"For He is our peace, who hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us." (j)My last advice is, to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." Do not the Scriptures command us to be perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect? He spake not of all; but, having named St. "(a)It includes the ruin of our outward comforts. No, when any such embers of contention begin to smoke among Christians, we may know who left the spark; no other but Satan, he is the great kindle-coal of all their contentions. and exhorts to walk in the Spirit.Dictionary of Bible ThemesGalatians 5:155132biting5821criticism, among believers8765grudgeGalatians 5:2-256511salvationGalatians 5:9-216026sin, judgment onGalatians 5:13-166679justification, results8452neighbours, duty toGalatians 5:13-185380law, and gospelGalatians 5:14-163209Holy Spirit, and loveLibraryMarch 28. Unity and peace are said to be like the dew of Hermon, that descended upon Sion, where the Lord promised His blessing. )Good results from cessation of party strifeG. (3) The best method to cure this great evil, and to prevent this great danger. You would have others to bear with you; and why will not you bear with others? (g)Avoid extremes. B. SimpsonDays of Heaven Upon Earth May 1. How this may be so for us is graphically Roy Hession and Revel HessionThe Calvary RoadThe Holy Spirit Bringing Forth in the Believer Christlike Graces of Character. The perfume was borne across the breach; so that the gardens were the, sweeter. Jesus is always victorious. He spake not of all; but, having named, 18. The righteous man is the man of stiff, inflexible uprightness; but he may be Rev. Nature's harshness has melted away and she is now beaming with the smile of spring, and everything around us whispers of the gentleness of God. "They are quarrelling," was the answer. "The Fruit of the Spirit is all Goodness" (Gal. It is to be like God. Do not the Scriptures command us to be perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect? "Worse than that, I fear. Steele, M. 'In Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but faith which worketh by love.'--GAL. Paul tells us that they are the fruit of the Spirit, that is, if the Holy Spirit is given control of our lives, this is the fruit that He will bear. It is not enough for us to have been born again of Water and the Holy Ghost, and to have received the Gifts of the Spirit from time to time through the different means of grace. Do not the Scriptures command us to be perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect? I believe Robert Lee BerryAdventures in the Land of CanaanConflicts with Giant MistakeCONFLICTS WITH GIANT MISTAKE I make so many mistakes, it seems I am just a bundle of contradictions. The gospel will not allow us to pay our enemies in their own coin, and give them wrath for wrath; much less will it suffer brethren to spit fire at one another's face. (2) The certainty and sadness of the danger. His power is boundless. And we, on our part, have only to get into a right relationship with Him, and we shall see His power being demonstrated in our hearts and lives and service, and His victorious life will Roy Hession and Revel HessionThe Calvary RoadThe Dove and the LambVictorious living and effective soul-winning service are not the product of our better selves and hard endeavours, but are simply the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Without entering here on questions for which a sermon is scarcely a suitable vehicle of discussion, it may be sufficient for our present purpose to say that, as usually, when employing this antithesis the Apostle means by Spirit the divine, the Spirit of God, which he triumphed Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureWhat Makes a Christian: Circumcision or Faith? Our understandings were sorely wounded by the fall of Adam; and they are but imperfectly and unequally recovered by all the means which the gospel affords. Divisions are to Churches like wars in countries; where war is, the ground lieth waste and untilled; none takes care of it. 1 Brethren, even if a man be overtaken in any trespass, ye who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; looking to thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Without entering here on questions for which a sermon is scarcely a suitable vehicle of discussion, it may be sufficient for our present purpose to say that, as usually, when employing this antithesis the Apostle means by Spirit the divine, the Spirit of God, which he triumphed Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureWhat Makes a Christian: Circumcision or Faith? 16 But I say, Walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (f)Follow after charity. III. A. When men are divided, they seldom speak the truth in love; and then, no marvel, they grow not up to Him in all things which is the Head. What shall I do? Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces" (Psalm 122:6, 7).(R. "Yes," replied AEschines, "and therefore I conclude that you are the worthiest man: for I began the strife, and you began the peace."(C. Believers are one in Christ, as He is one with the Father. "The Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness" (Gal. (c)This destruction infers the ruin of our posterity. (h)Mind every one his own business. )Wranglings destroy ChurchesAmerican.Jars and divisions, wranglings and prejudices, eat out the growth, if not the life, of religion. III 'Walk in the Spirit''Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.'--GAL. Paul tells us that they are the fruit of the Spirit, that is, if the Holy Spirit is given control of our lives, this is the fruit that He will bear. Bertram. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary the one to the other; that ye may not do the things that ye would. and not to observe circumcision;13. but rather love, which is the sum of the law.19. Nothing is more important then, than that we should be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit, or to keep to the metaphor, that the "trees of the Lord should be continuously full of sap"--His sap. And we, on our part, have only to get into a right relationship with Him, and we shall see His power being demonstrated in our hearts and lives and service, and His victorious life will Roy Hession and Revel HessionThe Calvary RoadThe Dove and the LambVictorious living and effective soul-winning service are not the product of our better selves and hard endeavours, but are simply the fruit of the Holy Spirit. All real beauty of character, all real Christlikeness in us, R. )How to defeat strifePersian Fables.A young fox asked his father if he could not teach him some trick to defeat the dogs, if he should fall in with them. Let me say a little on a subject which, like the last, is one of some delicacy and difficulty, though its problems are of a very different kind. Do not the Scriptures command us to be perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect? 25 If we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk. Neil. Gal 