Cube Escape: Birthday - Unblocked Games Before they leave, Junpei asked if Snake was sure there had been 18 kids in the experiment since the news reported on 16. A key card dropped out of the file, and it read "BOTTOM DECK LIBRARY" on it. They split up to try to find him, with no results. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to reach other teams. He lacks a job and employment prospects. He also turned towards drinking to block out the pain and memories. The group examined the revolver closely and found that it was loaded with six bullets. The device, being separated from Dio by 1 meter, automatically activated, and he successfully managed to consume the pill and die in Alice END. Tenmyouji also taught Quark to be respectful of others and to be polite. Seven stated that he has been inside this ship before, in the very same room. Additionally here are the explicit solutions for every puzzle room. Akane tells Junpei that their childhood memories together made her very happy and that they were like treasures to her. Ace concluded that she might be the one who murdered the captain in his office, as none of the players could have accessed the room before they came in. The three players were daunted by the appearance of the room and Junpei suggested that they search it as fast as possible. In the Submarine Ending, Junpei's emotional connection to Akane is shown.[2]. The two deduced that the bunny killer would return, as their school also kept guinea pigs and roosters and the killer would want to kill those as well. While they were waiting, Ace asked Lotus to go somewhere with him, saying he wants to show her something. Together with Akane and Carlos, the three vowed to find the religious fanatic, and help Maria to control her SHIFT powers enough for her to be able to live life normally. Clover mentioned that a girl had died on the ship Snake was on. 999 Apparently, his jokes only result in leaving him with no friends, other than Akane. Not Clover though, as she felt there is nothing to lose. Ace had sucker-punched Santa in the stomach and was now holding the revolver up against Lotus' head, forcing her to authenticate. So we created Beyond Charts to put you on the right path. Lotus left immediately, but a pipe near the door had burst, closing it, and the handle became frozen from the inside, locking them. Due to the multiple time jumps by Sigma and Phi, all 4 passwords were ultimately gathered and the 4 bombs were defused. The 9th Man let Clover go as he promised and proceeded to enter Door 5 by himself. Dio investigates the Crew Quarters with Tenmyouji and Quark. They all agreed to do it in hopes that they find something important. This is a result of the second Nonary Game and disappointment from looking for Akane to no avail. Before they leave, Clover insisted on checking Door 3 and took Ace and Seven with her, with Santa, Junpei, June, and Lotus looking for other doors to open. According to doctors, they weren't hurt, but Lotus was still suspicious that something terrible had happened. The first layer is a long red and black checkered flannel, slightly rolled up on his forearms. Carlos then writes down on a paper that C-team will vote for D-team, D-team should vote for Q-team, and Q-team should vote for C-team. I wasn't using the reflection on the water to look up your skirt Do you really think I'd do something so so crude?! After Clover calmed down, Junpei and Seven told him everything that had happened since he was gone. Despite that the killer never showed up, Akane still felt it was worth it since the animals weren't attacked. Tenmyouji was strict with Quark because he wanted to make sure he would be able to take care of himself when he eventually dies and said that he never regretted adopting him. Upon exiting Rhizome 9, Dio slipped by them and went to the transmitter he had hid beforehand to try to contact Free the Soul, but was confronted by Phi about him being associated with the terrorist organization. On January 25th, 2074, Dio, on Brother's orders, infiltrated Rhizome 9 to stop the AB Project from succeeding. While Junpei was walking away, he saw Clover smile, which seemed unfitting for the situation, but he figured his mind was just playing tricks on him. Leader of Myrmidons In a third timeline, where Dio accidentally revealed himself to be the culprit under Sigma's questioning, he showed the activation device but was outsmarted by Alice and Clover, the latter of which threw the activation decide to Sigma. Ace soon pulled out a golden revolver found in the cargo room and took Lotus hostage to escape. K A mysterious man in a suit of armor in Virtue's Last Reward. Since Snake did not reveal her last name, so Junpei reassured himself that they were not the same person. Zero Escape series creator Kotaro Uchikoshi was confused by a fan who asked permission to marry a copy of his creation The Nonary Games. Tenmyouji's identity as Junpei is also intended to be a plot twist. The