Build a character with as much health as possible, then give that character Five-star Diner and Unstable. As the dialogue ended and the doctor shapechange into its demonic forn and summoned all his minions, I teleported him straight next to my other party members. He says that I can't harm him in his home. You can charm the Nemesis demons that accompany Adramahlihk. For example, if you are cruel to an NPC, - teleport out and kill the two nurses from the lobby, preferably with a high initiative char - after the second nurse kill, combat ended as I ran out. Your email address will not be published. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a. botanical garden mississauga. If you betray the Doctor, however, he will use the Blood Pact Command on your main character, purging his body and removing him from the game completely. Once you can focus on the doctor with the whole party he shouldn't be a big problem. If you have a character start talking to the doctor with another character positioned before the last door from the cellar route you seem to be able to switch to other character mid speech with doctor attack the door and the doctor sits back in his chair leaving you to move around the last room and position your party however you like. (or, should I say, 2.5. A prolific gambler, who even holds a wager with Malady; his gambling goes beyond himself, with clients also passing bets on her situation DOS2_DE_Planner (Russian) Basatan , The Wishmaster is a dwarven gambler on Bloodmoon Island in 1234 AD 2 2. Next time will try without snuffing the candles. Thus, killing Adramahlikh, his 6 nurses, and 4 Nemesis monsters will net you an insane grand total of 1,798,200 XP. Malady takes you into the demon's personal pocket dimension. I came with my party through the basement to the doctor's torture hall next to his work room. but, if you found multiple fish exchange scrolls, you can get the money multiple times. Players take on the role of an imprisoned Sourcerer and must make their way to freedom, either alone or with the assistance of their companions. If someone has another option it will be very appreciated. The other party members then can fight Adramahlihk and claim divinity upon victory. Of course, as several pointed out, strong AoE spells help a lot from the beginning. There's so many random crap in this game, I loving it. There are a few ways. It is recommended to do the School, Consulate and Gardens encounters before the other main quests, especially before advancing into the Isbeil or Vault quests. ._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa{margin-top:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._3EpRuHW1VpLFcj-lugsvP_{color:inherit}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa svg._31U86fGhtxsxdGmOUf3KOM{color:inherit;fill:inherit;padding-right:8px}._3Z6MIaeww5ZxzFqWHAEUxa ._2mk9m3mkUAeEGtGQLNCVsJ{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:18px;color:inherit} How I did this on tactician when malady didn't show up: 1. teleport and take out peripheral nurses one after another then disengage 2. lure enemies to lobby, torturer-entangle to delay the doctor, kill/charm others 3. use summons to block the lobby chock point, keep the doctor behind the door 4. hit and run to wear down the physical amour then chain-stun to death, In definitive edition the weakened form looks pretty weak, like 5~8k armor and 3.5k hp or so, and resistances between -50% and 0. The other party members then can fight Adramahlihk and claim divinity upon victory. Will you be able to stop him? There are 2 characters who are sworn to the god king that the doctor wants dead. Email. Somes tips for the fight (doctor full form + minions, tactician) - Polymorph : Use equalize spell on 0 magic armour (nurse / minion / you ) + doctor (that will divide by 2 his magic armour) - Aeothurge : Use thunderstorm spell in the room to stun minion - Summoner : Cursed electric infusion near the doc (some nice spell damage + hit) - Kill the 2 first nurses (not engaging the fight). Any advise would be appreciated (or, I could just let Jahan rot. It's stressed that you have to have Lohse as a main character and not a companion if you have her at all in your party. Remeber to fight with him at the corpse room and close the door that connects with the bunk beds to prevent range attacks form the other enemies.FOURHT. Then go to that pyramid and you'll be in his basement. The obvious solution to this is to kill Adramahlikh quickly but this may not always be possible due to his high armor values and perseverance skill. .LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH{fill:var(--newRedditTheme-actionIcon);height:18px;width:18px}.LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH