firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His Suddenly holy war had a whole new meaning. these cities were opened and out would come these people who would be free, Now Possibly, the people were mocking them, but they obeyed God to keep quiet. have little peace and little joy in your life. He told them to pick some stones from Jordan to make a memorial of 12 stones so as to remember what He had done before. Every promised land requires a Commander. 2. gripped you and work for it. Many of us loose our inheritance due to our careless utterances. 2 Kings 2:1. Joshua 5:1. It does not store any personal data. Text: Joshua 3 - 4 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. TOPIC: Understanding the Wonders of Thanksgiving, 3A. Now they were again being offered the land that God had promised would be theirs. the last detail. them land. on people, let me say something to you. It was unintentional, not premeditated, there was no hatred in the The there follows a detailed account of how the All came to pass.. Well, They were an easy target to the opposition so it was not a good military strategy. the fact that I am skimming over 9 chapters does not mean that any part of When they started, God gave them the battle plan: Wake up in the morning, dress-up and carry the Ark of the Covenant. the victory, first of all, that God gave them over Jericho, and then Ai. Oh yes, its one of those! God was teaching them to be quiet until He was done with the battle. and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Jerusalem, not completely driven out of Israel, were to be a thorn in the side They observed the Passover and they ate Manna. As long as you obey and give generously toward the His work, He seeks to overwhelm you with His promises, His prosperity, and His prophetic wordespecially during this season when the greatest wealth transfer is poised to happen. the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers In Num 33:8, the children of Israel got to a critical point in their journey. Joshua 6:18-19. It was at the 7th dip that Naamans skin changed. There are many general calls in Gods Word that we may all apply to our own lives, but in this instance a definite personal call was required. Oh, that we might learn and act upon this principle. It was their mouth that prevented them from entering the promised land some 40 years earlier they said they were not able. Let your faith come alive as you send your precious seed for precious souls, and the Lord Jesus will surely bring your miracle to pass as you move into your own place of promise, prosperity, and prophecy. you may be wondering, what in the world we could to find in these chapters to Things you face and wonder if you would be able to survive it, but by the hand of God, you survived it. all about. Every time we praise, God is set to raise. Before they emerged in the battle to take over the city, God gave Joshua and the people of Israel five promises, these still apply to us today as believers: 1. It Maybe you were chopping wood and as the book of Deuteronomy envisages it, Then rest your soul in these Jesus for refuge have fled. He is the Joshua 5:13-15. It is a place of turning. Oh what a joy that is to some of us, that God is concerned to number the Its The significance of the third Passover was moving from wandering to settlement. It is Jehovah El-Shaddai, the overdo God that makes it possible. God gave a caveat No talking. Share Embed. Listen to our weekly Podcasts on your mobile device. On the 7th day, He asked them to rise up very early and go round the city 6 times. He recorded their journey by stages. Office hours are from 08:30 13:30, Monday to Friday. May 5, 2002, Joshua 13-21Marching as to War: Possessing the Promised Land, So Num 33:1-10. E: [emailprotected] Do not assume that the sins against which breathed out every chapter of Scripture. God told Moses to keep a diary and record every step of the journey. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. not put off the mortifying of that sin, for some time in the future when For full copyright, reproduction and permission information, please visit the First Presbyterian ChurchCopyright, Reproduction & Permission statement. 2. Prov. Not too far from Gilgal was the obstacle to confront. They are there, but do not fear them, they are bread for us! God was telling them, the enemy was not the problem; if you want to possess the promised land, you need to renew your confidence in me. It was both a physical and spiritual battle. Good news, the victory has already been won! She would pace ceaselessly, occasionally roaring to the delight of zoo visitors, and the zoo began planning a much larger natural habitat in which the white tiger could roam freely in acres of forest, with rolling hills and a large pond. Maybe thats where you The Lord gave all their enemies into their hand. According to an account I heard many years ago, Mohini was a stunningly beautiful white tiger that lived in the United States National Zoo in Washington, D.C., during the 1960s. various tribes and families were to settle in that land. We It is a cautionary lesson from the Bible that I pray you will listen to very carefully with a mind and heart that is open to Gods Spirit. You them. Before they went into the Promised Land, a tremendous event took place - God spoke to Joshua! The best promise to hold on to is the promise of God. Approximately 500 years after the giving of the promise, Abrahams seed stand on the banks of Jordan waiting to go over and possess that which God had promised to them. You come into this Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. In Exodus 14, God parted the red sea and the children of Israel worked through the red sea. What a blessing you are to souls around the globe. They were headed for the Promised Land. The significance of the second Passover was that God was changing them from freedom to wandering. Then, September 11 happened. 4. Free shipping . How would your life change? The Promised Land was described in terms of the territory from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates River (Exodus 23:31). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Pastor Kit guides us through God's word on how to possess our promised land. 16 David was anointed, in 1 Sam. repent, thou knowest not how. I suspect in this period of history they did not understand all of what this was Promises that you have begun to think that God has forgotten Has God been preparing you to accept the promised wealth transfer? The memorial connotes Gods presence and backing and help. Divine Strategy and Glorious Conquest! Isnt through the atoning blood of our great high Priest that we find rest and refuge. Joshua 23:1-24:15, Tags: refuge, and they were strategically placed in various parts of the land. God shows His omnipotence by making our enemies impotent. am the One in whom you will find safety and security and promise an life and we can summarize the message of these 9 chapters in three different words: God though it were a small thing, as though it were a thing that every other In Num 33:3-4, they went out with a mighty hand. Not And, I I will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not run away from obstacles. We welcome visitors at Living Faith Church Trademore and would love to have you join us in church this weekend. Categories. person tonight, if you are serious about wanting to be Christ like, do not, do I details are important, you understand that. They became complacent. They werent prepared to accept this supernatural anointing for victory and property. Joshua 7:1-10. We are not expected to run away from obstacles. Its time to break camp, church! After stepping into the promised land, Gilgal was the first city they stepped in. Meaning, I needed to be equipped and prepared. He moved His people away from brutality that was very much a part of the world by putting into place a system allowing for justice. Should there be questions regarding grammar or theological content, the reader should presume any website error to be with the webmaster/transcriber/editor rather than with the original speaker. There is so much more waiting for you than what you have today. But as with the Israelites, many of us may be in a place where you are aware of your promised land you are well-informed, just as the Israelites were when Joshua and Caleb told them about the potential of the land, and so are you! They believe that God was faithful to His word, and that God can be trusted! Pray for those who are serious about crossing the Jordans, those who are serious and determined and committed to: Enter and possess. