Now there is a danger of the secret coming out. Perhaps you only want to demonstrate that youre desirable to others and be seen as prime partner material. Whatever your true motivation, its self-centered and hardly conducive to maintaining a healthy relationship. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. One day you will realize that your partner is not all they appear to be. Women who once cheated on their lovers and got away with it see this card in the past as a confirmation that they will be loyal from now on. Though such behavior is not beyond you, you prefer to see yourself as practical and independent. If you are single, the Seven of Swords reversed indicates that you may meet someone who is a pathological liar or a serial cheater so beware! In the long run, this can bring you more fulfillment than having to consistently change yourself for love. General - For most types of readings the Seven of Swords is a no. When you get this card, it may imply that you or someone else in your life ishaving difficulty getting away withsomething. Physically, youre in great shape. You are swinging into motion, things are happening around you and you refuse to let them pass you by unperturbed. In a positive reading, the Seven of Swords can predict that you will get the things you what despite the fact that you have bad motives. There is a desire hereto try and do things in a different way, one that is collaborative rather than independent. He has a smile on his face, which looks more like a smirk. Now is the time to get real with where you are and confront your situation head-on. Nevertheless, you will likely have to make a difficult decision for your own benefit. NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. "It can be read to mean someone is working in their own interest," explains Herrera. "The Seven of Swords often means that you should prepare for things to become more difficult," say Zerner and Farber. [1] [2] Contents 1 Divination usage 2 Common interpretation 3 Rider-Waite symbolism The Justice card paired with the Seven of Swords is even more powerful, bearing fruit in an attempt to see litigation carried out. According to Zerner and Farber, "We see the Seven of Swords reversed as a reminder not to berate yourself or work against your own best interests so that you can best deal with the challenges that lie ahead." Procrastination doesn't work. However, if you were not in the wrong, then it does not seem likely that your ex will return for a notable length of time. You wish to ignore the fumbling efforts of the ineffectual group and assert your independence. Seven of swords in Five of swords: Getting caught doing the wrong thing. On the other hand, you may have just ended a relationship, and dont feel confident or independent enough to make your way on your own. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. On one hand, it can represent someone who is sneaky, who operates in the shadows and gathers information that might later serve them. You just cant seem to make any headway, no matter how much effort you put into it it feels like your money is constantly slipping away from you. Seven of Swords Reversed Tarot CardKey Meanings: In a general context, the Seven of Swords reversed signifies coming clean and ones conscience kicking in so if you have done something you are not proud of you may find yourself confessing and turning over a new leaf. Shrewd, calculating, liberated the Seven of Swords modifies the card its paired with to include these qualities. This Minor Arcana card can however, be telling you that you may need to use certain strengths such as adaptability, resourcefulness, flexibility, your sharp wit and daring to put yourself ahead of the game. Think long and deep, study all the angles and put yourself in the shoes of your competition. The 7 of Swords can also indicate that someone . The Seven of Swords in a Tarot love reading is an indication of betrayal and lies. Sign up to get the link! Everyone operates in secrecy and to their own advantage on some occasions. Even if you do not have reason to be you will be very self-assured in the future. Seven of Swords tarot card meanings reversed This self-deception can be harmful, as your efforts to convince yourself that everything is fine wont necessarily make your problems go away. It may also represent ignoring warning signs or getting caught. Another possibility, is that you will be unfaithful to your partner. In fact, paired with the Ace of Wands, this is one of the best omens for succeeding in your own business that the Tarot has to offer. You will have to survive on your wits alone at some point in the near future, so plan now to be quick to improvise and evade scrutiny. Adorned with holographic gold edges. You may procrastinate, letting problems slip and become worse because you do not want to deal with them. The Seven of Swords is one of the 78 cards in a tarot deck. - There is a possibility it will, but be prepared for infidelity to be a theme in your relationship. In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Seven of Swords is not a great omen as it can indicate deception, betrayal, lies and cheating. Continue to envision unobstructed success. The Seven of Swords represents someone who has secret and solitary plans. Or instead, a kind of renewal of conscience. Seven of Swords Description and Symbolism. Similarly, the Seven of Swords reversed can suggest that you are deceiving yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing something even though it is out of integrity with your true self. This is a welcome development, keep it up! Confessing, coming clean, turning over new leaf, conscience kicking in, ignoring warnings, pathological liar, serial cheat, slander, dangerously two-faced, malicious, con artist, blackmail, unworkable strategy,being outsmarted, getting caught, running away from consequences, coward, no backbone, stealing credit, military. It may also be telling you to avoid making risky gambles with money or investments or dodgy deals at this time. Refrain from accusing those around you, but remain vigilant that someone, maybe an associate or a partner, might be looking to quit, leaving you high and dry. Wish You Had A Tarot Card Meaning Cheat Sheet? This card represents the positive mental habits of a natural winner. You may be unwillingly supporting someone whose values go against yours perhaps your boss or a political leader yet you feel powerless to defy them. If you have done the best you could do and responded to the calls of conscience appropriately, you are still a noble soul. Upright Seven of Swords Card Meaning When the Seven of Swords is upright in a Tarot reading, it means you or someone connected to you wants to be a "lone wolf." It is not easy to carry the weight of dishonesty; for it usually comes with constant anxiety of being found out. Perhaps you are still suffering from a break-up. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may. This could not only hurt your financial situation, but also destabilize your relationship. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. Rather than dutifully following the process, you may need to find ways to resolve your problem quickly so you can move towards your goals. This card depicts a man sneaking away from a military camp with five swords in his arms. Drawing the reversed Seven of Swords in a career reading reading suggests that your professional life could be suffering as a result of your insecurity. Lauren David is a Chilean-American freelance writer. Even though the 7 of Swords represents a sense of deception, the reversed position implies that you or someone around is willing to take responsibility for their actions this time. Advertisement What does the Seven of Swords card mean? Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. When read in the present position, the Seven of Swords represents either your decision to make an important change in your life, or the possibility that someone else will make that change for you. If you recently received bad news from your doctor, you may be feeling the need to keep it to yourself. If youre currently involved in a stable romantic relationship, you should scrutinize your recent behavior in order to establish whether youve been listening closely enough to your significant other. It gives an increase . The Seven of Swords is the card of acquittal. There is also an element of haste in this card, an indicator of moving fast in a decision making process. The cuttoe, or hunting sword, was a popular sword among Continental officers. 2023 Biddy Tarot. You may also find yourself contemplating new horizons. Though you currently enjoy many aspects of your workplace, you feel yourself stagnating, lacking upward mobility. This pairing suggests that youve made an important decision motivated by your love for someone. He looks over his shoulder at the two swords that he's left behind. For whatever reasons, you just dont feel like youve earned your place, that you belong. His stylish and colorful garb matches the three tents looming in the background, suggesting that he is breaking his ties with the group. The 7 of Swords in reversed position means 'yes'. The expression on the mans face shows quite a bitof confidence, and he seems to be sure of his success on this mission of stealing the swords. Embrace the chance to get ahead and get away with it. You know you cannot do everything at once nor should you. If you feel like you stand out, embrace it. Some might see this as opportunistic and selfish. The Seven of Swords reversed can also signify ignoring warning signs, being outsmarted or finding that your strategies or plans are unworkable. For some types of readings, the Seven of Swords can symbolize confidence. The Seven of Swords in general, is said to be about betrayal and deception. If the Seven of Swords is in your future position in a Tarot reading, this is a card showing that you must resort to some sort of trickery to get where you are going. They will read your diary and look through your phone if they get a chance. The card symbolizes the rejection of morality and ethics, moving forward no matter what. This Tarot card can also signify underhanded behaviour, theft, burglary, fraud, dodgy deals and a general lack of conscience. On a more positive note, Seven of swords can indicate someone with a very observant and active mind, and they are very independent. Examine the location of the Seven of Swords in your reading and the cards nearby in order to understand if independence and duplicity are traits that will be serving you well. The Seven of Swords can be ambiguous in a reading, suggesting that someone around you is being disloyal or that you should free yourself from a bad relationship. The message of this card is clear. An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. As a result, you will have such a thorough grasp of the whole situation that there will be no surprises -- and no excuses for anything but success. According to Amy Zerner and Monte Farber, authors of many tarot and oracle decks, "The Seven of Swords is a reminder to try to eliminate your most negative behavior patterns because a great deal of the opposition you are currently encountering is self-created.". Seven of swords as a person is someone who will hack into your email and read everything. Be frank with your colleagues and dont let a new job or career keep you from seeing them from time to time. Look out for any sneaky behaviour and listen to your intuition when something does not feel right or seems too good to be true. Perhaps you were hoping that this issue would just resolve itself over time, and you've neglected it - leaving it to only grow and get worse. Lies and tricks may be abound with the 7 of Swords tarot love meaning. Anyone who is self-employed knows that going out and doing it on your own means using any bit of information that can be acquired about your competitors. Some of these are minor, some serious. At a key turning point, you will find the power to turn the tables and free yourself from the feelings of moral bankruptcy plaguing