rect{stroke:var(--newRedditTheme-metaText)}._3J2-xIxxxP9ISzeLWCOUVc{height:18px}.FyLpt0kIWG1bTDWZ8HIL1{margin-top:4px}._2ntJEAiwKXBGvxrJiqxx_2,._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{vertical-align:middle}._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center} Can you beat Adramahlihk? Eleanessa gave me an insanely powerful crossbow Im super happy. Menu. Congrats to Alyssa Gullickson on finishing her partnership buyout of Dental Health Services in Glenwood! If you use Adrenaline and Skin Graft you will get two big attacks off and that should be enough IMO. Playing Definitive Edition with solo elemental affinity mage custom build. However, doctor turned into Adramamammaamalikhhh first - from there on, Adrammmamamamamammmamalik started patrolling the house in demon form, left his four summons in the office - snuck in rogue, who teleported Adr.likh to the lobby to start the fight - green tea - the whole house aggro'ed, but was able to knock off Adr's phys armor, then knock down/stun, etc, kill before fight got dirty. Then I went in and stood on a distance and took out all his helpers first, started with the last 2 nurses. tried the fight at lvl 19 and I didnt die but I didnt think I would win now im almost lvl 21 and have killed kemm so I think its time to kill doctor now any tips for fighting him he seems like a pain in the ass. One of the nurses came out and opened the door, kill them and threw a pyramid in so I could get back in any time. After he tries to channel it for a turn or so, simply kill off Lohse and his spell will be reset, rendering him unable to take control of Lohse. Then I cast poison dart on the doctor, causing him to react and a dialog open with two options a) attack b) brive. After killing the Doctor went back to the cellar, still never found Jahan. Heres how we beat him. Kill all the nurses before you get to doctor. For the doctor, teleport him to torture room and quickly close the door before the fight start. If Lohse is not in the party, you won't see Malady when you reach the mansion, so no candles happening and the Doctor will be full demon when engaged in fight. While you are doing this, Adramahlik will deplete his inventory of potions and he will no longer be able to boost or restore stats. The "key" for my victory in the battle was to use that room with the hatch and the one next to it as the battle ground. A. When Doctor teleport me outside of the house, Sir Lora opened up the gate and with that opportunity I killed nurses first(luckily didn't aggro others), but doctor notice and went into demon form, teleported him other side of the room and nuke him with my two scoundrel lone wolves. Now After the Nurses Are Dead, Now to Deal with the Doctor, Divinity: Original Sin 2 Difficulty Modes Guide, Divinity: Original Sin 2 Beginner Tips to Fight Guide (Mobility as Priority 1), Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Eternal Artefacts Guide (Where to Find Them), Divinity: Original Sin 2 Beast / Fane Honour Build Eternal Knights, Divinity: Original Sin 2 Tips and Tricks for Getting Started, Divinity: Original Sin 2 Unique Items in the Reapers Coast. Completed the fight on definitive edition, on tactician and default difficulties. I felt so bad I reloaded to try again without tea, lol. Yes, I know I give a lot of criticism on the forums and elsewhere, but I can also give praise where it's due. speaking to Lohse at this point will cause her to rejoice at finally being free, and you can listen to her sing a special song. Just summoned two champion incarnates and beat the crap out of everyone. If he out of physical armor then apply Decay and use Soulmate + food that revive % of health, if not just be a suicide bomb and Idol of Rebirth. Yes, don't! Malady will be waiting there, so speak to her and she will teleport you to the Demon's home plane (starting Crippling a Demon). 149,850 XP for killing each of the nurses, for a total of 899,100XP (37,475 XP each DE EDITION). i mean what reason would you have to do it besides curiosity. You meet Malady outside the Doctor's practice, and she offers you a one-time chance to weaken the demon. During the fight, make sure that Lohse dies before The Doctor possesses her. Killing all 4 of them will yield you 599,400XP (229,700 XP in DE Edition). On DE, I think Malady doesn't appear for the candle encounter and Jahan doesn't appear in the cellar unless you have Lohse. He will not teleport back. 2H guy uses bone cage, gets about 18K+ armor from all the bodies, uses teleport pyramid, and hits the doctor with Overpower. Now Lohse won't walk to me about it saying she enjoys chit-chat but wants to speak to the one who recruited her efforts (I played co-op and she won't talk to either of the players as of the other characters). If Lohse is in your party, Jahan will join you on the quest to defeat Lohse's demon and travel with you on . Go to the front door, your hunting will be clear for your enemy, whom will being seeing how their evil little friends will die, one by one, meanwhile the rest of them only can see the show.SECOND. I just walked in the front door and attacked a nurse which sparked everyone to fight me. An archer who uses the move marksman's fang, it penetrates through the door. Snuff out the candles to weaken The Doctor (optional). 