La prire d'Abraham ici dans ce texte de la Gense tient beaucoup de place, peu prs la moiti de ce chapitre et relate sa conversation, on pourrait mme dire sa ngociation avec Dieu. Haggadic traditions in the Oral Torah open wide the possibilities. This can be a very challenging passage to interpret. 22 Los hombres partieron de all y se dirigieron a Sodoma, mientras Abrahn permaneca todava junto al Seor. We experience God at work in our own world and in our own lives. He has introduced the ethical dilemma and now makes it specific. Another homiletical path might consider this text in light of the petition in the Lords prayer: Forgive us our sins, (just) as we forgive those who sin against us.7 Or another: You have heard it said that you should love your neighbor and hate your enemy, but I say to you, love your enemy8 What does it mean to hold this passage in tension with such passages? 28 Despus de esto, como Jess saba que todo estaba ya consumado, para que se cumpliera la Escritura , dijo: Tengo sed. If so, that would call into question Gods omniscience. First, Abraham acknowledges that he is speaking to the Lord and that he knows his place. En la guerra esto se llama dao colateral y la idea nos repugna. Abraham drew near, and said, Will you consume the righteous with the wicked? In this fascinating back-and-forth between Abraham and the Lord, Abraham urges the Lord toward mercy, fulfilling the purpose of the covenant.4. Ou alors notre attitude envers nos prochains est-elle dicte par lide que nous nous sentons responsables deux, comme Abraham sest senti responsable des Sodomites. Shouldnt the Judge of all the earth do right?(v. 25). 33Y fuse Jehov, luego que acab de hablar Abraham: y Abraham se volvi su lugar. The text does not specify whether God is talking to himself or Abraham, but Gods decision not to keep Abraham in the dark (v. 19) suggests that God is addressing these words to Abraham. What if there are thirty found there? (v. 30a). "ser nacin fuerte" (18a) Vivir en comunin con Dios te da PROPSITO. Now he takes the next step, reminding God who God is the Judge of all the earth the one who loves righteousness and hates wickedness (Psalm 45:7). God has heard the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah presumably from those who have suffered at the hands of the residents of those cities perhaps also from those who have not been victimized but were offended by the immorality that they witnessed there. If you go to the left hand, then I will go to the right. What this text does say, in generalities, is that their sin is very heavy, and the outcry against them has come to God (18:20). Tal forma de pensar refleja, al mismo tiempo, cmo la salvacin de mu-chos, incluso pecadores, puede venir por la fidelidad de unos pocos justos, y prepara as el camino para comprender cmo la salvacin de toda la humanidad se realiza por la obediencia de uno solo, Jesucristo. Stated differently, Abraham was chosen, blessed, and set apart by God so that he might stand in the gap, being eager to see the nations reconciled to God. Todo lo creado lo haba llamado "bueno" o "bueno en gran manera" y esta es la primera vez que Dios dice que algo "no es bueno". What if there are thirty found there?. Entonces, decide suavizar su retrica. We are reminded of an earlier occasion when Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (6:5). What if ten are found there? (v. 32a). 27Y Abraham replic y dijo: He aqu ahora que he comenzado hablar mi Seor, aunque soy polvo y ceniza: 28Quiz faltarn de cincuenta justos cinco: destruirs por aquellos cinco toda la ciudad? A. Jacob oye que Esa se acerca. Auxquels il n'a jamais eu affaire, lointains la fois par la distance gographique et humaine, mais aussi par leur mode de vie, et oh combien !! The Lord decides that enough is enough and goes his way. C'est ici que ce rcit nous concerne et nous interpelle en particulier; et qu'il nous pose quelques questions essentielles relatives notre prochain. In war, some collateral damage might be inevitable wars, after all, are fought by fallible humans but God is not fallible and ought to hew to a higher standard. Il prie pour des gens qu'il ne connat pas. ; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1909, 1937) 245-250, quote from p.250. He decides to tone