It would be almost impossible to measure who is smarter. Politicians who work in parliament can get free food. [A]s we celebrate 75 years of the minimum wage, we must also recognize that it is no longer achieving its potential impact in our economy or for Americas working families. I'd like to see the data that supports your statement that politicians are smarter than janitors and wal-mart cashiers - what is your baseline? Politicians need to live the life of a private in the military. But even so, all of the people you've mentioned were victims of injustices. This website uses cookies to ensure the best user experience. Find out with our income calculator, Indias Sex Ratio at Birth Begins To Normalize. Ours is a representative democracy. In the United States of America a job must lift workers out of poverty, not keep them in it. She wishes politicians in Washington, debating whether minimum wage should be $10, $11 or $15 per hour, lived a day like she does with almost two hours on a bus, just to get to work. From April this year, the hourly rate for earners aged 21 to 2 is 9.18 an hour, up from 8.36. Furthermore it would drastically shrink the number of people who run for elections in the exact opposite way you would likely hope for. And how would there be any way of knowing theyre in it for the right reasons? The case for paying health and social care workers a wage commensurate with the vital nature of the service they provide stands on its own merits. Some of them receive tons of gifts from the people who admire them. Parish Council member Byron Lee said paying parish workers a "livable" wage of $15 per hour is the "right thing to do" and will help the parish attract and retain its employees. Lets get the facts straight, only 20 percent of people making the minimum wage are teenagers. National. I would suggest, however, that this and other instances of entrenched social inequity will not be more effectively or more speedily corrected by making our democracy work even less well than it does. You seem to put way too much trust into these victims. They could find a similar level of power and control elsewhere while having more money. I am nearly certain that if one were to poll serious economists studying the minimum wage, that very few of them would suggest an increase past $12 per hour. . Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. The problem is you cant do that by mandating it in the minimum wage laws. Black adults in particular stand out for their support: 89% favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, including 73% who support the idea strongly. The combination of mint with ANYTHING food related Just because I paid my bill doesnt mean you stop waiting Websites should be required to have an easily accessible People who tell others how to enjoy their steak should Press J to jump to the feed. As a result, a raise gave lower-quality MEPs a greater incentive to get into office and, once there, to stay put. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, just that you don't have data to support this statement. Among the public, those who back a $15 minimum wage are fairly divided over how to approach the issue if there is insufficient support in Congress for an increase to that amount this year. Very specific in what kind of intelligence it measures. It's not like they're flipping burgers, guys. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. What the data says about abortion in the U.S. Are you in the American middle class? According to BLS surveys, about 392,000 workers earned the minimum wage of $7.25 in 2019 and 1.2 million workers were paid a wage below the federal minimum. Under federal law What is Fast Fashion? The researchers constructed a variable to define shirkingnoting a members voting record as well as how often he or she signed the daily attendance register but then left without attending the legislative session. Also the fringe benefits are just out of control. By contrast, 36% of White adults who favor a $15 minimum wage say Congress should keep pressing for that amount. Nowadays, any working class person can aspire to become an elective representative. In fact, it may accomplish the opposite. If you want a more qualified and capable cal. The justice and sense and utility of that is plainly apparent. It would only act as a lure for greedy individuals if they are getting paid. I think its time that OUR ELECTED are paid what they think its ok to pay us. Like Jefferson, the city has faced an exodus of municipal workers and a slow down in hiring due to the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. They should be paid the median american salary. The environment encompasses all living creatures on this planet. Many people do not realize that many politicians make 6 figures (well over $100,000.00) a year. Each pay grade has its own salary range, and employees get paid, in part, based on how long they've been employed. I would say they should be payed the average income of there district. Parish hires consultant to study pay plan, Jefferson councilman: Its shameful parish department doesnt recommend increasing parish workers minimum wage, The New Orleans City Council ratifies $15 hourly minimum wage for city workers, 'Living wage' rate for city contractors backed by New Orleans City Council; see pay changes. Unfortunately, not enough people grow up in shit conditions in order to make up a government. In order to secure a permit, the company offered the public official a huge amount of money in exchange for the permit. The