Only Active Duty with Official Passport may apply, E4-E6 35M with a Top Secret clearance. Bruce JP 1833/ 927/1ST Bruffy AJ 7236/ 769/1A5 Sisson LM 8999/ 967/SM7 Skelton AM 8999/ 804/1ML Harris WH 8999/ 894/1NA Henderson JS 8999/ 722/HC2 Cahill J 6391/ 63/143 Cajina MA 3043/ 689/082 Wodele KR 8999/1060/023 Wolford CM 8999/ 848/1PK Barner RP 0241/ 175/114 Basile SL 0231/ 488/J90 Jackson PB 3043/ 208/W04 Jackson Jr D 1371/ 623/198 Duran L 0699/ 387/C77 Duran TM 0211/ 462/1ML Review MILPER Message 22-337 for the FY23 United States Army Warrant Officer Selection Boards (WOSB). Carpenter EE 8999/1077/012 Carrasco Jr JM 8999/ 368/1J2 Leblanc TB 0699/ 897/15B Ledbetter TJ 8412/ 836/930 CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 VACCINATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD AND THE READY RESERVE, 30 NOV 21. The Prepositioning Release of this board results will be between 0900-1300 EST 15 Nov 22. Delatorre J 0699/ 24/KEB Delavega DB 1349/ 924/15H NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC 6591 8 20170701 20011113 20170901 20040726 20180701 20040908 REF/A/MSGID:MSG/CMC/191450ZDEC16// Beckes WC 8999/1063/1JX Bell DD 8999/ 315/092 Olivaresguerr GO 8412/ 790/966 Olivasmendoza EA 0111/ 55/013 Black LM 8999/ 759/1Y9 Bloomfield CL 8999/ 815/T35 Chong CA 8999/ 170/15S Colina IA 8999/ 843/HAD 7242 2 20171201 20030825 20171201 NA 20180501 NA Charles J 3051/ 119/1F6 Chastant II RB 2149/ 557/KA1 Can you send a link or post to the document if you have it? Stillman NE 5821/ 632/1F2 Stolaas II SA 3529/ 508/1PR The purpose of this message is to inform all of the extension of the Army Cyber Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP)Program for Fiscal Year 2022 effective October 1, 2021. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001 (475 pages) Mark F. Gillespie et al, The Sergeants Major of the Army. Rhodes RN 3152/ 690/1Y9 Rich DJ 3537/ 895/160 Monzon O 1349/ 505/1CE Moore BA 6019/ 124/1V4 Armendariz MR 2891/ 394/U76 Arnold TM 3043/ 522/1R1 Villa SR 3537/ 509/1NF Villalobos MA 6046/ 163/S8F weather in april 2022. . Tuszynski JA 7236/1111/KES Ullrich MH 1349/ 887/K46 Green JJ 1799/ 338/1RA Green NJ 0372/ 27/1MX Brashear BK 8999/ 21/T9B Brooks AD 8999/ 551/115 Gutierrez MA 6591/ 504/VFD Gutierrez Jr J 6019/ 106/VMB The MQ's will be selected for promotion first. Quinones D 6019/ 425/VR1 Raices CA 0231/ 212/121 My OML number 596 of 2434 (Infantry), now to just play the waiting game meh maybe next year. Tidwell NS 0491/ 750/110 Tijerina G 2891/ 164/1QB 0372 33 20170101 20031027 20180701 20030831 20181101 NA Arellano W 8999/ 944/130 Argueta ER 8999/1116/19F GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Really wish they would have released the list with the OML numbers. Wald DC 8999/1029/1YA Walker Jr JL 8999/ 839/233 0393 3 20161201 20050307 20171101 NA 20180801 20050411 Ladwig CJ 0211/ 203/TIB Lambert JT 1371/ 234/198 I've been told numerous times that that's the date but I can't find any official document. Jenkins JJ 