8. Maybe this acction engage two more servants (the servant of the first right room, with the corpse and the other one, from the room of bunk beds) to the fight, just wait for them, outside the house, and, when they aproach, teleport them to the center of your party and kill them.THIRD, because I haven't Lohse in my party, candles and chandeliers don't care to me or they do? Start a conversation with The Doctor using Lohse. Is needed too, creato anotther one or two walls of chandeliers at the door that connects the first right room (corpse room) and the bunk beds, because the IA will go through this door if the other entrance is closed. This will make his minions out of the fight so i can fight only him in that room. It turned out to be one of the easiest fights on DE. Buy all potions from him before conversation is over. . The cake glitch seems to make this an issue. Then Fane timewraped Sebille. This took awhile as the doctor had unbelievably huge amounts of armor. If attitude is too low. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/I did so by: killing the nurses in 1 shot (shield bounce and a really strong shield) 2)triggering the fight but running to front of house to reset it, doctor starts to patrol, wait for the Doctor to patrol to the right side of the house then pull him into the room just after reception desk. If you snuffed out the thousands of candles previously, he will end up weakened. If you have Lohse in your party, though, things get a little more complicated because if you take too long to kill Adramahlikh, Adramahlikh will use demonic possession to take control of Lohse and she will be permanently enslaved, leaving your party forever. Lohse Walkthrough This quest is automatically acquired when played as Lohse. Another way into the doctors house, have one character try to open the door, start the dialogue with the door. Finish dialogue, fight ensues, and Adramahlikh blows up into a charred mess as soon as he enters demonic form, taking out his assistant with him. The easiest way to avoid Lohse being charmed is to have Cyrogenic Stasis. Overpower Overpover is needed to strip The Doctor from his armor. First, only if Lohse snuffs the candles, the party will gain 19,400XP each time she decides to snuff out the candles, for the first two candle encounters, 58,175 XP for the many candles. This was while my party was hidden, so I popped in the ranger behind him and did arrow spray. You can then proceed to teleport him safely without the fear of him transforming far away from the mansion to an isolated location that doesn't allow for him to move. Alternatively, you may lure out the nurses out starting with the nurse closest to the door of the mansion using teleport then engaging in combat, after which you should engage in conversation with the Doctor while finishing off the rest. If you do not have Lohse in your party, then you can choose to sign a contract with the doctor, listed below. There are now several ways to progress this quest in Arx. Now Sebille is talking with the doctor assistant and the dialog has two option a) attack b) something a did not read (lol). Lo and behold, my saviour was non other than Sir Lora. ._3-SW6hQX6gXK9G4FM74obr{display:inline-block;vertical-align:text-bottom;width:16px;height:16px;font-size:16px;line-height:16px} Upon regaining health, source and maybe some more healing potions, return to the manor. First of all, upon coming from the front door I let Prince start the convo with Doctor, allowing Ifan to get rid of every single nurse without Doctor going aggro. He will express surprise, and if Lohse is in your party, this will gain you the ability to speak with him as Lohse. Head to Arx. When transformed, he will summon 4 Nemesis monsters, and be able to channel Demonic Possession, which will permanently enslave Lohse after a few turns. Switch to another character while that conversation is still going, than with that 2nd character just click to open the door and it should open. Now a fight start with the doctor and all my characters, but is the second fight, between sebille and the rest, hence, the first turn is sebille's. I managed to reach 38 so begin first, adrenalin-apothesis-eruption this point no magic armour left, then epidemic of fire and doctor is dead :). We had Lohse in our party which made it impossible to win because the doctor would possess