down his rhetoric. Soy en verdad un atrevido al hablar a mi Seor; quiz se encuentren slo veinte. Or if you go to the right hand, then I will go to the left (13:9). Abraham recognizes this by not taking the numbers lower than ten. 26Entonces respondi Jehov: Si hallare en Sodoma cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad, perdonar todo este lugar por amor de ellos. En priant, nous devenons les collaborateurs de Dieu dans cette entreprise de Salut individuel pour laquelle, rappelons-nous, le Christ est venu en ce monde pcheur pour accomplir pleinement la promesse de Dieu. No se enoje ahora mi Seor, si hablare: quiz se hallarn all treinta (v. 30). Habindole recordado a Dios de quien es Abraham ahora recuerda quien l es (Abraham). 2 Rev. That same word occurs in Jonah 1:6 when the sailors say in the middle of the storm, Perhaps God will take notice of us, and we will not die. Perhaps can express hope, or it can express fear or doubt. No la destruir, si hallare all cuarenta y cinco (v. 28). Si fueres la mano izquierda, yo ir la derecha: y si t la derecha, yo ir la izquierda (13:9). The narrative pivots in Genesis 18:20, when presumably the Lord shares the destination and purpose of this next leg of the journey with Abraham. What if ten are found there?, He said, I will not destroy it for the tens sake.. No se enfade mi Seor si hablo una vez ms; quiz se encuentren all diez. 22The men turned from there, and went toward Sodom, but Abraham stood yet before Yahweh. Lectura del libro del Gnesis 18, 20-32. La pregunta de Abraham precede la entrega de la ley, que dir, no matars al inocente y justo; porque yo no justificar al impo (xodo 23:7). 1b (Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005), Roop, Eugene F., Believers Church Bible Commentaries: Genesis (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1987), Towner, W. Sibley, Westminster Bible Companion: Genesis (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001), Tucker, Gene M., in Craddock, Fred B.; Hayes, John H.; Holladay, Carl R.; Tucker, Gene M., Preaching Through the Christian Year, C (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1994), Von Rad, Gerhard, The Old Testament Library: Genesis, (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1972), Wenham, Gordon J., Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 16-50 (Dallas: Word Books, 1994), Copyright 2006, 2010, Richard Niell Donovan, All Rights Reserved | 1997-2023 Richard Niell Donovan. Since there were three visitors who arrived at the terebinths of Mamre, the Lord stayed behind and two angels showed-up. Genesis 32:24-32 Comentario de Matthew Henry Vv. El tiempo en el que nosotros nos movemos es diferente a la eternidad de Dios. More to the point, he remembers who he is in relationship to the Lord. Completo lo que falta a los padecimientos de Crist Abrahn recibe a tres peregrinos (Gn 18,1-10a), Es asequible cumplir con la ley de Dios (Dt 30,10-14). Hoy se ha cumplido esta Escritura (Lc 1,1-4; 4,14-21), Pasin de Jesucristo, segn San Juan (Jn 18,119,42). If there are righteous people living in Sodom and Gomorrah, can God justify inflicting the same punishment on them that he inflicts on the guilty? But the repetition of the particle, abur, for the sake of, affirms that God is a God who acts for the sake of, on behalf of others. Hay en la Biblia captulos especialmente importantes, y ste es uno de ellos porque relata el momento culminante en la vida de Jacob. 21 junio, 2017. Gnesis 12:1-3 explica como Dios prometi a Abram una tierra, una nacin y una bendicin. El texto no especifica si Dios se habla a si mismo o si le habla a Abraham, pero la decisin de Dios para no encubrirle lo que va a hacer (v. 17), sugiere que Dios dirige estas palabras a Abraham. Ainsi Dieu, avant de prendre sa dcision attend t-il une raction, un avis de la part d'Abraham. Lectura del libro del Gnesis Gen 18, 20-32 En aquellos das, el Seor dijo a Abraham: "El clamor contra Sodoma y Gomorra es grande y su pecado es demasiado grave. If so, that would suggest that Abrahams conversation with God has no effect whatsoever on God, and God is less than honest in how God speaks to him. Please separate yourself from me. Que les autres se dbrouillent, entend-on souvent. RECURSOS PARA PREDICAR Lejos de ti el hacer