you. The most important part of this illustration is the plain fact that, even with his hands full, the thief has not taken all of the swords. The Seven of Swords may also indicate that someone managing your finances is taking advantage of your ignorance in these matters. It represents escaping detection and getting away with something. It's possible that a partner has been unfaithful in the . See product details for: Hardcover $50.66 Used Kindle . You may have the urge to explore and discover some things on your own. If your lawyer knows about Tarot, he or she will love to hear that these cards appeared in your reading. If some of the other cards appearing in your reading are also Swords, the Seven of Swords represents verbal sneakiness. A spouse or a business partner may be getting away with stealing your trust. A perfect emotional placement for this guy, who is unaffected (he even has his eyes closed) by the people in the background. The Future position is one place in a Tarot reading where the Seven of Swords is about you and you alone. The Seven of Swords is a card that demands you look inward and examine your own behavior. Perhaps you have been talking behind someones back. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. Just as likely, though, this card could show that your recent crafty moves are paying off at work and in love. Keeping this secret may bring you stress and tension, along with deeper feelings of guilt and shame. The 7 of Swords is a tarot card that is often associated with feelings of confusion, insecurity and doubt. You or someone in your romantic life can be dishonest right now, and in the worst possible cases, even unfaithful. It may well be that you overestimated your strength or underestimated the challenges before you. This doesnt mean that youll suddenly become a cruel or selfish person, rather, you will immediately recognize the opportunity to better your situation and wont hesitate to take it. The thief is not necessarily a negative character. In a financial Tarot spread, the Seven of Swords reversed still carries a warning of deception around your finances and it can be a stronger indicator that you may become the victim theft, burglary or fraud. This Minor Arcana card also represents enemies masquerading as friends so it can also signify a third party trying to stir trouble in your relationship! Know that this is fear talking. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. Refrain from latching onto someone. The cheater or deceiver may trip themselves up or accidentally expose their lies but their partner may ignore the warning signs or choose to turn a blind eye to their behaviour. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, but don't play a deceitful game.". At the same time, it tells you that if you want a genuine, loving relationship you need to resist the urge to play games with your potential partners and steer clear of people who play games with you. The Seven of Swords paired with The Hierophant indicates your break with a group will lead to personal transformation and was a good decision. If there are lots of Pentacles in a reading with the Seven of Swords, someones personal belongings may have been stolen recently perhaps you are a suspect! When the Seven of Swords is reversed in a Tarot reading, it can mean you feel like a fraud or a phony even if you're not. She is the author of The Modern Oracle. While you might be thinking that you have gotten away, you discover that the situation has cornered you and you are found out as you are trying to escape.There are instances when the Seven of Swords may indicate the willingness to go solo. Upright Seven of Swords Meaning The Seven of Swords in general, is said to be about betrayal and deception. On a more positive note, the Seven of Swords points out that you need to be strategic in what you do. The Lovers card suggests that youre totally confident about your heart-driven decision, knowing it will bring you great happiness. There are people who are have surrounded yourself with who are not being loyal. In a health context, the Seven of Swords reversed indicates that you may be ignoring warning signs in relation to your health. If this is the case, have a serious talk with your partner about your concerns, or consider going to couples counseling if you want to make it work. It can represent careers in the military or security. It may be time to put some of your projects on the back burner to focus on more pressing issues. Uniqueness is highly coveted and will only make your employer appreciate you for the better. Read more. The Seven of Swords represents someone who has secret and solitary plans. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. Seven of Swords Tarot Card in its core represents lies, ill-willed behavior, escaping from responsibilities, and consequences of your actions. You dont want to hurt them, yet you also feel the need to save yourself from the situation you are in. "It could also mean that circumstances or the influence of one or more people could be opposing you getting together with this other person.". For example, you may be asked to travel for work to attend a high-profile event, but it would mean missing your childs birthday, so you decline the travel opportunity, even though you know it will upset your boss. With The World card paired to your Seven of Swords, you might be missing out on a lot of what life has to offer out of a sense of alienation or fear. The Seven of Swords in Tarot stands for running away, lone wolf style, and hidden dishonor. Be aware that any time you use cunning or deception to gain an advantage over someone or something else, you are at risk of being found out. There may be some shady characters in your workplace. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. Here's What To Know First, Based On My Experience. The Seven of Swords reversed is a warning that your days of juggling your affairs with skill, stealth, and self-reliance may all be coming to an end. 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