her and become invincible. Then, because I was running a physical damage party without a lot of mass AoE spells, I made the fight with the Doc more manageable by assassinating all his nurses one by one before challenging him. Once players leave the island and Fort Joy to get . Somehow Malady wasn't there for me to help weaken the Doctor, but i still beat him at tactician difficulty as 2 lone wolves (ifan as ranger and prince as tank). So all I had to deal with was the doc in his full-strength demon form and his four summons. the magic has no way of knowing they are the same fish. So I cheesed HARD. I hope this helps the next player. ._12xlue8dQ1odPw1J81FIGQ{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle} In Arx, Investigate the wedding cake you will find during The Secrets of the Dwarves quest. so i just killed him in 3 rounds with clenched cheeks, necromancy and some exploding corpses. the dome at america's center bag policy. Each are worth 74,925 XP for a total of 449,550 XP. Strip the Doctors armor using Overpower, after that use Reactive Armor to deal the highest amount of damage (care for your party, it will do massive damage to everyone on the effect area). 19,400 XP if the Doctor offers the contract. Killing Adramahlikh also completes the quest, netting you an additional 134,750XP, so the total end result will be an absurd 1,932,950 XP. uw . Teleporting to the pyramid will thus teleport you deep inside the house's cellar. Not sure if this is mentioned before and contains spoilers: Finishing the game without killing the doctor and having Loshe alive gives a special ending (yes end-ing). I can't recall where I got the helmet Vo Charlen but for Lohse it does wonders in this fight. If I recall this happens at the start of Turn 4, so if I take into account the charm timing and duration he had about two rounds after the charm ended. I got rid of the nurses first then fight with the doctor. that's hilarious. I didn't snuff the candles and in the DE edition he transforms before the fight so I couldn't CC him to prevent him from taking over Lohse. Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp How to Unlock Calculesters Darkest Secret Ending, Yakuza: Like a Dragon List of All Coliseum Rewards, A little narration about the difficulty modes in the Divinity Original Sin 2. This guide will go trough how to gain 17,000 armor using the bodies in the city, strip The Doctor from his armor, preventing him from turning into demon using a chair, and murdering every nurse in the house, next to him, and he being none the wiser. So many of the big bosses who seem to have immunities to knock down, sleep and everything else, does NOT have an immunity to chicken. This way only the member that talked to the doctor will be kicked out and you can use the teleporter pyramids to get back in. I had collected and saved about 70 fish in act 2, for this moment. 5. Then she E&E'd out without being caught and accused. It should be a thougher choice, with more detail and more conversation and stuff around it. Don't forget the whopping 78,000 EXP for killing the Doctor's messenger after you get the 19000 from the dialogue from him inviting you to see the doctor. If you speak with Jahan, he will tell you that the good doctor is the demon and is currently hiding in Arx. My biggest problem was I came in through the back door (basement) which automatically triggers a conversation with the good doc then he kicks you out and locks the door (and warns you not to touch his possessions. I used mind maggots, so that lasted 4 turns during which Lohse was not possessed. Go out and do Voidwoken Fish Exchange to get into cellar and talk to Jahan for 19,400 XP 6. Easiest way to beat Norio Akuhara (Possible Spoiler). Had Lohse in the party, snuffed candles, DE. It goes beyond just putting points into skills or stats to immerse players into Divinity's</b> world, and simple choices affect your character's story. *Rush forward to help the elf; Lohse isn't in her right mind. Once i confronted Doctor first time, fight immediately started. . Not just like "make a contract with me and i come" "yeah ok bye". Now pull the chair under him (yeah I know), that will stun him until the fight starts, and stops him from turning into a demon, since he is stunned his first round, this already makes the fight easier, since he will be in his human form and he doesnt summon any demons, but now to the next part. I am Sworn and when I interact with the door of the Doctor's house it says that I'm too sick and the Doctor doesn't want to talk with me. Of the easiest way to avoid Lohse being charmed is to have Cyrogenic Stasis teleport him to torture room quickly! 2, for this moment Vo Charlen but for Lohse it does wonders in this game i! 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