8999/1042/V13 Jensen KL 8999/ 595/V15 Moore MW 8999/ 565/1EC Morales C 8999/ 172/1JZ Sandoval TJ 6672/ 910/1JV Santiago JL 2891/ 427/1CK MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA MM// Perry SM 3043/ 73/SG3 Perryman AQ 0321/ 84/1R2 1. Sponsored Ad. RESERVE TPU 46S POSITIONS AVAILABLE (E6/E7), 319TH MIL HISTORY DET, WIESBADEN, GERMANY. Alicea Jr LA 3537/ 473/121 Ammeter DA 6391/ 331/1J1 Hartmon BA 0699/ 611/V23 Harven CM 1799/ 762/800 Whats an Army moment that stands out in your memory? Cecil CA 8999/1022/226 Cepeda JC 8999/ 796/139 From there, to find this MARADMIN: click on "Message Traffic", then Staff Noncommissioned Officer (SNCO) Messages". FY22 RA SFC Evaluation Board FQ List January 20, 2022 milmedia Congratulations to all those SFCs earning Fully Qualified (FQ) & Most Qualified (MQ). Collins NA 0399/ 569/C93 Frazier JS 0861/ 617/H59 Melgoza DM 0491/ 730/S8F Mendiola AH 0399/ 598/1K2 1799 10 20170301 20060821 20180101 20070827 20180201 20071023 Left? Hang JL 3043/ 404/930 Hanson MA 3043/ 223/016 Greschaw TC 2891/ 384/S8R Grijalva BM 5811/ 931/JAB All MILPER messages are available on the HRC MILPER web page at The 106th FMSU will be providing Disbursing and Military Pay support to all Units participating in Defender Europe 2022. Osburn ML 0399/ 606/UKT Ouattara Y 0111/ 300/1PK Leet CG 1349/ 881/K46 Lehre WT 0491/ 830/1ML Henry AS 3043/ 528/908 Hernandez AM 5811/ 358/1F5 Rodriguez RR 6276/ 103/VR1 Rodriguez Jr R 0699/ 697/1NL West CO 0491/1014/1LB Westfall MA 0491/ 333/728 1. d. Communications NCO located at Fort Bragg, NC. Stallings SM 0848/ 487/H40 Stampfler MR 5811/ 629/1FN MILPER MESSAGE 21-455, FISCAL YEAR (FY) 22 LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC) OPERATION AND FORCE SUSTAINMENT, SECURITY FORCE ASSISTANCE BRIGADE (SFAB) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) - SLATE PRE-POSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [12/2/2021 2:17:53 PM]. Chaney GE 5959/ 326/1L7 Chanthavong J 6672/ 654/462 Freeman GE 6694/ 990/V6A Freeman SW 8412/ 833/982 Oliva AW 8999/ 925/15D Olson JH 8999/1096/961 Sharp Jr AL 8999/ 205/V35 Shvartsberg A 8999/ 842/1ES INTEGRATION OF THE ALERT MASS WARNING NOTIFICATION SYSTEM WITH THE ARMY DISASTER PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM (ADPAAS). November 2022. Zacniewski HT 0111/ 532/142 Zambrano PA 8412/ 75/989 Brooks AL 0699/ 393/167 Brooks DT 6019/ 121/1T3 Whats an Army moment that stands out in your memory? Hernandez JJ 3051/ 589/143 Hernandezvela CF 3537/ 550/H36 Newton WA 0111/ 674/TCX Nichols Jr MD 0399/ 433/V35 Frick III WB 0399/ 495/V25 Fuentes R 6672/ 626/1JT Dewall QA 0861/ 735/E75 Dickens YT 0111/ 788/012 Esqueda R 1349/ 520/067 Estrada MV 0491/1074/1RV Valadez RR 0699/ 416/1G9 Valdez FP 0491/1086/1UV Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this DoD Web site. Smith QA 2181/ 127/095 Smith Jr RD 3043/ 219/SR2 Location: AL Udeid AB. Lee AG 0399/ 529/V13 Lee II MP 0231/ 11/1MY Select from the links below for the specific month and year where you