace, Lieutenant-General Jack Jacob (Indian Army) recounted his experiences during the battle, Over a 1,000 soldiers of the Japanese garrison retreated into the crocodile-infested mangrove swamps. Gas prices have fallen since mid-June. The rest were allegedly eaten alive by . He writes for his micro-blog. Inspired by actual events during World War 2. We do not need to add mythical tales when reality provides a drama played out in all its honor and tragedy. The Scientist Bringing Fresh Fish Back to Philadelphia's Underserved Neighborhoods, A Cottontail Quandary: Chicago's Rabbit Problem, Margarine Once Contained a Whole Lot More Whale, The Beautiful Complexity of Naming Every Living Thing, The New Zealand Birdwatchers Who Fly to North Korea in the Spring, The Love Story Behind L.A.'s Bunny Museum, The Flesh-Eating Beetles of Chicago's Field Museum, A Colossal Squid Is Hiding in New Zealand, An Emotional Visit to Vermont's Dog Chapel, Watch the Cutest Little Hummingbird on Its 3,000-Mile Migration. After just a few days, these ravenous creatures devoured more than 500 Japanese soldiers. After a bloody campaign, British troops managed to drive nearly 1,000 enemy combatants off the island into the dense mangrove swamp that covered some 10 miles of Ramree. The battle of Ramree isnt well known, but it should be considered one of the creepiest and most bizarre episodes of World War II. [3] The experience in co-operation between the 26th Indian Division and the navy in the war of chaungs and small ports along the Arakan coast was intended to be exploited in the attack. Wikimedia CommonsBritish Marines landing on Ramree Island in January 1945 at the beginning of the six-week battle. "[14] Subsequently, the story was incorporated into the Guinness Book of World Records as the worst animal attack ever recorded, due to Wright's statement that "[o]f about one thousand Japanese soldiers that entered the swamps of Ramree, only about twenty were found alive."[2]. The soldiers succumbed to the nightly menace, realizing that saltwater crocs were nocturnal and excelled at night hunting. The Battle of Ramree Island (Burmese: , (also called Operation Matador) took place from 14 January to 22 February 1945, in the Second World War as part of the offensive on the Southern Front in the Burma campaign by the XV Indian Corps. How did crocodiles manage to kill so many armed men? It is undoubtedly a gripping tale, so its not surprising that this account has motivated a swathe of articles. On mainland Burma, diseases such as malaria accounted for almost half the total death toll of Allied forces. But what really happened?. In September 2005, Russell Harris, a 37-year-old British engineer, was killed by a large saltwater crocodile while snorkeling off Picnic Beach in Australia. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter 34(2): 21-22. While crocodiles are prolific killers, historians have long doubted that more than 800 Japanese soldiers were killed at Ramree Island in such a short period of time, and those doubts have only been affirmed by evidence uncovered in recent Trevor Pomfret The Japanese understood that saltwater crocodiles have a reputation for eating humans but they went into the mangrove swamp of Ramree Island anyway. 900 soldiers entered the swamp only 20 emerged. The naturalist Bruce Stanley Wright described the scene unfolding in his 1962 book,Wildlife Sketches Near and Far: That night was the most horrible that any member of the M.L. Join the list to receive special offers, updates, and everything about Black Rifle Coffee. ----------------Visit my unique travel channel on Youtube - Traveling on the Go ----------------- Here is the claim: Allied forces in the Pacific War during World War II trapped 1,000 Japanese soldiers in a mangrove swamp off the coast of Burma in the early months of 1945. 2023 Atlas Obscura. Despite these numerous hazards, one danger stood out as the greatest. However this has not stopped the Guinness Book of World Records to name the incident the Most Number of Fatalities in a Crocodile Attack. A dubious distinction for a horrible event, no matter the real numbers. However, gasoline demand has dropped to levels not seen since the early days of the pandemic, revealing how consumers' habits are changing. Some editions of the Guinness Book of World Records have attributed the highest number of fatalities in a crocodile attack to the battle; zoologists and modern military historians have dismissed these claims. The smell of blood attracted the nearby crocodiles, devoured the bodies of Japanese soldiers, and attacked the wounded Japanese soldiers left behind. That 20 Japanese soldiers made it out of the crocodile attack Ramree despite the blockade created stop! This account has motivated a swathe of articles problem for the next day this, he tries provide! Add mythical tales when reality provides a drama played out in all, some 500 Japanese soldiers to receive offers! For attacking humans who stray into their habitats succumbed to the contrary than $ 40 billion mauling them to.... As there is simply no evidence to the nightly menace, realizing that crocs! Killed in a crocodile attack was occupied and the 36th Indian Bridge flanked the Japanese troops was the lack drinking. 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