I think it should be this: Constraining image height with bootstrap responsive image? list-style:none; April 13, 2022. The code for this site does not have the same CSS, and I was unable to find it, so I wasnt unable to fix the issue. The grid naturally breaks with this pattern. But after some investigation I found that bootstrap itself scans all elements of the page to provide certain behaviour. Is there any way to add a caption to the modal window? It frustrated me to no end and I lost my love for designing standardized, best practices coded websites. Please check the paths of the pages that links are pointing to. Multi Item component. Not only that well show you how to code it but well show you using the most advanced front end framework yet! It has the great advantage of being able to apply to any content, not just images, so you can have squares of text or other dynamic content that re-size and re-position themselves. Thanks for your answer ! I have some opinion for you to get Mobirise web builder into better. The idea is to have multiple separate galleries (oranges apples, bananas) so that when an image from the orange gallery is clicked, only images within the orange gallery are displayed in the modal (and can be advanced previous next within the orange gallery) Just wrapping each individual gallery with its own doesnt work (of course), as the code still wants to fetch from all of the images on the page. Just one question, is it possible to trigger modal by click on the image rather than li? Said that, if the images are of different resolution and you fit them into the same-size container it might look pixelated at times. Said that, if the images are of different resolution and you fit them into the same-size container it might look pixelated at times. .images ul { I HAVE ATTACHED A SCREENSHOT KINDLY REFER TO THAT AND PLEASE HELP ME ASAP. Moreover, the plugin has the modal functionality which requires some Javascript to write anyway. This tutorial was really helpful to create image gallery on my business site. One that has a grid of thumbnails, plus a modal functionality when the thumbnails are clicked. to create an image gallery. It wont break itll just have too much white space on the sides for images that are smaller. How can we cool a computer connected on top of or within a human brain? Im interested to see. Good timing, too. Possible to install just Bootstrap CSS with Bower? Images in Bootstrap are made responsive with .img-fluid. Or is this a whole different animal? This is a new BIG bug. Thanks, videos are not supported with the plugin. theImg.css(width,100%); //THIS IS THE LINE I ADDED Hi, All pictures are of different sizes. Thanks! There was some problems with paths in our old versions, but now it should be ok. Please inform where thumbnail and corresponding large images height and width is defined in code. If you need this, you should use your own styles. In dreamweaver are the different screensize as follows: Thanks. thank you How can I disable an accordion-group *after* I open it? The grid naturally breaks with this pattern. :D :D thanks a lot!, maybe it would be nice that you'll be able to select a largeer detaild logo and a smaller version of the logo for when you scroll down. JavaScript and Bootstrap image gallery with different image sizes, Image gallery with different image sizes in bootstrap, How to avoid empty spaces between images of different size in an image gallery with Bootstrap 3, Have Thumbnails with different images sizes Bootstrap, Cards with different sizes in Bootstrap 4 card-group, Twitter Bootstrap responsive images with different sizes resizing unproportionaly, bootstrap 4 carousel same height for different image sizes and screen dimensions, Bootstrap grid with different image heights, Fullscreen bootstrap grid with different sizes, Organising divs on different screen sizes with bootstrap 3 grid system, Two rows with different sizes in Bootstrap Navbar, Table that displays differently for different screen sizes with Bootstrap, Another irregular image gallery with Bootstrap, Bootstrap 3 - Different grid sizes with different alignments, Unable to center HTML text section with Bootstrap for different screens sizes, trying to make a simple image gallery with popup bootstrap, creating image gallery with Twitter Bootstrap, Multiple Twitter's Bootstrap 2.x carousels on same page with different sizes, Twitter bootstrap image gallery with a thumbnail carousel, Bootstrap 3. This bug was fixed. If you need advanced multi-item gallery you can use MDBootstrap You don't need any special skills in coding, it has a drag-and-drop interface and a lot of options that can be enabled by switches. to an