Lucy: Actually, I wanted to know that too. (to Lincoln) Why did you take the blame for me? I'm so sorry! (hangs up) Lincoln? (But Lincoln ignores Lori which makes her knee down in sadness), (Bobby and Ronnie-Anne comes out and comforts Lori). Luan: (sleep-joking) What do you call a sleeping bull? My mom and Bobby say the same thing to me. After one loss, she claims that Lincoln is bad luck. Leni: Whoa! Lincoln turns around and is shocked to see her. Lincolns got a girlfriend! Lincoln: What? I just convinced them she's not my girlfriend. And don't get me started on the kissing. Sid, Adelaide and I just to came over to tell you the story! And don't get me started on the kissing. Silencio! "Maybe Lavender. If only I was told that she'd be Bobby's sister, then I could've avoided it all. Am I right? The convention's in a few hours and I gotta get my Ace Savvy comic signed! Lincoln:(pulls Clyde towards him) Clyde, what are you doing!? Why do you wanna help? Can you forgive me, Lincy? Lincoln: Yeah, and they turned out to be poison ivy! Ronnie Anne: Listen Lincoln, I don't know where you think it's pointless to date me if they do get married. My sisters have done some pretty impressive stuff to get in here. Was it?! Ronnie Anne ignored all of the calls Lincoln shouted and ran outside into the night. Luan: Whoever that belongs to is gonna be the laughing stock of this house! Ronnie Anne has sympathy for Lincoln, and she completely understands what he means. I never accounted for the relentless teasing you were getting from those no-good bullies. Lincoln: Nope! Bobby: Gee Lori (hugs Lori) I'm sorry that I broke up with you and I see Lincoln was really angry at you. Ronnie Anne: Well, Lori was having a word to Lincoln. Lisa's missing bathroom files! (NSL fanfic) 24 parts Ongoing (Later, Lincoln comes home with an angry face and went into his room;slams the door and lays on his bed;look at the ceiling.). ), Classmate #4:(Reading the note) Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. Lori: Lincoln! Lori: Did you literally not remember all the times Lincoln clogged the toilet?! Let me take a run at her! (Clyde does some victory poses and Lincoln closes the door on him to confront Lucy). I WAS being a jerk to Lincoln! So there's no point in even trying! I haven't used the family lavatory in years! edit reaction leniloud lincolnloud ronnieannesantiago. Lori: Look, I'm really sorry for that situation between your classmate and us. Bobby: Come on, Ronnie-Anne, don't be feel sad about that! (Later that day, Lincoln comes home after school. Bobby: Sure thing, Babe. Lincoln: It's okay, you guys go, I'll handle this myself. Lana: You guys do remember that was just down the toilet, right? You're wearing date pants! Lori: Oh come on! We've only got 2 more hours until the convention and three more suspects to go. Luna: I really wish there was something we can do to help you dude, but we just can't figure out who clogged the toilet. `` boys for! Lincoln: It's okay Luan, I'm sure I won't stay mad about this for very long. Lincoln: Thanks guys. It's funny! You're the only one who understands me. I'm just mad that no one understands me. Did Ronnie Anne really punched him in the eye? "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! Then explain this! You can't blame him without some kind of proof! (A gasp is heard, and it turns out it came from Ronnie-Anne. Lincoln: (stoically to the viewers) I'm Ace Savvy, the world's savviest crime fighter. She keeps a log of all our bathroom habits. It's so gross! Lincoln: I give up, I can't handle anymore of this torment that always sees me as its favorite target. (Classmate #1 pulls the cloth back only to see nothing under it.) Ronnie Anne has a softer side to her and she now believes him. Lincoln: I have to go on a double date at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet with Ronnie-Anne. I'll just hang out here till those guys leave. (ducks into a nearby closet). but she is then suddenly started by the appearance of a Mexican band. Lincoln: Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go and tell Dad. Lynn Sr.: It was you? ?, Lincoln: Yeah, and how about all the selfies? Lynn Sr.: (walks into the living room) What's wrong son? Also featuring I mean, "show your work?" Lincoln: *to the viewers* Money is something that this family always fights about. Not one, not 2 but all 10 sisters! Lola: Barf! (Sometime later, Lori, Lynn, Lola, and Lisa arrive home). The Loud House Re-Write - Sleuth or Consequence View source On a typical Saturday morning, Lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy. Rosetta: It's says here Penny was captured in Devil's Bayou! TLH: A Soldier's Heart 16 parts Ongoing Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to hi. WILL MAKE HER! We wanna know! You shouldnt have! (giggles), Lincoln: "Ugh, the nicknames. Lucy: There's only one person who would read this: Lola! Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. (Lincoln quickly ducks so that his hair tuft is not sticking out.). (As Ronnie-Anne laughs again, Lincoln quickly hides under the table. Lori: Lincoln! It's normal to like someone, so I don't get what the big fuss is! "Hi. I tried to ignore them, but they just won't stop. Clyde:(growls jealously at Bobby and then turns his attention back to his best friend.) (He pulls a nearby potted plant to use as a seat. ), Classmate #1:(pointing at Lincoln's tuft of hair sticking out from under the cart's tablecloth.) Luna: (calls downstairs) Alright! Lincoln: Ha-ha. Lucy: (doubtful) I don't! (Lincoln tries to do the same for Ronnie, but she instead just sits in another chairs, so he sits in the chair he offered her. Sid: So, how did your brother call Lori Loud about Lincoln hurts your feelings? Lori: Would you like to eat at that place with me tomorrow? ), (As classmate #1 heads for the restrooms, Lincoln quickly ducks under a food cart containing the dessert tray.). ), Classmate #1:(pointing at Lincoln's tuft of hair sticking out from under the cart's tablecloth.) (annoyed) Th. Got all the waterworks as you would put it. Whatcha doing at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet? But this particular day, one of those children has been left out due to some "bad luck". Phew! I'll admit a part of me only did this so that the guys would stop teasing me. Sunday night at 8 PM! Classmate #1, #2, #3, #4, & #5: Ooooooooo! Lincoln: No! Youre talking to a Fish Brawlers collector., Lincoln: (happily gasp) I like those games too!, Ronnie Anne: Did we just become best friends? Ronnie Anne: I'm gonna go to his room and talk to him and see if I can convince him to stop believing in that. She's always dumping her dirty diapers in the toilet. Okay! That's also why you never caught a glimpse of me when I did pick on you, because I was shy around you. Lincoln: I can't let those guys see me on a "date" with Ronnie-Anne. (He brings Lincoln, Lori, and Ronnie-Anne to their table, and then pulls up a chair for Lori as he calls her) Ma'amsellita. Thank you so much for understanding. This time, this is a Loud House rewrite of one of the most divisive (and mean spirited) Loud House episodes ever made: "Sleuth or Consequences" from Season 1 of "The Loud House." All credit for this reposted rewrite goes to realyoshiplayer since this fanfic was mainly from him. Lincoln: I'm just here with my family. A man of few words, and fewer emotions. Things are going OK at first, but suddenly, Lincoln gets heavily depressed, and decides to give in to Ronnie Anne's torture just so Lori and Bobby will keep going as the "greatest pair of all times". Lori: That is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen! (Clyde doesn't answer him because, he is dancing in front of a gold-framed portrait of Lori with a spotlight shining on it.). Clyde: I just wanna that i'm sorry for messing up once again. Lori: You're right! Clyde: Because theyre from our class, classmates are easier to interact with. Bobby:(noticing the bowl of mints situated on the counter.) Lincoln: C'mon, Clyde, Ronnie-Anne is the toughest girl at school. (she takes one of herself and Bobby, with a scowling Clyde behind them; Ronnie-Anne mock-barfs in response. (But Lincoln angrily ignores Lori which makes her knee down in sadness), (Bobby and Ronnie-Anne comes out and comforts Lori). Lincoln: I know what you're up to. Sorry for yelling. They took selfies with Lynn, and had their autographs signed.] Lincoln: (angry) Oh no you won't! Ronnie-Anneisyour girlfriend! Lola: Whatever! ], [As the Louds, and Lynns teammates, were about to leave the stadium, a group of screaming fans came up.] Anyway, see you soon, Boo-Boo Bear. Lincoln: Yeah! (Lincoln kicks the door open to Lola's room, only for it to close on his face; he then enters normally), Lincoln: We know you did it, Lola! So, were not moving? As Bobby puts Lori down, a waiter slips on the mints and crashes offscreen, sendinf a mask rolling away from where he crashed.). The Loud House (Rewrite) Chapter 1: "Welcome to the Loud House" First, it showed Lincoln outside at the front porch. Lincoln then runs up to his room. Clyde: Ohh, I love fusion cuisine! Lincoln: But guess what?! And when it's ready, I'll be keeping one eye out for crime. Lincoln:(gags) I'd rather lick the bathroom (Lori picks up the end table and threatens to crush him with it.). Bright lights, colors all . Classmate #1:(returning) Guys, there's a band in the bathroom! Well, guess I better go change into my normal clothes. Lincoln: I'm sorry too, Lori. FOREST She put whoopie cushions on my chair, she pulled down my pants, made my locker into a mess and she also gave me a black eye because of Lori and the others trying to convince me that she likes me! (crashes into the van and gets catapulted into the tree in the front yard). If I go number 2, we won't be number 1! Is it something really grody? Lisa held her video drone controller and the drone came down in view. 3K Views. Honestly I prefer this over Lincoln being forced to be friends with his bully just to appease Lori. Luna: Yeah, he's only tryin' to go to a convention with Clyde. STOP KICKING DOWN THE DOORS! (Lincoln pulls him into the closet with him.) How are we gonna get you out now? They're the reason why I insulted her in the first place! ), (Ronnie-Anne at first shocked but then puts on an angry scowl and storms out of the lunch room with her food tray in her hands.). Clyde:(comes in with the dessert cart.) Lincoln has all sorts of pressure on him and he can't handle it. ", Lori: "I should have told you earlieractually I should have told all of you WAY sooner, but Ronnie Anne is Bobby's sister. She's rude and gross and totally annoying. Lincoln: "Lincoln Loud in the house!" [passes by his classmates as they give him a high-five each] You won't even know I'm here! Classmate #3: When's the wedding day, Lincoln? (into his phone) Dr. Lopez, I'll cal you back. Clyde: Well, we'll always have each other's back. Lincoln: Thanks pal. Classmate #3's Mom: I'll be beck to pick you boys up. Bobby said it was because of what you said to Ronnie Anne. (finds the source of the clog) Here's the culprit! She's rude and gross and totally annoying. Lori: How are we suppose to get him to forgive us? Lincoln: I can't let those guys see me on a "date" with Ronnie-Anne. Clyde: I gotcha, buddy. That's just humiliating! [The episode begins with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. It takes too much time away from my studies. King, Oziel and Munchkin had plenty of books open. You insulted her TWICE! Lynn was becoming famous, very quickly. Why do you always harass me with these unwanted pranks?WELL?! This calls for musica! Lincoln: (smiles) Thanks Lana. Lincoln: No, no! As Bobby puts Lori down, a waiter slips on the mints and crashes offscreen, sendinf a mask rolling away from where he crashed.). I mean, maybe. I didn't know she was here. He's going to be the laughing stock of the whole house. By. A bulldozer! Lana noticed their looks, and she started to realize how mean she's been), Lana: (to herself) I'm being such a jerk to my big brother (looks down). Ill call Bobby and tell him everything.. Lisa: I might point out that you are well past the recommended age that this behavior is deemed acceptable. Lincoln: Okay! Lincoln: All true. Ronnie Anne: Where is he? What do you mean we're going on a double date?! Lincoln: Because, you were right. (eats one). (Lincoln is about to leave when Ronnie-Anne tries to catch up with him. Nearly here He opens the door. "You're right. Then, the doorbell rings and Lincoln answers the door). Bobby: Babe, is all of what he said true? but she is then suddenly started by the appearance of a Mexican band. Clyde: (growls jealously at Bobby and then turns his attention back to his best friend.) It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. (wheels the cart past the classmates' table just when), Clyde: Crud! a special treat for a special lady - a nacho from Jean Juan's private collection! Lincoln: I didn't want the girls to make fun of me. That's not gonna happen! [The episode begins with Lincoln and Clyde walking up to a table where some boys are sitting at. (They both give heartfelt smiles at each other when suddenly their older siblings come back with their arms around each other.). Lincoln: (in his head) Why even bother anymore? (tosses paper out the window) Move over, rookie! Liberty and Liberet.", Lincoln introduced. That is not mine! (breaks out walkie talkie) One-Eyed Jack, this is Ace Savvy. It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. I gotta get that check for Lori! *We open up to a close up of Lincolns face, in his room. I just wish I can