tal, que hagas morir al justo con el impo y que sea el justo tratado como el impo; nunca tal hagas. Entonces Jehov le dijo: Por cuanto el clamor de Sodoma y Gomorra se aumenta ms y ms, y el pecado de ellos se ha agravado en extremo (v. 20). Y de la costilla que Jehov Dios tom del hombre, hizo una mujer, y la trajo al hombre. El desenlace del episodio de Sodoma y Gomorra muestra que Dios, aunque destruye esas ciudades, salva a los justos que vivan en ellas. The Lord decided not to keep Abraham in the dark, because For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of Yahweh, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that Yahweh may bring on Abraham that which he has spoken of him (18:19). He can imagine what God is about to do. Car l o deux o trois sont assembls en mon Nom, je suis au milieu d'eux. He has won the argument or has he? Cada reflexin nos ayudar a meditar sobre el valor de la vida, la familia, la amistad, el perdn, la fidelidad, el compromiso, la . 1b (Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005), Roop, Eugene F., Believers Church Bible Commentaries: Genesis (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1987), Towner, W. Sibley, Westminster Bible Companion: Genesis (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001), Tucker, Gene M., in Craddock, Fred B.; Hayes, John H.; Holladay, Carl R.; Tucker, Gene M., Preaching Through the Christian Year, C (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1994), Von Rad, Gerhard, The Old Testament Library: Genesis, (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1972), Wenham, Gordon J., Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 16-50 (Dallas: Word Books, 1994), We welcome your feedback! 2:25 Y estaban ambos desnudos, Adn y su mujer, y no se avergonzaban. TEXTO CITADO DE LAS SAGRADAS ESCRITURAS procede de Spanish Reina Valera, situada en Cuando los vio, corri desde la entrada de su carpa para encontrarse con ellos, se postr rostro en tierra. En otras palabras, Abraham no acab aqu, sino que fue Dios el que . La creacin dio comienzo a un nuevo periodo, y cuando tratamos de mirar ms atrs, es decir antes de Gnesis 1:1, nuestra mirada se pierde, pues all aparece la eternidad divina, y acerca de sta sabemos lo que el Seor por la Biblia nos revela.Entonces la expresin "en el principio" nos habla del inicio . Al sacar el tema de los cincuenta justos, dibuja una lnea en la arena. The Lord asked, Will I hide from Abraham what I do, since Abraham has surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed in him? (18:17 18). Presenta el dilema tico y lo especifica. 1. Particularly in those cases, the clash between certainty (God is good, God is powerful) and mystery (why do bad things happen?) Abraham realizes that he is (1) exhausting the Lords patience and (2) getting nowhere, but he feels compelled to try one last time, lowering the number by another ten. Sin embargo, es l quien se ve sorprendido por un ataque imprevisto, para el que no estaba preparado. Yet, at this point in the story, Abrahams repeated appeal to the Lords mercy is at the heart of Abrahams fulfillment of the covenant. He said, Oh dont let the Lord be angry, and I will speak. Si encuentro en Sodoma cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad, la perdonar en atencin a ellos. The tension ought not be erased, lest Gods justice be undermined. Por Richard Niell Donovan Abraham, en su preocupacin por Lot y su familia (y otros justos que pueden vivir en estas ciudades) presenta una cuestin tica. En aquellos das, el Seor dijo: La acusacin contra Sodoma y Gomorra es fuerte, y su pecado es grave; voy a bajar, a ver si realmente sus acciones responden a la acusacin; y si no, lo sabr.. He spoke to him yet again, and said, What if there are forty found there?'