parish would need to spend another $8.4 million to address the resulting wage compression among workers already making more than $15 per hour, The Archer Group estimated. New Orleans pays city workers at least $15 per hour. Why do people think that minimum wage being raised would in turn raise the prices of everything. The presidency is the highest elected position. The mayor is the chief executive officer. Jr. puts both feet in Mouth, This Aint Your Dads Republican Party Anymore, Bernie Sanders goes after the coolest capitalist of all, Elon Musk. Forever insurance, forever paychecks, forever retirement, "gifts", etc. I wrote this article after the tragic shooting in El Paso. (Staff Photo by David Grunfeld, | The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate). Support for raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour is extensive across most demographic groups, according to the survey, which was conducted among 5,109 U.S. adults. Smart people regularly volunteer, and granted that the current income for being a politician is far below most politicians current net-worth, few do it for the money currently. A Tory candidate has been filmed telling a hustings event that people with learning disabilities should be paid less than minimum wage as 'they don't understand money'. And, you're right. If that is the case, politicians will be representative of those people in the upper class and leave poor people behind. This petition starter stood up and took action. But the increase didnt similarly influence the reelection decisions of higher-quality MEPs, who had better job prospects outside of politics. No conclusion final. Most people will never see this kind of money over their entire lifetimes. If someone could become a millionaire teaching little kids, how many more people would apply for the job? Among higher-income adults who support a $15 minimum wage, majorities say the priority for Congress should be to work to increase the minimum wage, even if the new wage is significantly less than $15 an hour. He is up for re election in 2020. "We can't compete with the private sector, but we want to make sure that our salaries are consistent and competitive with other municipalities," said John Dumas, the parish's personnel director. That is an interesting idea. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. I don't believe they should be paid minimum wage considering their job requires a specific set of skills and experience. Watch how fast everything changes when politicians realize what life on minimum wage really is like. Well, its a good thing nothing Ive listed above would affect their ability to help people. Till then, Ill collect as many adventures as possible. Participation requires access. but we would need to first get them in office, which no smart person will do. In June, the parish hired The Archer Company,a South Carolina-based human resources consulting firm, to conduct a top-to-bottom review of its pay plan and determine the feasibility of raising its hourly minimum wage. Yet the minimum wage is not enough to realistically live on in this country. I always thought it should be a percentage of the average wage in the area they represent. White adults, by contrast, are divided: 51% favor raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour including just 30% who strongly favor it while 48% oppose it. I think this would be a good way to make sure that people get into politics to make things change for the better. And the erosion of the minimum wage has lowered pay and working standards for all of us." Local elected officials include the mayor and council members. We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage - at least $15 an hour. It should be a commitment. User content, unless source quoted, licensed under a. These people earn every single penny they get. Tommy may have a point in relation to some of this. what kind of shit country does that? What should the maximum salary per year be for politicans? All we have is the IQ test, which kind of sucks. Privacy & Cookies Notice People can freely express their opinions to the government and influence politics through public protests, signing petitions, lobbying, writing letters, or attending meetings. If you go somewhere housing is cheap, minimum wage is less to reflect that. While Democrats are largely united in their support for increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, Republicans views differ by household income. Serving as a politician is supposed to be a service to your country. Florida voters last year overwhelmingly approved the referendum, voting 61 percent to 39 percent to raise the . Social imbalances are rarely, if ever, corrected quickly. Ghandi and Mother Theresa were shams. business owners, lawyers, old pensioners, etc.) They find that a salary increase led to politicians with less education. But politiciansnot market forcesare responsible for setting their own salary levels, one reason why the political labor market veers toward irrationality. Sure. The massive social imbalance of a previous era has been largely corrected. It's quick & easy! not exactly because there are many businesses that pay many different wages, and already attract certain classes of people. Surely we want that process to continue. About seven-in-ten adults in these places (69%) favor raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, compared with 59% of those living in places with a minimum wage of less than $12 an hour.

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