can download your promotion orders, by name list, and the sequence number report. The official release date is 14 September 2021 . Boyd III W 6591/ 146/MC9 Boykin EJ 0491/ 824/S8F Renteria CP 1799/ 337/1G7 Renton JA 6019/ 113/023 3537 25 20160901 20030316 20180701 20030825 20180701 20040909 Selectee serves as the primary training advisor to the School Director of Training (DOT) regarding the development of professional military education for active and reserve Adjutant General Enlisted Soldiers, Warrant Officers, and Officers. 5524 1 20150801 20020617 20150801 NA 20160801 20021104 I remember being told that recruiting would benefit me for these boards. The FY22 Regular Army (RA)/United States Army Reserve (USAR) Active Guard Reserve (AGR) SFC Evaluation Board will evaluate all NCOs in the zone of consideration., d. MILPER MESSAGE 21-455, FISCAL YEAR (FY) 22 LIEUTENANT COLONEL (LTC) OPERATION AND FORCE SUSTAINMENT, SECURITY FORCE ASSISTANCE BRIGADE (SFAB) CENTRALIZED SELECTION LIST (CSL) SLATE PRE-POSITION AND RELEASE, ISSUED: [12/2/2021 2:17:53 PM]. Cosh JM 8412/ 832/980 Cox BA 0699/ 973/1XC 7. Torresespinal A 8999/ 852/V28 Toth SL 8999/ 983/124 Chavez GA 0411/ 672/UKU Chavez Jr RA 3043/ 134/1C1 This is required regardless of whether the action occurred prior to the convening of the board, during the board, subsequent to the publication of the selection list, or while the Marine was a member of a previous command. Radio drama aside, its not a Bottom Line Up Front if What type of boot blouser are you? Recently published Military Personnel (MILPER) messages and Military Pay E-Messages. subaru brat for . Andino LA 6672/ 680/1JW Andrade AE 6042/ 52/1GA 10. Aldridge AL 1391/1055/SU3 Aldridge II LW 6019/ 107/1TS Mendiola Jr DB 0699/ 646/145 Mendozamartin E 0399/ 544/V31 Watson MD 6276/ 306/VRA Watson RT 8412/ 976/946 Neal MJ 0399/ 957/060 Negrete VL 6672/ 885/1JN Schmitt JT 6391/ 252/M32 Schneider JA 6391/ 253/1T6 Delgadohernan F 0491/ 335/129 Delosreyes A 8412/ 720/995 MILPER Message Number 20-254 Proponent AHRC-OPM-C . 3. Rawson ME 0321/ 61/1R4 Raza JL 0699/ 390/1XC Macias DA 2891/ 434/KAT Macias SL 0399/ 779/TP7 Reed SJ 0399/ 510/V21 Rehm JB 0491/ 99/VR1 Nobody in my MOS is MQ, so I'm gonna assume I'm a 6+ just like everyone else. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Navy Active-Duty and Navy Reserve Enlisted Advancement. Bush SJ 0372/ 563/1MU Bush TJ 0399/ 591/226 Pfeffer BJ 0372/ 275/1MX Phillips KA 1169/ 355/1QN Cole AM 4421/ 681/016 Cole CR 3529/ 51/1CM 7. Yumo Jr RP 8412/ 5/990 Zaboroskie I DJ 0399/ 382/V26 Akers PJ 8999/ 411/VRA Allen DS 8999/1094/U18 Jolly GL 8999/1039/V27 Jones IP 8999/1104/121 R 092200Z DEC 21 The slate will be publicly released at 0730 (EDT) on 9 December 2021 via the Command Management Division Human Resources Command webpage. Bush BT 2181/ 87/1NP Bush ER 2336/1006/1YB Herring CT 3529/ 213/137 Higerd BR 2181/ 367/15H, 4. 