at least get one person to believe me. Lynn: I never saw you so happy for Lincoln in your life. (One clockwise screen-wipe later, Lincoln is still trying to get back on Ronnie's good side.). Ronnie-Anne: Yeah, we weirdos clean up nice. Lincoln: You guys didn't have to do that, I could handle the teasing. On a typical Saturday morning, Lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy. Luan: Oh really? (she screams, throwing a tissue box at Lincoln.). The camera shifts over to Lori and Bobby, both of whom look furious at what Lincoln just said, and then over to Ronnie Anne, who is again shocked and heartbroken at hearing Lincoln repeating these harsh words after all that bonding they just went through. Why does Bobby care? And he wears his underwear on the outside! (The three musicians dejectedly walk away.) Lincoln: Because, you were right. Lincoln: Hi, Ronnie-Anne. (Later, the two pairs of siblings arrive at the restaurant. Luna: Yeah. That's the only way he'll get back together with me! (pulls an eyepatch over his glasses and lets go, causing the impact to smack the lens of his glasses) Ow! ), (Ronnie-Anne at first shocked but then puts on an angry scowl and storms out of the lunch room with her food tray in her hands.). Bobby: Come on, Ronnie-Anne, don't be feel sad about that! Young amour! ADMIT IT! (shy) I do want to help my new boyfriend. Lincoln: (sigh) It's ok Clyde, i'm not mad at you. Let's go see this joker! Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. Lisa: Affirmative! You're wearing date pants! AND GUESS WHAT IF YOU EVER THREATENING ME ABOUT THAT SITUATION EVER AGAIN, THEN I WILL BRING A WILD LION!!! Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne:(simultaneously and with sarcasm) Babe and Bobby Boo-Boo Bear? Lynn Sr.: Oh! (flushes it down the toilet only for another clog to occur), (Flashback #3: Lincoln is pouring a bunch of CD's into the toilet). I'll just hang out here till those guys leave. Lincoln:(indifferent tone) What do you want? (Lincoln pulls him into the closet with him.) Who does that!? Luna: Making fun of Lincoln is funny? Case closed! What a load of horse dookey! Smile159 17 October 2019 User blog:Smile159. (His attempt at small talk does not appear to have done him any good;Ronnie-Anne is still scowling at him.). And when there is ", Lincoln: "What?! - Aunt . One screen-wipe later, Lincoln, wearing the mask, is on the shoulders of Clyde, who has hidden his face with his scarf, but is not keeping his own arms hidden.). Ronnie Anneisyour girlfriend! [they laugh some more], Lincoln: Look, Ronnie Anne. ), Lincoln: Just, uh, dropped my fork. Did you do this Mr. Lincoln:(pulls out an oversized mask of a Mexican man.) Lincoln: Yeah, and how about all the selfies? Ronnie Anne is rude and gross and totally annoying. They all went back into their rooms and left Lori and Bobby hugging in the hallway. (Lincoln is shuffling a deck of cards and places various cards he put drawings of his sisters on onto his desk). Luan: It wasn't me! I think you really hurt her feelings. Reunion selfie! The other Louds: April fools! Clyde: Don't worry. Stand back, guys. (Clyde suddenly pulls away the table's last chair.) Just here to help you, buddy. AND ALSO I CAN'T THIS ANYMORE! Nathy and Flaky. Leni: (upset) Aww Linky, now you're going to miss your convention. I didn't mean to! Lucy: Do you think going to your comedy gig was worth it after how you behaved today? It's the least I can do. Lincoln: (looks at paper and sees something familiar) This looks like a page from Princess Pony. Bobby: Look you that I broke up with Lori earlier because, of your classmate make fun of you about Ronnie-Anne is your girlfriend and I see you are angry at them and Lori and I know how you feel. They all started laughing at Lincoln while Lori and Bobby lecure him. (hangs up the phone) Nuh-uh! Reunion selfie! ", Ronnie Anne: [imitating Bobby] "You don't have a bad side, babe." Two flat water(gives the third one to Lori.) Ronnie Anne: Listen Lincoln, I know they are constantly with each other and are afraid of being separated, but that doesn't mean in the future they're gonna get married. It's gotta be something bigger than that! Lincoln: Listen, i'm not gonna lie, after talking to her today, I find her as a cool girl to hang out with. Lori: Bobby told me(starts to cry) RIGHT BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME!! Before Lincoln could say anything, Ronnie Anne runs up to him and gives him a hug. About Anne Loud Lincoln Cheats On Fanfiction Ronnie House.Go to the elevator and click on down button." (Lincoln and Ronnie Anne shake hands) Lincoln: "Heh, funny thing, my sisters were trying to convince me to kiss you cause of the whole 'Bully Girl likes Wimpy Guy' double standard. Ronnie-Anne: It's okay. * (goes to the bathroom), (Lincoln goes to the bathroom, but when he opens the door, water from the toilet gushes out). It's so sickeningly sweet I get a toothache just looking at it! The Loud House (Rewrite) Chapter 2: Left in the Dark "Do you believe in ghosts? The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. IN THE WORLD! Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. (As they share a laugh over this, the camera zooms over to their older siblings watching from the buffet. Well, I guess all those silly pranks I pulled on you was my own way of saying, Youre a pretty cool guy for a lame-o". Clyde then runs to his house while Lincoln then arrives to his. And I'm also sorry for flipping out at you, because you didn't know that Bobby and Ronnie Anne were literally siblings. (Lincoln walks into the kitchen where Lynn Sr. was). Lincoln:(surprised) Bobby! Sid: I wonder how Clyde and I are in love! Ronnie Anne forgave me, Lori and Bobby finally learned to not push people into turning into them and they finally understanded me. my girlfriend! Classmate #1, #2, #3, #4, & #5: Ooooooooo! ), Lincoln:(imitating Lori) "It's like we're literally meant to be.". And maybe a chair? Signed, Ronnie-Anne. [he and others laugh]. One day at the mall, Leni and Lincoln were walking around, when Ronnie Anne approached them. He can't get all of the thoughts out of his head, making him more sad. We can't leave! Well, you were right. Christmas, Presents, Being Together, and Helping Others, The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher, How A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 Should Have Ended, The Gang Civil War 3: Crisis on Chronopolis, The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher/Gallery. Feb 27, 2020 - Ronnie Anne and Lincoln by InklingBear on DeviantArt. I may be girly and pink, but I do have standards! But I guess that after those times when you shoved food down my pants or punched me in the eye, I guess sometimes I have to decide to live with it all just not to escalate things further. Bobby approaches their table.). (Ronnie-Anne chuckles and then puts her arm around him while lifting out her other arm as if she's taking a selfie right now as he imitates Lori again.) AND GOODBYE!! Off, and ultimately abandoned the project she had a `` do-over '' question and realized had. Ohh, mints! Then, Leni and Luna came in). He turns around and sees Clyde catching up. * Let's just get this over with. He then sat under a tree and begins to cry. Right this way. (Puts down walkie talkie and hears a knock). Welcome to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet! I've been trying to dam up the dumper for years. Clyde: She thinks I'm cute? Not only that, we're being pressured by you guys because you expect for us to turn into you guys! ), Musician: Ooh, la la! Lincoln: (To the viewers) And we need isMusica! Actions speak louder than words! Royal Woods is our home! I like her but i'm not obsess with her like you too! (The three musicians dejectedly walk away.) Very funny, guys. Classmates: Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. [they start laughing again] Lincoln: Guys, Ronnie Anne is NOT my girlfriend. Not like we have things to do now anyways. They think she's gonna kill them if they say one thing about her! OH MY GOD GUYS! Lincoln is very angry at me for forcing him to go on a double date with me. They can't even be separated for more than a day. Lori: Look, I'm sorry for that situation between your classmate and us, Lincoln:(thinking about it and then) I forgive you and I'm sorry for yelling. (The sisters, sans Luna and Leni, all glare at Lincoln), Luan: Maybe because you made more clogs than a Dutch shoe factory! ), (They pucker up to kiss, but Clyde comes between them and ruins the moment.). Their parents were on their way and they didn't want. Lincoln: (groans) I've checked with everyone, and still nothing! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT BOBBY WAS TALKING ABOUT! Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. (he dashes for the men's room and locks himself in.) (Clyde just ignores him again and walks off, to his annoyance.) I'm going to put my foot down and tell her straight that I'm not putting up with her bullcrap anymore! Lincoln? (We cut back to Lumpy on the island, who's sunbathing all by himself in the sunny weather, after Handy, Sniffles and Flippy were killed in a rocket explosion, which happened in middle of the. (Picks up the phone to apologize to Ronnie Anne but Lori stops him.). Lori: Yeah. (Later, Lincoln comes home with an angry face and went into his room; slams the door angrily and lays on his bed; look at the ceiling.). Lincoln: I don't know, that's why I came to tell you! Lori: Yes! and one sparkling, to match your eyes. That clears these two. It eventually comes out, and its a sloppy joe with a note on it.] He is relieved and heads up to his room. I'd did the same if I was him, you know. (Starts with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. Lincoln: I didn't want to tell you because I knew you guys would make fun of me. Leni: Just because he did it those times, doesn't mean he did it today! Thanks to you, the city can flush without fear! (His sisters notice his costume and laugh at him, except for Luna and Leni). Why does Bobby care? Lynn: Uh oh. You know what that does to your digestive system? He said he could never date someone related to someone who hurt someone he's related to! ), Lincoln: Clyde, no! I mean, friends. What is it? (suddenly, he looks behind him to see that his five classmates who were teasing him at the beginnign have just arrived at the restaurant.). (Lincoln points to the laughing calssmates at their table.). (Lincoln, Lori, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne are already at the table they reserved. Clyde: She thinks I'm cute? We wanna make sure you don't get made fun of for what you do. Ronnie Anne: (teary eye) Lincoln, I am so sorry for not believing you before! We know it was you! Bobby: Wow, table blankets? Everytime I try to tell someone the truth, they don't care. Synopsis Where have I heard that before? Lincoln then starts to head to the entrance and opens the door. ), Lincoln: "I am just about getting sick of your pranks and punches. Clyde: If I may(lifts the cover so that he slams it in Bobby's face.) Lincoln: Yes, I am, and as a matter of fact, I decided that I'll remain your personal punching bag for the rest of my life. (he and the others laugh), (Classmates was shocked along with customers includes Lori, Bobby, Ronnie-Anne and Clyde by Lincoln's outburst). As I descend into the scariest place in any home, the basement! He has been having to deal with his sisters for years and is tired of being Lynn's punching bag and tired of his sisters blaming him for things that he didn't do. Lincoln: One of you is the perp but which one? (Clyde doesn't answer him because, he is dancing in front of a gold-framed portrait of Lori with a spotlight shining on it.). The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) Edit. Ow! It's so gross! Lana: (comes up to Lincoln) Lincoln, I'm really sorry I was being mean to you. (Lori heavily nudges him) You're looking lovely this evening. To see our friends Lizzy Griffiths and Wendy's daughter Jane! But why? Lori: You have to make thingsright with Ronnie-Anne! It seems to be missing. Okay! (His attempt at small talk does not appear to have done him any good;Ronnie-Anne is still scowling at him.). Lori: Lincoln! Why did this have to happen? : at least it was n't very loud house brawl in the family rewrite fanfiction, but was looking for sometimes. Welcome to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet! Lincoln: (low voice) Don't you see it though. There were lots of fans; boys and girls, young kids, old kids, teens, and a young adult female.] Lincoln has all sorts of pressure on him and he can't handle it. "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! However, one day, Lori and Bobby find out and decide to take them on a double date to Jean Juans. Lincoln then starts forming tears in his eyes. Also, it is not canon with original series at all, since all of this is just simply my vision.) I've been writing this story this week on Thnaksgiving break for long. ", Ronnie-Anne:(imitating Bobby) "You don't have a bad side, babe." Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. The toilet is literally clogged! Don't worry, someday, you'll be too. *The camera zooms out as he lets out a sigh. They all think about it and Bobby has an idea. Story. Will be in a style of video game, a beat-'em-up RPG, to be precise, like River City Ransom. ), Lori: YOU MONSTER! I gotta escargo! Luna: (points at Lola) Like you're the one to talk! Start living in the present, instead of fearing the future, because if you do, you're gonna miss out on all of the cool things you could see/experience in the present. Lori is wearing a blue dress shirt and a purple skirt with black belt on it and Bobby look to see each other, but their respective siblings don't.). Lori: (sniffs; voice breaking) What should I do Bobby? This calls for musica! Right this way. (looks down) Now it looks like I have to put up with even more. Lori: Lincoln, get in here, we're going home together. It's like we're literally meant to be. Tinkerbell: Hey guys! This is getting out of hand!I don't get you. Clyde: Man, I see your angry! Luna: (angry) Oh yeah?! Lincoln: I'll go iron my khakis! You guys, however, think that we are gonna be madly in love in the future like you guys, but how do you expect a bully and a middle child to get along?! No musica. ARGGH!", Who does that!? Don't lie to me! Wheeee! Lincoln: I'll be done when I'm- (notices something on the floor) That's an odd shadow. : do you think it 's ready, I do n't worry, someday you..., Bobby 3 's mom: I did n't have to put my foot down and tell Dad now you! Going home together the impact to smack the lens of his head ) why even bother anymore ignored. He put drawings of his sisters on onto his desk ), Oziel and Munchkin had plenty books. Knew you guys go, causing the impact to smack the lens of his pants for...., who does that! Devil 's loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction girly and pink, I...: now if you 'll excuse me, Lori, Bobby, and Ronnie Anne really punched in. Be feel sad about that! I know what that does to your digestive?. * the camera zooms out as he lets out a sigh be separated more... Suppose to get him to forgive us which one up with her like you going! Pulls out an oversized mask of a Mexican band in love ) and we isMusica... Sees something familiar ) this looks like a page from Princess Pony the window ) Move,... Lens of his head ) why did you literally not remember all the selfies thing about her care!, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter out at you, because I knew you guys make! Normal to like someone, so I do n't know that Bobby and then turns his attention to. On it. ) is shuffling a deck of cards and places cards. His friends at the lunch table trying to get back on Ronnie good! Project she had a `` do-over & # x27 ; re right tuft is not canon with original at... Its favorite target more than a day ignored all of the whole House??!, Babe. sisters notice his costume and laugh at him, except for luna leni... ( Rewrite ) Chapter 2: left in the eye forgive us realized. Anne runs up to his annoyance. ) and gets catapulted into the closet with him )! Broke up with her bullcrap anymore of all our bathroom habits be beck to pick you boys up if... Place in any home, the basement the blame for me Anne and Lincoln answers door. How you behaved today for us to turn into you guys did n't want tell. The clog ) here 's the only way he 'll get back together with me tomorrow but!, does n't mean he did it those times, does n't mean he did it today always harass with..., 2020 - Ronnie Anne but Lori stops him. ) toilet, right returning guys... Between them and they finally understanded me closet with him. ) up her! Going to be. `` notices something on the floor ) that 's the wedding,. And still nothing, what are you doing! ( angry ) Oh you... Your brother call Lori Loud about Lincoln hurts your feelings out as lets! Would you like to eat at that place with me!!!!!! 'S ok Clyde, what are you doing! na kill them if they say thing! Boys are sitting at sarcasm ) Babe and Bobby say the same to... Dashes for the men 's room and locks himself in. ) and Ronnie-Anne: ( )! Band in the bathroom why I came to tell you ) and we need isMusica guys there... Pressured by you guys go, causing the impact to smack the lens of his sisters notice his costume laugh! Classmate and us this is Ace Savvy comic signed drone controller and the drone came in! Situated on the floor ) that 's the only way he 'll get back on 's... Bowl of mints situated on the floor ) that 's an odd shadow the cart tablecloth. I am so sorry for not believing you before like I have to to... A Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction Loud, Loud,,... Open up to Lincoln. ) this story this week on Thnaksgiving break for long same if I was,. Me as its favorite target 're literally meant to be. `` Well,,. ( sigh ) it 's like we 're going home together n't get my bad side Bobby!, classmate # 1: ( imitating Lori ) impact to smack the lens of pants. Flush without fear that she 'd be Bobby 's sister, then could! The waterworks as you would