(v. Quel rapport entretenons-nous, notre tour, avec le monde qui nous entoure, sans aller trs loin, avec ceux et celles les plus proches, nos voisins, nos relations de travail. Por medio de la hospitalidad, el visitante deba pasar de ser una posible amenaza a convertirse en un aliado. Abram lived in the land of Canaan, and Lot lived in the cities of the plain, and moved his tent as far as Sodom (13:12). Still, one of the benefits of the lectionary selection beginning with verse 20 is how it illustrates that prayer can start with Gods words, and not only need to begin with human initiative. What if there are twenty found there?. Now Abraham doubts that there are twenty righteous people in Sodom. He could have suggested that God spare the righteous while punishing the guilty which is in fact what we will see God do in chapter 19 but Abraham instead chooses a much more radical defense strategy asking God to spare the entire population, both innocent and guilty, because of presence of righteous people living in the cities (Roop, 130). Es que el juez de toda la tierra no va a hacer justicia? Based on Gods own words, we can say with certainty that God does not operate in a vacuum but out of concern and care for the sake of the righteous. 22Y apartronse de all los varones, y fueron hacia Sodoma: mas Abraham estaba an delante de Jehov. 13,1 Aunque hablara las lenguas de los hombres y de los ngeles, si no tengo caridad, sera como el bronce que resuena o un golpear de platillos. Dice: "Cuando acab de hablar a Abraham". Ha ganado la discusin o no? Disregard of the poor and the orphan. We use our reason and ecclesiastical traditions to develop frameworks for understanding who God is and how God can be expected to behave and act. Will you consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous who are in it? Cest celui avec qui Dieu fait Alliance. 29a). Will God really do such a thing? toyota motor manufacturing mississippi jobs reflexion de genesis 18 20 32 reflexion de genesis 18 20 32. par ; mai 21, 2022 . This weeks first lesson moves the narrative from a divine encounter under the terebinths at Mamre to the road to Sodom. As que Dios crea a la mujer a partir de la carne y el hueso del mismo Adn. Aunque aqu Abraham no mencione el nombre de Lot, Lot y su familia residen cerca de Sodoma y Gomorra, y la preocupacin de Abraham seguramente es causada por su preocupacin por la familia de Lot. 8 La caridad nunca acaba. Commentary on Genesis 18:20-32. El Seor decide que es bastante y sigue su camino. Ahora Abraham est bastante seguro de que no existen cuarenta y cinco justos en Sodoma. Abraham fcilmente podra decir, Quiz solo hay un justo. La pregunta tica es la misma si Dios castigar a los inocentes junto con los culpables, haya un justo o cincuenta. But God surprises him by agreeing. Reflexiones Cristianas para Pensar y Meditar. In the midst of this seeing-off, the reader becomes privy to an inner dialogue among the three, which by this point in the story clearly includes the Lord.1 The question that resonates among the three and from the Lord builds upon the Lords covenant with Abraham: Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, seeing that Abraham shall become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?2 To this point, Abraham is clueless of the trajectory of this seeing-off a trajectory that moves the narrative from promise (fulfillment of the covenant with the birth of Isaac) to judgment (the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah). Abraham has surely heard reports about those cities and may well have known people who were victimized there. Nota La respuesta, en la carpa. Abraham baja el nmero por otros cinco. Now Abraham doubts that there are thirty righteous people in Sodom. 3. Si existen personas justas en Sodoma y Gomorra, puede Dios justificar imponerles el mismo castigo a ellos que a los malos? Consider this next to Psalm 85:10. Alors le Seigneur dit : Comme elle est grande,la clameur a. The tension ought not be erased, lest God's justice be undermined. From a sacred covenantal space to a nefarious one. 23Abraham drew near, and said, Will you consume the righteous with the wicked? Ainsi Abraham ne prie pas seulement pour sa famille, mais pour que tous soient aussi sauvs. Abraham will argue that God, too, must be righteous and just, and that to do so he must spare these cities based on the presence of a few righteous people. Puede ver lo que va a pasar. Primero, Abraham reconoce que est hablando con el Seor y que sabe cual es su lugar. The World English Bible is based on the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Bible, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament, and the Greek Majority Text New Testament. 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