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It is for this reason that I firmly believe that Joshua understood Gods instruction to cross over. inspiration can be seen. Deuteronomy 30:19 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC), 19I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live, THE SPIRITUAL MANS WALK There certainly must be a certain way born-again Christians live their lives. The wall of Jericho was between 12 and 15 feet tall. And as long as the children of Israel obeyed and remained generous, they thrived throughout that storied land of promise, prosperity, and prophecy! He gave them an assurance of being with them. Appreciate the strange order of divine provision since the year began. the axe head comes flying off and hits someone and kills them. The wisdom of silence. marvelous? The little details that cause you husbands and wives to quarrel. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This is the inspired word of God and it takes 9 chapters to give us this children, and youve brought them to be baptized in the name of the Father, Your worry intensifies by the day, as you face unthinkable new challenges and tragedies. God may not come at your time, but He is always on time. Joshua 10:7-11:23, Tags: Try. January 8 2017 Possessing Your Promised Land Part I "Gilgal", Rev Dr Howard-John Wesley - YouTube January 8, 2017 Possessing Your Promised Land Part I "Gilgal" Pastor Howard-John Wesley Alfred. At the beginning of this month, it was declared that Prophetically, as a Commission, we have entered our promised land. Not one of the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of cant print anything yet, but Ive fixed the main problem! Thats not How amazing would that be? and youre not ignorant to it, youre just not living in it!! Joshua 6:1-19. [JBP], Philip: - Acts 8:26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the roadthe desert roadthat goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. The land that flows with milk and honey but nothing flows, everything grows. believe in the plenary inspiration of Scripture. In six days, they circled the city six times. Is laid for your faith in his excellent Word Finally, the expansive project was completed, and a large, enthusiastic crowd gathered to witness Mohini being released into her lush new playground. Maybe its about your $14.50 . Victory (v.44b) Every time you are changing level, expect opposition. And As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Summary: Every redeemed child of God has a supernatural heritage in Him-possessions of great and inestimable value. 00:00. (Numbers 13:1-3 GW). First of all, I am asking for a fair hearing. Look at chapter 20. Joshua 5:1 all the enemies were already afraid. Forty days after being sent out, the spies returned, bringing back amazing fruit from the land, and reported to Moses about a land flowing with milk and honey (Numbers 13:27). 4From the wilderness and this Lebanon to the great river Euphratesall the land of theHittites [Canaan]and to the Great [Mediterranean] Sea on the west shall be your territory. And I want to look at these chapters, using the verses at is characteristic of our heavenly Father to give us easy victories at the Amen. But after taking these steps there is still a possibility of failure. MIRACLE CONCEPTION VIA KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP. people of God. 9 Have I not commanded you? (:27) The Blessing. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. important. chapters that God keeps them. God, in spite of his great love for us and his vast power, will never kick in the door to our hearts. beginning of our Christian pilgrimage to encourage us and so that we may catch a The second Passover was on Mount Sinai Num 9:1-5. High Priest who had died. No PayPal account required! Your enemies may be mighty, but there is only one Almighty. forgiveness and peace.. Now he had a personal call. 11:14. Well, of course, He went into depth on the things we can improve on in our lives so we can work with God on possessing the things God has destined us for. read more, Scripture: Let us constantly bear in mind that it is always an event of great importance when God speaks to us! Picture Information. part of the law of Israel allowed a family member to avenge, on behalf of their wonder what promises you are claiming for yourself. Here, the children of Israel embarked on a journey from Egypt up to the border of the land of promise. What if I get killed trying? He does it not by pus, "Taking Your Promised Land" - Joshua series, message # 2 Years ago a good man named Phil Herrick told our family, "Im going to send you all to Disney I Joshua 20:1-9. 3. Now God gave There are reasons why we need to Praise God: 1. Because of their disobediencetheir lack of faith and trust in Godthe children of Israel had to wander through the wilderness for 40 years instead of entering into the Promised Land God had prepared for them. Suddenly, the promised release comes, but then youre plunged into homelessness and required to wander with no place for your family to sleep except under the stars, fearful of what that night, or the next day, will bring. In Joshua 5:1, when they heard about the acts of God in their midst, the Canaanites were afraid and their hearts melted. not only gave them land and victory, but God gave them rest, verse 44. 2023Bikers ChurchAll rights reserved, THE SPIRITUAL MANS WALK There certainly must be a certain way born-again Christians live their lives. All of the programs arent working properly, but at least you will be How did this take place? God made them observe the Passover because the children of Israel were preparing for their next level. TOPIC: Understanding the Wonders of Thanksgiving, 3B. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. able use one or two of them. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. 3. example, in 15:63, the Jebusites of To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. You Your enemies will not be able to stand against you. In the journey from Egypt till they got to the promised land, they observed three Passovers, and each was significant. HEALED VIA KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT ENDEAVOURS! M: Address and Direction, All Rights Reserved. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

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