5:17 John NewtonOlney HymnsAnd on this Account That, Which, the Parts that Beget Being Bridled by Modesty5. What a catalogue we have here of lovely moral characteristics. One inquired of the other how his Church was prospering. There is nothing (next Christ and heaven) that the devil grudges believers more than their peace and mutual love; if he cannot rend them from Christ, or stop them from getting heaven, yet he takes some pleasure to see them go thither in a storm; like a shattered fleet severed one from another, that they may have no assistance from, nor comfort of, each other's company all the way; though, where he can divide, he hopes to ruin also, well knowing this to be the most probable means to effect it; one ship is easier taken than a squadron. Divisions run religions into briars and thorns, contention and parties. The flowers and shrubs of each garden discovered that members of their own families had been living on the other side, and therefore really near to each other, though they had had no communion, owing to the wall between.5. 16 But I say, Walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. v. 22. J. Wilmot-BuxtonThe Life of Duty, a Year's Plain Sermons, v. 2Sixth Day for the Spirit of Love in the ChurchWHAT TO PRAY.--For the Spirit of Love in the Church "I pray that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them and Thou in Me; that the world may know that Thou didst send Me, and hast loved them as Thou hast loved Me that the love wherewith Thou hast loved Me may be in them, and I in them." Gal 5:52. ). Do not labour to screw-up one another to the utmost. For those that are at variance are to be admonished to know most certainly that, in whatever virtues they may abound, they can by no means become spiritual if they neglect becoming united to their neighbours by concord. His power is boundless. A. Bertram.1. 19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. (2) The certainty and sadness of the danger. And God-like goodness has special reference to the active benevolence of God. Paul tells us that they are the fruit of the Spirit, that is, if the Holy Spirit is given control of our lives, this is the fruit that He will bear. Is not this still true that many professed Christians snap right and left at their own brethren, when they had better save their teeth for the wolves?Evils of strifeSpencer.They say of bees, that, when they strive among themselves, it is a sign that the queen is about to leave the hive. The individual members are not isolated graces, but all connected, springing from one root and constituting an organic whole. S. Paul says, "Walk in the Spirit;" he does not say, stand still. v. 22). And God-like goodness has special reference to the active benevolence of God. Nature's harshness has melted away and she is now beaming with the smile of spring, and everything around us whispers of the gentleness of God. Divisions run religions into briars and thorns, contention and parties. And God-like goodness has special reference to the active benevolence of God. ). If we may judge of their morality by the exhortations and dehortations which Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureThe Fruit of the Spirit'But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23. And on this account that, which, the parts that beget being bridled by modesty, is most chiefly and properly to be called Continence, is violated by no transgression, if the higher Continence, concerning which we have been some time speaking, be preserved in the heart. (Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.) A. God has set us upon our feet in the right H. It is not enough for us to have been born again of Water and the Holy Ghost, and to have received the Gifts of the Spirit from time to time through the different means of grace. Steele, M. Fuller, D. D.)PeopleGalatians, Paul, PhilippiansPlacesGalatiaTopicsBeware, Bite, Biting, Care, Careful, Cause, Consume, Consumed, Destroyed, Destruction, Devour, Devouring, Fighting, Heed, Lest, Perpetually, Snapping, Snarling, WatchOutline1. It is to be like God. v. 22). (i)Observe that good old rule, of doing to others as you would be done to. v. 22, 23, R. V., "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance." (Persian Fables. And not a few afterwards acknowledged that a real good and blessing was the consequence to all parties, by the opportunely falling down of that old dividing wall Party spirit is a wall of separation which the coming and the work of Christ was intended to remove. Whatever may be our experience of failure and barrenness, He is never defeated. It is a delightful passion. Goodness is just "Godness." However, this did not cheer me so much," continued the wolf, "as this, that as they came marching on, I observed they were all snapping right and left at one another, and I could see clearly that though they all hate the wolf, yet each dog hates every other dog with all his heart." (g)Avoid extremes. Goodness is a fruit of the Spirit. It were better, as one says, that Caesar should break all Pollio's curious glasses, than that they should break the bond of charity, or that the breach of them should be the occasion of so much inhumanity of brethren one against another. (f)Follow after charity. "Yes," he replied, "with all my heart." "No," replied the child, "that cannot be, for they are brothers." The perfume was borne across the breach; so that the gardens were the, sweeter. Finally, so many benefits were seen to be the result of the occurrence that, instead of rebuilding the fallen part, the remainder was pulled down to a low level, that air and sunshine might have freer course, and the gardens a free communication. III 'Walk in the Spirit''Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.'--GAL. Nothing is more important then, than that we should be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit, or to keep to the metaphor, that the "trees of the Lord should be continuously full of sap"--His sap. The flowers and shrubs of each garden discovered that members of their own families had been living on the other side, and therefore really near to each other, though they had had no communion, owing to the wall between.5. You would have others to bear with you; and why will not you bear with others? Would that this true and simple and natural logic were always borne in mind; then might the Christian nest be more peaceful, more like a family Divine!Unity among Christians to be sought afterMelancthon mourned in his day the divisions among Christians, and sought to bring them together by the parable of the war between the wolves and the dogs. And not a few afterwards acknowledged that a real good and blessing was the consequence to all parties, by the opportunely falling down of that old dividing wall Party spirit is a wall of separation which the coming and the work of Christ was intended to remove. (f)They greatly hinder the conversion of the ungodly, and the progress in holiness of the godly.

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