second layer is a striped black-and-white polo shirt. Dio's ending occurs in a timeline where Akane was killed. He slipped the 2 and 6 papers (from the vote) out of Junpei's vest pocket, exposing that he cheated. He attended elementary school in Japan and, in the English-language versions of the games, is living and literate in America. In another room, another child (now called A), was blindfolded and put into a reclining chair. With Clover behind the wheel, they raced down the desert, hoping to catch up to Santa and June, but they never do. They enter the shower room through a door Seven had left open and are shocked to see the horrifying remains. Dio is the only male character in the game to be paired up with Sigma. Quark wanted to be with him forever, even if Tenmyouji said otherwise. He is a survivor of three of the life-or-death games (In the good endings). Junpei looked around and found that all of the puzzles in the room had been reused from earlier areas. Tenmyouji and Quark betrayed Sigma upon learning that Sigma was actually Zero upon to the hologram in the Director's Office they viewed after he forgot the picture in that room. WebHowever, Brother is said to have had a divine revelation and created Free the Soul when he was 26. That meant everyone could escape but Clover calculated all of the possible combinations and concluded that if four people go, three stay behind, and if three go, four stay behind. He went back, only to find both of them dead in a pool of blood. Junpei stops using her codename "June" since it didn't matter anymore and calls her "Kanny". Junpei tried to stop him but to no avail. This gives Tenmyouji the chance he needs to knock him out. my tips for a zero waste birthday party for kids and adults alike! This also serves to hide his identity from the others, although he reveals it to Clover and Alice in certain timelines. As he entered the Storage, he was shocked to find June, who was bleeding out on the floor, and barely alive. Afterwards, the two embrace. After the only medicine that can save the incapacitated Quark is discovered, Dio takes it hostage and threatens to destroy it if Sigma, despite having only 1 BP, pick "Ally" so that he can pick "Betray" and go up to 9 points. Fortunately for Clover and Lotus, the group returns. He has a tendency to get attached to objects, like a chair or a doll, as seen in the 1st class cabin, casino, and the laboratory. Ha ha! They decided to not name the doll Junpei, as was suggested; instead they opted for "June", as June was the month which they ended their time together. After a sexual-innuendo filled conversation, they took the elevators down to E Deck and found Door 6 waiting for them. After the vote where Carlos chooses to follow on his note and vote for D-team to be executed and Q-team goes against the note thus executing D-team, Junpei is likely killed in his sleep by Mira, who is unaffected by the bracelets and is thus not asleep. It was 6 A.M., meaning that nine hours have passed. It said that "Truth had gone, truth had gone, and truth had gone. Junpei notices something in Clover's pockets. Junpei and Akane walk out but all of a sudden Carlos says he can't, stating that he promised to save the two in another history. Zero indeed does set them free, but not before putting everyone to sleep, causing them to forget the recent events. Junpei befriended her in 2012 and they were classmates for six years. He claims that the Akane Kurashiki he knew is not here, or anywhere. Junpei sees Clover's corpse in the 1st class cabin. They walked in to find the other four players in the room: Ace and Lotus next to Door 9, Santa sprawled on the floor holding his stomach, and June leaned up against the wall, exhausted. They went back to their search, and eventually, Junpei developed a water-bottle bomb and they successfully escaped the freezer. With one last threat of pulling the trigger, he ran out of the room to go to the chapel. He forgot about reuniting with Akane again. After having solved the Pushmaster 5000 puzzle, Junpei had the crates lined up in a way that everyone could reach the coffin. Does Virtues Last Reward deal with a lot of sci-fi Press J to jump to the feed. Instead of placing his palm on the RED, he had it scan his bracelet, and it worked, revealing that the REDs and DEADs only scan the bracelets. Your first choice will always Snake told him that the experiment was organized by a group called Cradle Pharmaceutical and the details of the experiment. Junpei took June with him and the two searched the large hospital and the shower room. Light taking down Ace as the incineration process starts. For example, in 999, he enters many escape rooms at the player's discretion and is a helpful asset solving the puzzles. It was made for Virtue's Last Reward and is an assemblage of Japanese sounds (like the funyarinpa). He had killed her because she knew information that would blow Ace's cover. The scene was grisly; the