7051 7 20170201 20040322 20180201 NA 20181101 NA Paredes Jr JD 2336/1003/1YB Parker CM 0861/ 615/1NB Torres JS 6019/ 66/V63 Torres Jr A 8412/ 981/A88 Sciscoe SB 8999/ 787/G76 Sharp BD 8999/ 982/1RX Weinrich JD 8999/ 965/1S1 Wells PC 8999/ 962/V27 Jamanila GA 7242/ 709/R12 Jean G 0111/ 794/1CC Cirilli JM 6019/ 228/R00 Clark CD 3537/ 524/142 Samples CW 7242/ 692/1QA Sampley II TS 6019/ 239/VHB Hernandezquez CJ 8999/ 786/1RX Hobbs MA 8999/1047/313 Bustamante MI 1349/ 882/W04 Butler MD 7236/ 748/1QD Mckinney PB 0399/ 575/TWD Mead DD 2336/1004/976 3381 4 20170901 20040809 20180701 20020328 20180701 NA Bromell CW 1799/ 96/TMH Brookins JM 0699/ 866/924 Markley RK 0372/ 543/1MR Martin DM 1833/1035/19F 7212 3 20171201 20050124 20181101 NA NA NA Corriveau JJ 8999/ 738/KEB Cortez Jr RR 8999/ 472/VLA Aguilar KR 0111/ 695/1Y5 Aguirre III E 6672/ 643/1JN Moratalla Jr AM 0399/ 581/V18 Moreno JJ 1371/ 250/193 Press option 7 to leave a message. Is there an official document or MILPER stating that the results will come out on May 21? Vancura JT 0699/ 369/1RU Vanegas BA 0111/ 463/086 c. HUMINT Collector located at Djibouti. Strict compliance with the provisions of paragraph 3602 of reference (b) is directed. If your 1LT DOR was NOV 2019, that means you commissioned around 18 months prior. a. J3 JOINT OPS CENTER CHIEF (11A) in the grade of O5 (LTC). Carraro CJ 0861/ 325/TIB Carreno AG 8412/ 291/914 Medrano S 0372/ 17/1MU Meekins JR 2336/1012/077 Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Stednitz C 0231/ 246/R12 Steele DP 2149/ 360/KA1 Morales JN 8999/1017/VFD Morales PB 8999/ 515/1MY Lecureux CM 8999/ 694/1CG Lennon M 8999/ 420/1RX Cooper BK 3537/ 140/15E Cooper JD 0372/ 553/1MR NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC NAME IMOS/SRNO/MCC I expect you'll have zero impact on anything I do after this hell. Parker JC 6591/ 365/1JX Parks DT 0372/ 670/TJ5, 5. FY-23 Senior Enlisted A2P Selection Board Results and FY23 list of enlistment programs and bonuses is now out, FYI 2021-2022 Prizm Blasters and Hangers up on Target, FY23 Branch Preference Results Megathread. Wunrow JC 3529/ 232/J15 Yates II DR 0491/ 808/VM2 Was or is the subject of completed or pending disciplinary action by military or civilian authorities or other significant adverse action within the current grade (e.g., Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), court-martial, civilian conviction, etc.). Mingo Jr ML 3043/ 540/J15 Miosek GP 0111/ 664/143 752 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<572AA20D3CA41445B78FB175DB435870><909CA5D559222D48927384A499671698>]/Index[734 31]/Info 733 0 R/Length 100/Prev 420760/Root 735 0 R/Size 765/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Army SSG Evaluation Board 2021 results.MILPER 21-129 - FY22 U. Illinois Army National Guard Unit Cooks Up Culinary Win in. Best Jr BL 7051/ 319/H62 Betts KA 6019/ 50/1JN 1833 9 20171101 NA 20181201 NA NA NA Right? Mcgrath MS 0699/ 648/V34 Mckelvey CE 4591/ 693/137 Davis BC 6019/ 424/1TD Davis SE 0699/ 928/1NL Swarts MB 7236/1099/1L3 Talley Jr RE 6391/ 410/G91 Valentine BL 0699/ 625/110 Valladarez AF 0491/ 13/TMH The FY22 SSG Evaluation Board evaluated all NCOs in the zone of consideration. 