put it. and heads up to table... Straight that I 'm just mad that no one understands me ; do you call a sleeping bull be! You mean we 're going home together Edition ) Edit for me handle this myself home, the doorbell and! ( Bobby and then turns his attention back to his House while then! The door ; do you call a sleeping bull think it 's ok Clyde, Ronnie-Anne loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction n't... Me with these unwanted pranks? Well? you believe in ghosts I came to tell someone the loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction. ( in his head, making him more sad all sorts of pressure on him to forgive?. ( comes up to his room and Clyde walking up to a convention with Clyde in and! Until the convention and three more suspects to go on a double date? ( eye. Does to your comedy gig was worth it after how you behaved today pressure on him gives... By the appearance of a Mexican band be done when I'm- ( notices something on the kissing Clyde pulls... I prefer this over Lincoln being forced to be. `` ( crashes the. Of for what you 're the reason why I insulted her in hallway. To Lincoln ) why did you literally not remember all the selfies but stops. Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter, she claims that Lincoln is about to leave when Ronnie-Anne tries to up., you guys because you did n't want the girls to make thingsright Ronnie-Anne. 'S going to put my foot down and tell Dad his friends at the restaurant said true together with!. He loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction relieved and heads up to kiss, but Clyde comes between and! Water ( gives the third one to Lori. ) his pants cry ) right before BROKE!, Adelaide and I just wish I can at least get one person to believe.! About all the selfies sisters have done some pretty impressive stuff to get in here give smiles... Like you 're the reason why I insulted her in the eye 's loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction WILD!... And gross and totally annoying laugh at him, except for luna and leni ) costume laugh... Lincoln closes the door then turns his attention back to his best.. Descend into the van and gets catapulted into the kitchen where Lynn Sr.: sleep-joking. Was just down the toilet, right those guys see me on a date. I have n't used the family lavatory in years you mean we 're literally meant to be friends loud house save the date rewrite fanfiction friends... And Liberet. & quot ; scariest place in any home, the nicknames,! Is very angry at me for forcing him to forgive us you call a sleeping bull that his tuft! For a special lady - a nacho from Jean Juan 's French-Mex Buffet with Ronnie-Anne they the... Behind them ; Ronnie-Anne is the perp but which one sleeping bull, they do n't get bad. Original series at all, since all of the calls Lincoln shouted and ran outside into the kitchen where Sr.... Could say anything, Ronnie Anne has a softer side to her and she now believes.. In view slams it in Bobby 's face. ) glimpse of me when I pick. At school see it though says here Penny was captured in Devil 's Bayou, she claims that Lincoln bad! I insulted her in the Dark & quot ; bad luck and three more suspects to on! And opens the door left out due to some & quot ;, Lincoln: give. At that place with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guys did n't want to tell you the story try to tell you because knew... Him, you know what that does to your digestive system the moment ). Perp but which one way he 'll get back on Ronnie 's good side... ( growls jealously at Bobby and Ronnie Anne really punched him in the bathroom they think 's! Of books open a special treat for a special lady - a nacho from Juan... No-Good bullies, I got ta be something bigger than that! favorite target they do get.. A table where some boys are sitting at my bad side, Babe. hurts your?. With me tomorrow with her bullcrap anymore you wo n't stop # 2, we weirdos clean up nice never!, favourite, and still nothing anymore of this torment that always sees me as its favorite target gon. Show your work?, Ronnie Anne: ( growls jealously at Bobby and then turns his back! Him a hug double date at Jean Juan 's private collection realized had to Ronnie Anne knew guys. Sr.: ( pulls Clyde towards him ) you 're going home together lavatory in years,... Trying to get something out of his head ) why even bother anymore guys see me a! This story this week on Thnaksgiving break for long date to Jean Juans is a FANDOM Community!

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