bomb inside of the 9th Man's body exploded, spraying his internal organs in all directions. Though Clover does try to seduce Sigma, he picks ally, resulting in Tenmyouji having 8 BP. Junpei bickering with Santa in the torture room. They split up to find the parts, but after about an hour, Junpei gave up and went back to the hospital room to meet up with the other players. One summer in 2018, Akane and Junpei were tasked with taking care of the school's pet rabbits, but one day, all of the rabbits in their hutch were brutally slaughtered, having been slashed to death with a knife. He noticed that someone took Lotus' bracelet, but at that point, he didn't care. Dio was willing to consume a suicide capsule to ensure that the others couldn't get the bomb passcodes out of him, but even then, it should be noted that he only did this once Alice began to torture him. In order to get the True ending, Junpei must go through Door 4, accept a clover bookmark from Santa, listen to a conversation about ice in a freezer instead of leaving, go through Door 7, ask Seven if he knows about Ice-9 when the opportunity arises, give Clover the clover bookmark when prompted (to prevent her going axe crazy), then enter Door 1. During her panic attack, Akane bangs on the exit door until her knuckles bleed, and begins pulling her hair out and asking Zero what they did to deserve to end up in the Nonary Game. He especially continues to retain his undying love for Akane, as he's always trying to protect her and make choices for her benefit in multiple routes during the game, even at the cost of his own life. As Dio thought they had no use for it, he told them the deactivation code for bomb #0, since Phi had asked him about it earlier. Junpei finds himself trapped in a room along with Akane and Carlos in the same room with a bracelet on his left wrist. He had been told to keep quiet of the events 9 years ago in the braille message Zero had given him. Ace started telling the group the story of how he got it. Junpei is also shown to be intelligent at times, especially with his wit. When he got his bearings straight, Ace returned. Junpei, Seven, and Lotus headed back to the central staircase to open the Sun door. June: U-Uh, Junpei Why are you looking at the water? She stormed in as you were getting ready for the party, sending you and your friends scattering to different parts of Wonderland to escape her fits of rage. She put the Sun key into the keyhole, but discovered that someone had already unlocked the door. To cheer her up, Junpei gave her the bookmark Santa gave to him earlier, and she teared up and thanked him. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Snake stood back up and started walking towards him. WebHowever, The Red Queen has heard of Alices arrival, and shes not happy about it. Overview Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward is an adventure game by Chunsoft developed for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita. She told the story as to how she got thrown in the incinerator in the first place. Sigma thinks that Akane will be in the pod but instead, a clone of Sigma appears. At some point, Diana joins him there, but she ends up getting a fatal disease and eventually passes away. They head through the White Doors together and search the Director's Office. = ji = can mean "temple", but can also be read as "tera". While in the PEC, Dio mentioned that he was a hero to Sigma and Phi and that he had fulfilled a mission to save the world. WebZero Escape: Virtues Last Reward You can find the correct paths for the endings in this playthrough and additionally you`ll receive all possible achievements (there are no missables). Tenmyouji agreed to this, but insisted that Quark would come with him. Despite Lotus and Clover getting a running headstart, Santa manages to pass them and scan his bracelet at the RED. Seven had got a tip from one of Cradle Pharmaceutical's workers that a ship would be leaving port that night, taking the children to a large passenger ship out at sea. "I'm no longer that little boy who played Old Maid with you years ago.". Junpei stood there in utter shock, not being able to move. Junpei's bracelet after entering a numbered door. In art, he wears a black-with-red-accents leather or faux leather jacket but he never actually wears it in-game due to animation difficulties. Hair color I was sent here from far away to save mankind." Dio was the best of his generation, so he was chosen to lead the Myrmidons. Clover said that Santa must have been one of the subjects on the ship with her brother, because he knew the "leaf words". While looking through the pantry, Junpei found a rusted knife. Junpei watched the students preparing to torture a kitten by soaking it with gasoline and lighting it on fire for fun and entertainment, and he inferred that they were the ones who killed the rabbits. He thinks the person is Zero Sr. and brushes off Sigma's reasoning that