8.a.3. Redman JC 8999/ 653/J33 Rhode DR 8999/ 868/V6A 5. Bevilacqua AP 2149/ 179/1CM Bibbins DA 0399/ 340/V13 Mcmanus JR 8999/ 954/J15 Meily GS 8999/ 929/053 Oddo MA 6842/ 607/1F1 Ogaldez AA 1371/ 229/1YB Brown DA 0399/ 363/233 Brown SD 8412/ 858/JAA Ducworth CH 0372/ 999/1MX Dunseith AL 4133/ 183/028 Hoyt DJ 6276/ 875/VRA Hucal Jr TJ 5811/ 850/013 Farish DF 8999/ 446/UCG Fehr JM 8999/ 960/028 FY 2022 APPROVED SELECTIONS TO FIRST SERGEANT AND MASTER SERGEANT > United States Marine Corps Flagship > Messages Display R 092200Z DEC 21 MARADMIN 701/21 MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC WASHINGTON DC MRA. Passage BM 2336/ 874/092 Patterson SA 0411/1079/U76 Escobar CL 6019/ 204/1TV Eskew PW 7051/ 742/1QN e.g., incorrect date of rank, incorrect MOS, incorrect zone of consideration, and requests to transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. Erdman BA 2874/1084/1LH Erdmann EW 0399/ 940/114 Gartland PJ 8999/ 899/1JJ Garza II J 8999/ 421/15H Hotaling TJ 8999/1048/V21 James WC 8999/ 269/094 Ramirez JM 0161/ 869/1EZ Ramos HA 3112/ 723/041 Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You had zero impact on me getting SFC. Kelsaw SJ 0372/ 905/1MU Khan C 0111/ 120/044 3. Phone: (502) 626-5055, USAREC SHARP 24/7 HOTLINE Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention Program SHARP Phone: (502) 626-5284. Castaneda Jr O 6019/ 169/143 Castillo MA 0231/ 491/JAL I didnt have enough TIS to get looked at, but what does this mean for people who got looked at and are NOT on the list? Price BC 8999/ 802/080 Procter SD 8999/ 764/VMD Williams JC 8999/1020/V36 Williford ZA 8999/ 724/982 Castle KW 0699/ 486/1EM Castro M 1799/ 771/1G7 All considered NCOs will either be: Most Qualified (MQ); Distinctly annotated Full Qualified (FQ) Little CM 0399/ 906/V17 Loera J 0869/ 364/1NE Obrian MR 8999/ 867/1PR Ochoa TJ 8999/ 972/V37 5811 18 20170101 20031215 20180701 NA 20181001 20050118 Lopez DM 8999/1113/V26 Luevano A 8999/ 533/1EG Isaac JL 4133/ 2/011 Jackson JE 4591/ 286/TMH Trice CR 6019/ 94/1TV Tripodi CA 0848/ 995/1NR FORSCOM WIAS POSITIONS (UPDATED A/O 24 NOV 21). Copeland JD 0699/ 351/928 Coram JA 3051/ 118/19F, c. JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF (JCS) TPU OPPORTUNITIES. Heinle KO 0399/ 864/V24 Heite RS 4591/ 803/QAW Roeder EB 8999/ 451/1HN Roofner JR 8999/ 461/UKT Williams SK 3051/ 339/1CK Williams ZB 2891/ 156/1FR Klich MA 0699/ 707/TLG Kouame JM 0111/ 76/068 New ALARACTs and ADs are also posted on APD at the following link. Nicholson JS 8999/ 279/193 Nicolas Jr HM 8999/ 652/111 Rivera CI 3043/ 542/1Y5 Rivera PJ 2891/ 444/SG8 4. Frates JS 0372/ 564/1MY Fredin DR 2149/ 211/KA1 The CCAP will consider the results of the CSL board; cognitive, non-cognitive, physical, written, and verbal assessments; and a series of interviews. X = MOS will be boarded. Non-deployability reasons for Soldiers of the U.S. Army Reserve are displayed as Movement Non-Availability Reason (MVNAR) and Personnel Deployability Limitation Mobilization (PDLMOB). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 14. Has been designated "no further service" for any of the reasons listed in paragraphs 1204.4.ff and of reference (b). Young CR 2336/ 956/1QN Young JA 0848/ 193/TZ7 Magofna TP 8999/ 946/1J3 Manzke MA 8999/ 861/1HK No Department of Defense funding may be allocated for payment of duties performed under title 32 for members of the National Guard who do not comply with Department of Defense COVID-19 vaccination requirements. FY19-MSG-AC-Considered-Selected . SFC (Join to see) 19.3K. Rivas Jr U 8999/ 576/KA1 Roacho E 8999/1025/114 Rios LC 8412/ 760/934 Rivas G 6391/ 396/1JX Abernathy ZT 2691/ 773/LFC Acosta AR 0111/ 318/032 Molina MM 0699/ 523/T15 Molina NR 6019/ 261/A02 Logout. I greatly appreciate this forum as a newS1OIC for my unit in the Army Reserve in AMEDD. I wasnt passed for promotion ever, my board file just opened for the first time for the boards in FY22 so this is my first look for CPT. Left? Gonzales GP 8999/ 162/KA3 Gonzalez D 8999/1053/137 Perry JM 7291/ 88/022 Perry SD 2891/ 431/1LB Chavis JD 0231/ 14/1C1 Chenoweth JL 0848/ 131/1NJ Baxter MA 0211/ 46/LKB Bazar SP 3381/ 546/U72 Kirk DS 2336/ 948/1CQ Kirk TF 2181/ 845/1NL Everett MB 1833/ 898/KA1 Ewald AK 0211/ 157/M6A Howell CE 8412/ 161/924 Hower HH 0699/ 747/TLF must plan to submit before new packet deadline. Britt LR 0241/ 555/115 Broderick NL 6672/ 713/110 Roland PJ 5831/ 305/QAQ Rooney CN 8412/ 826/922 CPO Selection Boards - United States Navy FY-22. Stone JJ 6391/ 344/VRA Stowbridge IAA 0699/ 417/1C1 Not Fully Qualified for Retention (NFQ-R) NCOs (put on notice), 2X NFQ in same grade = Denial of Continued Service (1st day of 7th month), QMP decisions (majority board vote 1). I was wondering if there were any otherS1OICs for the reserve side and if so if they could give me a list of systems I need to have access to, to best work as theS1OIC. Commanders will immediately notify the CMC (MMPR-2) of the intent to withhold or revoke the selection of any Marine whose name is listed in this MARADMIN. Whalen BG 8412/ 60/995 Whedbee TW 2149/ 776/175 Kovar JD 0321/ 62/1R3 Krenz WD 6019/ 74/1T9 Batton RL 3537/ 144/K46 Bauer TA 6019/ 185/1A5 Hoover HR 6019/ 104/1HT Horschler NJ 0699/ 811/092 7236 11 20161201 20050620 20181201 NA NA NA 6694 3 20171001 NA 20180801 NA NA NA Hill AJ 0869/ 958/1NK Hill JE 1349/ 442/198 Kalinec DP 6019/ 136/JA7 Kamber JR 3043/ 34/1G9 Sanchez SA 6019/ 101/1JY Sanderson SE 0491/ 3/TLF This message announces the release of the results for the FY22, Reserve Component (RC) Captain (CPT) Army Promotion List (APL), Promotion Selection Board (PSB). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Harding BM 0111/ 77/068 Hardy DM 0211/ 29/LIS Oglesby DR 8999/ 541/V18 Ogrady SP 8999/ 807/S3B The provisions of paragraph 3602 of reference ( b ) months prior ) is directed JS 8999/ Nicolas! 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