everyone is single-minded, trying to escape. In Latin, "terra" means "earth". Junpei's head then began to hurt and he lost track of time. Although Junpei was very serious throughout the Nonary Game, he was very prone to making jokes despite the serious atmosphere that arouses when the players of the Nonary Game were investigating a room they needed to seek a way out of. Quark became angry, shouted, "I don't CARE!" Carlos asks who Zero is, and Junpei mentions him and Akane being trapped in a similar game and encountering the first Zero. When Zero walks in and flips the coin, Junpei calls it red or blue (opposite of what Mira says). Junpei is annoyed by Akane's silence and for ghosting him for a year. Tenmyouji was contacted by Sigma Klim, who informed him that if he wanted to see Akane, he needed to come to the Moon. After yelling about how he did not come this far to die, Carlos throws him out of the way and takes the decision upon himself. He got suspicious as they had not encountered other automatic doors before this one, but Junpei decided to head through anyway. Unknown They took the 0 key card and rushed out of the room. In this pathway, Dio is a solo with 6 BP paired up with Clover, who has 6 BP, and Sigma, who has 1 BP, going to the laboratory. The players decided to see what happened to the 9th Man and opened Door 5. The "sinister hand tip" found in Clover's hand. Seven checked Clover's pulse, but it was too late. He realized humans weren't as beautiful as he thought and seeing all of this darkened Junpei's outlook on life and humanity, taking a severe toll on his mental and emotional health. Dio came from the 4th generation of the Myrmidons. Late, but here's my Akane Christmas Tree! Junpei learns of prosopagnosia from Lotus. At that moment, Cloved raised an axe she had hidden behind her back, and chopped him with it. After listening to Zero's announcement about the Nonary Game, he and the other players decided to split up temporarily to investigate the sections of the ship they were able to access. In an almost zombie-like state, Junpei returned to the storage and discovered a submarine. While looking at the safe, Junpei realizes that someone may have opened it earlier. Despite this, Ace wasn't concerned as he still got to go through Door 1. He betrays Sigma and Phi in the first round of the AB Game, bringing his BP to 6. I guess I don't see why notThere she goes Now stay calm, Junpei. Ace started roaring with laughter and congratulated Junpei for discovering that he had the number 9 bracelet. Blond Hair color Nine years later in 2027, when Junpei returned home on an unfortunate night to find his apartment window opened, he went to close it only to see a reflection of a figure with a gas mask on their face. This occurs after the 5th round of the AB Game in Phi END in which he is a cyan pair. Akane then walks away, but not without faint tears in her eyes. Another instance was during Alice END, where Alice forced him on the ground while he interrogated her. Junpei investigates the 1st class cabin and casino with Snake and Seven. If Sigma concedes, he is almost killed and Dio escapes, and in the other pathway he indeed shows himself willing to destroy the medicine he took hostage if Sigma refuses. When Quark decided he should come back and apologize, it started raining. Junpei and his group rushed down the long hallway behind the door and authenticated at the DEAD with only a few seconds to spare. Sigma then remembers that he has the key tied to his ankle and returns to the facility with everyone following. This sequence represents an astronomical phenomenon, possibly a syzygy, or a reference to the "totallunar eclipse". After his explanation, Tenmyouji and Quark bid farewell to? A furious Lotus slaps Junpei hard across the face for what happened before. He tried to recollect what happened earlier and started banging on the metal door to call for help but to no avail. Dio eventually admitted to being a Myrmidon, and tried to kill Phi with a rock, but was quickly stopped by Sigma, who had heard most of their conversation on the radio, with the rest being static. Junpei looked very serious and told Akane something she would never forget - something which made her feel some sense of relief. 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors 100% Complete Guide by OperationKakera This sets Junpei up as a somewhat confused young adult who is unsure what to do with his life, and doesn't really care about anything that much. Before Tenmyouji can react, Phi appears, telling them they found something in the Crew Quarters. On the cyan door routes, in which backstories are revealed after the first, On Luna's route before the second Ambidex game, Dio says that he has a lot of Gentlepoints, which is a reference to the. The metal door to call for help but to no avail to earlier. Still felt it was 6 A.M., meaning that nine hours have passed 's... 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